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Brett and the boys were acting weird.

I had to stay behind in my English class to help reorganize our desks after a fishbowl discussion. Ms. Martin then kept me way longer with small chat. It was nice and I wasn't going to say I had to go, or else that'd be rude but to my relief and slight embarrassment, my stomach growled and she ushered me out the door and toward the lunchroom.

I showed up about 15 minutes into lunch, only leaving me about 15 minutes to eat. Brett wasn't there when I sat, instead walking over five minutes later, saying he had a nosebleed he had to take care of.

While Brett was his usual self, the other guys seemed more... jittery. The other girls would try to make conversation like normal, asking about their weekends but they respond really vaguely when they normally go on and on. It's short and to the point, even when we ask them about the upcoming game. I, at first, thought it was because they were nervous about playing our school's rivals, but usually, they'd be hyped at the chance to take them down. When I tried to keep the conversation going, they would answer vaguely and wouldn't even look in my direction, which really meant that something was weird.

As the bell rang, I asked Brett about it but he brushed me off with a kiss to the cheek, saying their coach was really on them about this week's game.

The day continued and I eventually forgot about it. The rest of my classes went by like usual. I worked on my painting (making progress!) and then went to the library to meet Megumi. I made some beneficial progress on our project over the weekend and am excited to see what he thinks. But when I got there, he wasn't waiting for me like usual.

I wait a few minutes before shooting him a text and then another few minutes. I know he wouldn't have forgotten, so where would he be? I huff and pack my bag— maybe he had his shift moved up? I didn't think he had work today and I feel like he would've texted me. As I walk out of the library, I almost collide with the janitor sanitation cart as it moves by me.

"Sorry, young lady— didn't see ya there." The janitor says, a startled look on his weathered face.

"It's okay! I should've been looking where I was going," I smile. I pick up the mop that fell on the ground. "Here."

"Thank you," the janitor, his name tag reads Jogo, sighs loudly.

"Are you alright?" I find myself asking. His old face looks a little sweaty. His eyes are tired.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." He grunts. "Just had to clean up the aftermath of a fight. My back is sore now from all that scrubbing. Those splotches were small but stubborn! When I find those hooligans, I'm gonna give 'em a piece of my mind."

A terrible feeling rips through my stomach. Brett and the boys being weird at lunch, and now Megumi not showing up.

"I'm... sorry to hear that," I offer, feeling queasy but don't want to jump to conclusions. Jogo nods and is about to wheel away.

"Would you happen to know when that fight happened?" I find myself asking.

"Sometime around third and fourth hour, I'd assume." Jogo offers and I get a chill. That'd be right around lunchtime.

"Which classroom?"

Jogo laughs, "You trying to be like Nancy Drew or something eh?"

I laughed with him but it's forced and nervous.

"Room 302," he says, wheeling away. "Let me know if you find out who it was."

"Sure," I mumble. I turn in the other direction looking for 302. It's in a wing near the theatre and an elective wing. Classes like parenting, acting 101, and life skills are usually here. I find the classroom at the end of the hall, across from the garage where Megumi takes a mechanics class. He told me they fix up old cars, an easy A. He has this class right before lunch.

This Side of Paradise (Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now