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Megumi POV


To be completely honest, I don't remember much of the presentation. I know I said the right words and talked about the right events, but my brain was too focused on a certain someone.

No matter how hard I try, Y/N stays on my mind.

I think my head is now buried beneath the quicksand and at this rate, I'm way past being a goner. I'm dead and it's terrifying. But at the same time, it's addictive because there are little moments where I think she feels the same, and those moments keep me breathing.

There's something charged in the air between us and I'm pretty sure she acts differently around me sometimes. Not in a bad way. She's true to who she is around me, which I love about her, but she acts almost... shy? She'll get tripped up on her words and I find that when I tease her, her reactions are more endearing and timid than before. Maybe that's because we're comfortable when we're together but I swear (unless I'm crazy) she can feel that tension too. Still, she keeps me on my toes and it's even worse than before. And the funny thing is, I don't think she's aware of it. She'll do these little things that affect me more than they should.

Class continues with other student presentations but I'm not listening. Hyper aware of Y/N next to me and in that dress. She wore it when we met up in the library for the first time. She could honestly wear a paper bag and still look gorgeous, but something about how she looks in this specific dress makes my brain melt into goo.

I try to stifle a yawn. I did not sleep well last night. The spare room was nice and the bed was insanely comfortable but knowing that Y/N was right next door kept me from closing my eyes. 

I almost went to see her. My hand hovered over the door handle for way too long but I stopped myself. She just got out of a relationship, albeit it was a toxic one but it was long. There's no way she'd be interested in a relationship so soon, especially with me. My heart pounds in my chest, trying to go to her. 

I think back to this morning and just the thought of Y/N in her pajamas makes my chest tighten. God her legs, and the way her shorts hugged her ass. It was like I was caught in a trance; I couldn't look away. I rub my face with my hands, trying desperately to regain some sanity.

Ugh and the way she reacted to my cooking! It gave me the biggest ego boost of the century. I could've floated away if she had kept complimenting me like that. I don't think I've ever received so much praise from a person before... and I'm embarrassed to say that I really liked it. I bet my ears were a bright pink for most of breakfast. Thankfully, doing the dishes gave me an out and let me collect myself before I would've lost my cool.

Y/N has become the most important person in my life recently. A genuine friend that I know I can trust and rely on. I know she just got out of a relationship with a piece of shit and I'm more than happy to be friends... but I don't know how much longer I can hold back.

Right now, she's sitting next to me, engaged in the presentation, nodding along and making sure these kids know she is listening. It's adorable. I know I joke with her about the nickname Sunshine but the way her smile lights up a room and her comforting energy just wraps anyone in a warm embrace, it's obvious that the name suits her very well.

The students presenting finish and after we clap and they sit down, Gojo talks about who knows what before dismissing class. Y/N turns to me with a large grin on her face, "I think we killed it!"

"Killed in a good way or...?"

She rolls her eyes with a light scoff, "I was worried when I forgot to say that thing about Mary Antoinette but I was able to work it back in at the end so that's good. Also," she leans in a little, "I think our poster is the best one."

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