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The only thing I hear as I watch Megumi get dragged away by Gojo is my own breath. This was the first fight he's been in for a long time and it was bad. Brett was ushered away with blood all over his face, some dribbling from his chin onto his shirt. There was a large crowd of students since it was during lunch and now he is going to be in big trouble, all because of me. All because of my stupid issues with Brett. Megumi was just trying to protect me and now he's going to get expelled and—

"Y/N, are you okay?" Nobara asks, her hand resting on my shoulder gently. I don't even know what to say and when I try, all I can do is inhale a shakey breath before more tears fall.

"Let's go to the bathroom," Maki says from next to her and they walk with me away from the cafeteria, where many eyes trail after me. As we walk in, there are still a few girls in there, but once they look at the state I'm in, paired with hard glares from Nobara and Maki, they leave quickly.

"God I can't believe how stupid they are. Do they understand how ridiculous and primitive they look when they fight like that?" Maki grumbles as she grabs some paper towel and wets it before bending down to deal with my knees. I didn't realize they were bleeding but I hit pretty hard on the carpeted floor.

"It's the whole ritual of proving who is manlier, it's so embarrassing..." Nobara agrees, opening her backpack and ruffling through until she finds some makeup wipes. They both continue talking about the fight and I stay quiet for most of it. I can't stop thinking of what will happen to Megumi. Will he not be able to get accepted into some schools if this shows up on his record? It'll be all my fault.

"Hey what's wrong?" Maki asks, coming back from throwing away the used paper towels. Nobara gives me another makeup wipe since new tears are in my eyes.

I take a deep breath to regain some of my composure and do my best to fill them in on the situation. I watch as their faces turn from confused to angry to absolutely livid in a matter of minutes before morphing into one of understanding. After I explain, my tears have dried and my heart isn't pounding in my ears anymore.

"Fuck men, dude." Maki sighs as she leans against the sink. Nobara nods in understanding. It makes me smile.

"But I will say if someone fought for me like that, I would be swooning," Nobara says.

"Babe, I'll protect your honor if that ever happens, don't even worry about it," Maki says.

"I'd do the same for you."

It causes me to laugh lightly and they both look at me again. "Oh shit, your arm." Nobara says and I look at my wrist to see it starting to bruise. I lightly touch it and the skin is tender. Nobara leafs through her bag and gives me some painkillers which I gladly accept.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," I say, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Of course," Maki says and Nobara nods, "what're friends for?"

I do my best to smile and finish wiping some smeared mascara from under my eye.

"Oh! Here," Maki says, picking up a beat-up black composition notebook, Megumi's notebook. "Thought you'd want this."

I hesitantly accept it and when I do, the bell rings. Lunch is over.

"Thanks again, sorry it cut into your lunch," I apologize, grabbing my bag and putting the notebook in.

"It was no problem," Nobara says.

"Let us know if you need anything, okay?"

"I will," I smile as we head out in separate directions. On the walk to my next class, I do my best to compose myself but when I get to history and see that someone is filling in for Gojo, my stomach plummets to the floor. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I walk to my seat, wishing the floor would swallow me up.

This Side of Paradise (Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now