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I hop out of my car and make my way into the coffee shop. Sunday came sooner than I thought it would. After getting home on Friday, I relax for a few hours before the football game. Brett played really well and he said the recruiter would be in touch. I was very excited for him. He's worked so hard to get to this point and it makes my heart happy to see him go after his dream. Brett and I went to an after-party for a few hours before we stumbled back to my house and Brett spent the night.

I look around at the tables and it seems Megumi isn't here yet so I get in line. Saturday was very productive. My art teacher gave me keys to the art room to work on one of my projects more. I locked into my zone and painted for hours. It was glorious.

I texted Brett asking if he wanted to get dinner, but he said he couldn't which was a little weird since I know he's usually free. When I asked, he said he was hanging out with his teammates for the night but when I checked social media later that night, he wasn't in any of the pictures or videos. When I tried to call him, it went right to voicemail and when I texted hours later, he said that I was being too clingy and that everything was fine. I got a sick feeling in my stomach, but I hate being the crazy psycho girlfriend so I put my trust in him and let it go. My Saturday night was very uneventful just me in my big house and Cake Boss.

I order my drink, pay, and find a seat. As I find a booth against the wall, I hear the door chime and look up to find Megumi. His eyes scan the room and once they lock on mine, he walks over and sets his stuff down.

"Hi," I smile. "I think this is the first time I got somewhere before you."

"Yeah, yeah," Megumi says. "I'm going to get in line."

As he's gone, I flip open the bio packet and review the questions. He comes back not even 5 minutes later with two cups in hand.

"I'm not surprised to see you ordered the drink with the most sugar."

I gasp, "it doesn't have that much! Besides its really good. Let me guess, you got a black coffee because its as dark like your soul."

"Haha good guess but you're wrong. I got tea."

"Early Gray?"


"That's predictable."

"Yours will give you a heart attack," Megumi quips as he gets more situated in his seat.

I take a long sip of my iced latte and sigh, "it's so delicious."

He makes a face as he opens his backpack and grabs his stuff. "Doubt it."

"Then try it," I taunt, sliding my drink his way.


"How will you know if it's not good if you don't try it. It's really good, I get it all the time."


"Are you chicken?" I taunt him as I wave my drink in his face, making clucking noises.

"Alright," he grits. "Only because I know you won't stop pestering me about it."

I watch as he takes a sip and considers it for a moment before taking another sip.

"You like it?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"It's no completely horrible but I will stick to my own drink, thank you very much."

I laugh in victory. "Did you have a good weekend?"

Megumi shrugs, "it was pretty normal. Worked both days."

"Cool," I say before looking back at my packet. " I'm on question 6 so let me know if you have any questions."

This Side of Paradise (Megumi Fushiguro x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now