Chapter 21

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"Doggy style? Fuck, yes, we've been trying that for a while, but your butt size can be a challenge," he said while grabbing and jiggling her gym ball sized butt. The sight of shapeshifting blubber never failed to fascinate him. "I'll grab a condom."

She held his wrist. "No need. This is actually my third birthday gift for you. I've been taking birth control pills since last week. Fuck me raw, Micah."

That flipped the switch in his head. He stripped his pants on the spot and rubbed his erect dick to Autumn's already damp vagina. He had to force the cheeks open though, since Autumn's pussy was buried deep even when she stopped and sticking her butt out.

Her butt was like a magnificent lifeform, pale globes under warm yellow light. She teased him by wiggling her butt to the tune and humming softly. The effect was hypnotic and sultry. When you reached Autumn's size, laws of physics worked differently, and the movement of her giant fleshy bottom was a concerto of flow and inertia. Clashing walls of blubber with irregular, but elegant pattern.

He grabbed her lush love handles, and when she got wet enough, he slid into her. It took several tries since Autumn had to adjust their height difference. She opened her legs wide and bent the knees a little bit. As a result, her gargantuan butt stuck out further still.

The cabin was warm from the burner, but the insides of Autumn was even hotter. Every thrust was countered with lapping waves from her back fat and her butt. It was a poetry of motion: action and reaction, the very definition of force. Sir Isaac Newton would be proud.

Autumn responded with moans. Micah felt really good. Fucking her raw was subtly different compared with condom, but he could feel growing intense heat and wetness inside her. Just so much fat inside her, stuffed and pushing his dick like slippery walls of flesh.

Micah added a little bit more push in his thrust and extra force in his grips. Her flawless love handles felt buttery between his fingers. Autumn followed by adding more power to her own thrust and their rhythm became one. It was a slow, but fiery and intense sex. He savoured every little nuance of her body, every little jiggle, every dimple formed, every pushback, every moan. The lapping waves of fat felt nice against his body. Autumn's body grew hotter still as their pleasure was building up. Her ass were heavy and soft and smooth. He massaged the unworldly dough, and whenever he gathered the mass to squish his dick harder, she clenched her cheeks in response, and both of them moaned.

A little bit more thrust and their breaths became rougher in unison. Autumn moaned yet louder. Here in isolation, no one could hear them, so her moans turned into screams. Micah's thighs were burning from performing and supporting such heavy loads. He was getting close to his climax, so he added a little bit speed and tightened his grip in the deep folds between her love handles and her hips.

At this point, Autumn's screams became a trance. His senses were heightened and even when he couldn't see it, he could tell the way her hefty breasts jumped around with erect nipples. Her heavy belly sloshed, jiggled, and slapped against her thunderous thighs. Just so much of her, too much of her.

"Autumn, I'm coming!"

"Oh yes Micah, give it to me! Give it to me!" she groaned.

He came inside her, his seed hot and thick.

"Ooooh, so much of it... so much of it..." she said in ecstasy.

It was one of the longest climaxes he ever had, as he kept coming and pouring his seed inside her. Not one drop was spilled as her inside seemed to suck and lap every single drop of it with every clench of her butt. Both of them slowly crumpled to the floor, all spent and exhausted.

Only when the kettle whistled, Micah could gather some power to get up and put the kettle away. They didn't drink the tea, as both of them were too exhausted and collapsed in the bedroom after that.


In the afterglow of sex, Micah laid on the bed with his naked girlfriend. They had dozed on and off for almost half an hour. The room was toasty now, but their sweat was almost dried up.

"This is the best birthday ever," he said half-asleep.

"Really? It purely consists of eating, fucking, and sleeping," she tousled his hair, her eyes were still closed in pleasure.

"Hence the perfection."

Autumn only smiled and kissed him on the lips. They made out and were silent for a while.

"Hey Autumn?"

"Hmmm?" her voice cracking. Now it was her reply who sounded sleepy.

"You're the best girlfriend a man can get. I... I don't deserve such gifts. I promise I'll be a good man for you."

"You already are," she smiled.

"I mean, I still need to work out on my neediness. I'll try my best to support your career while taking my study a bit more seriously."

"Same. I'll try to be present for you more often. I like your company, but I've been alone for maybe way too long. I'm still trying to work on it myself."

There was silence as the record's final song had faded long since.

"And physically, I think after this afternoon I should eat and work out to build some muscle and mass. Sullivans are crazy. A family of absolute units with monstrous stamina," Micah added.

"What if I gain intentionally? Can you even keep up?" she was almost wide awake again now. "Can you handle me when I'm double my current size?"

"That's a tall order, but let's see what I can do."

"What if someday I get too big to fuck?"

"There's no such thing as too big to fuck. Life will find a way."

"Do you want to try doggy style again in that case? I love being fucked from behind."

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