Chapter 8

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It had been a week since the 'incident' by the harbour. Everything seemed to be back to normal for the moment. Autumn and Micah still bantered as usual, did cook outs, played video games, and fooled around in general. For this, he was glad.

Still, he couldn't help to notice some subtle changes. Autumn stopped tackling and wrestling him, although she still liked to put her arm around his shoulders. Perhaps it was just the weather that cooled down a bit, but she also stopped wearing skimpy clothes around the apartment. These days, she wore more of old t-shirts and yoga pants around the house. Not that they actually helped hide her overwhelming curves. If anything, the yoga pants nicely hugged the billowing roundness that were her butt and her legs. For her size, Autumn's legs were unfairly shapely as she had no cankles, and her calves elegantly slimmed down to her ankles in smooth curves.

Autumn also seemed to be more self-conscious. She stopped playing with her belly, and whenever she subconsciously started to place her pudgy fingers on her belly, she would abruptly freeze for a second before continuing with very quick, brushing rubs.

In contrast, her nervousness seemed to spike her appetite. She was a stress eater like Micah had suspected, she snacked even more these days and at dinner she would often add second and third helpings to her already huge portion. She also drank more beer even she never got actually drunk. Autumn once told Micah that she had pretty high alcohol tolerance thanks to her inhumane blubber buffer.

Micah didn't know what to make with these new habits. It wasn't like their conversations had turned awkward or that they grew apart. It was just he realised there were some changes in Autumn and he didn't know what to do with them. Since the 'confession,' she hadn't brought up the topic again and he didn't want to disrespect her choice or intruding her thoughts. She did seem to be lost more in thoughts these days.

To make things worse, midterm was creeping close and Micah was swamped with assignments. These tasks were labour intensive and he struggled just to keep up with his work at Robb's. Strangely, all the hecticness took his mind from Autumn and for the moment he was content. And so it went for a while.

Finally, the midterm was over. The weather turned even nicer with more breeze coming in from the windows. It was Thursday night when Micah came home exhausted from uni. He had been sleep-deprived for the past few weeks and earlier in the day he had submitted and presented his last assignment for the midterm. He was absolutely spent and all he wanted was a long hot shower and early sleep. He just noticed that the apartment was empty and dark. It was not that unusual since Autumn would go out at least one or two times a week for various reasons.

When he finally finished his long shower and wound down on his bed, the bedroom door clicked open. Autumn appeared with an unusual wardrobe. While the room was just dimly lit by his desk lamp, he still could see her in a dark grey blazer on top of a plain black t-shirt. She had managed to squeeze her whole gigantic lower body to a pair of skinny jeans, which at her size couldn't be described as skinny anymore. The effect was bizarrely slimming as she looked almost half her size. With her professional chic look, Micah almost didn't recognise her for a split second.

"Oh, hello," he greeted with half asleep voice.

"Oh, hey. Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Nah, just about to sleep. How's your day?"

"Eh okay. I went out with Carina for catch up. We're planning to have a dinner somewhere nice this Saturday for my birthday. Do you want to come?" she said while grabbing changes from her wardrobe and starting to strip herself, her back facing him. The sight was nothing unusual as she changed in front of him pretty much everyday, but both question and the act still managed to wake him up.

"Um, that sounds great. My exam has just finished today. Who else is coming?"

It was like seeing a magic unrevealing. From the narrow openings of the tight clothes Autumn's excessive pale bulk seemed to bloom and extend in volume. How she managed to squeeze into those clothes to begin with was a mystery to him. Everything just jiggled and wobbled in the dim light. White, gentle round mass, expanding from thin air, filling space with its warm presence. Autumn had so much back fat it almost looked like a pair of blubbery wings. Her bra was digging into those flesh, highlighting the creamy texture of her skin. Her hefty butt formed twin round shelves behind her, with a pair of deep folds separating her narrower waist with her flaring hips.

"My business partner Priya. Well, business partner is just a fancy label. Actually she's a good friend back from uni days."

She changed into a pair comfortable boy shorts, and when she unhooked her bra, Micah decided to be polite and averted his gaze, as usual. Staring at the shorts digging tight into her yielding mass and riding up against her colossal booty was a common sight for him, but unhooking bra was the line he drew for himself.

"Cool. I'll look forward to that."

His exhaustion finally caught up with him and Micah dozed off in a matter of minutes.

Saturday evening came in a flash and Micah found himself standing with Autumn in an alley somewhere deep in the concrete jungle of CBD. They were in front of a Korean BBQ restaurant, the meeting place with the other two girls. Micah wore super casual blue t-shirt with navy blue jeans, while Summer was wearing a cute but equally casual black summer dress. He only went out several times with Autumn, but he just realised that when she wanted to hide her bulk, she was really good at it. Within 10 minutes, the other 2 girls arrived. Autumn introduced them to him.

Carina was a stunning Mediterranean brunette with shoulder-length hair and husky voice. She was what people these days would describe as 'slim thick' with her tanned skin and toned, but well-padded body, accentuated with her red camisole and blue-grey leggings. Statuesque was a word that Micah would choose to describe her, who standing at around 175 cm tall, was still dwarfed by Autumn. If Autumn was a Botero, Carina was a Bernini. She was a sales for fitness and well-being supplement, which totally fit her image. If Micah was a normal guy he might've found her hot.

Priya was a geeky Indian girl with thick, round rimmed glasses. She was around Micah's height with similar petite build and subtle curves. She came to the dinner wearing Dr. Who t-shirt paired with colourful patterned leggings and bright coloured accessories. With her kinky hair in a done in a bun and perfect white teeth smile, she was what people would describe as a quirky girlfriend material. She handled the business side of the partnership, where she dealt with clients while Autumn handled the design part. Again, if Micah was a normal guy, he might've also found Priya cute.

Right after they entered the place, Micah realised that the interior wasn't built for girls Autumn's size. She had to navigate her massive bulk in comically dainty steps to get to their reserved table. Apparently the taste was really worth the minor inconveniences as she happily pointed out. They ordered a ton of food knowing that Autumn who would be in charge: various cuts of beef and pork, noodles, chilli fried chicken, tofu soup, seafood and kimchi pancake. Carina also excitedly yelled for an assortment of soju, wine, and beer since it was a special occasion. While waiting for the food, all of them gave Autumn her birthday gifts. Carina brought a pair of earrings while Priya gave her a game store gift card. Micah bought her a designer's mini planter pot for her ever growing houseplant collection.

The food arrived, covering almost every inch of the table's surface, and the conversation slowed down for a bit. Micah and Priya were in charge of cutting and grilling the meat. Once they got it going the conversation flowed again, but Autumn was mostly focusing with the food. There was something mechanic but delicate with her way of demolishing food. In no time, she already finished three bowls of rice. No one batted an eye at her elegant eating machine routine; everyone already knew her prodigious appetite.

They chatted about various things and laughed a lot. At some point it turned into full on bad pun battle between Micah and Priya with Carina constantly groaning and Autumn periodically adding her own quips. They were all almost full except for Autumn who still kept eating when Priya dropped the bomb.

"So, are you guys dating or what?" she addressed her giantess partner and the boy.

Micah almost choked on his rice while Autumn spilled her wine.

"Awww gross," Carina interjected to the wine spill that almost splashed her.

Autumn scrambled to clean after her mess, but the spill got her cleavage and the front part of her dress. She flustered and stood up.

"Be right back, gotta clean this up first," she mumbled while scampering off to the restroom, again retracing her dainty steps.

"Autumn, wait," Carina called while catching up to her friend.

"What was that about?" Micah asked Priya when the other girls were outside the hearing range.

She only sipped her soju in a very annoyingly sassy manner, "Well, it's obvious you have hots to each other. You've been stealing glances at each other all evening, but avoiding any eye or other sorts of body contact at the same time. The sexual tension is so obvious I can use it as a pressure cooker."

Micah gaped. Priya laughed out loud. "Dude, that was obvious. I won't be surprised if Carina followed Autumn just for interrogating her in the restroom. I won't expect them to be back soon. Girls talk," she shrugged and took another sip.

"We were that obvious?" he asked again, still half gaping.

"I mean, I've known Autumn for years. She was always like that around her crushes. Tell me, does she get physical with you? Tackling you around and wrestle you down?"

"How did you know that?"

She shrugged again. "She always does that to the people she cares about. She did that to me all the time, but she cut back a bit knowing I'm not the sturdiest girl around. She used to do that a lot to Carina as well, to Carina's annoyance. I also saw she wrestling with her brother whenever they met. And last time she was dating, her then boyfriend received that daily. She just couldn't keep her hands off of people she likes."

"Autumn was seeing someone?"

"She hasn't told you? Oh well, there's no harm telling. It was two or three years ago. She was seeing a TV journo. Slightly buff dude, just a bit taller than Carina. Let's say... he wasn't a fan of her physical attachment. It only lasted for two months."

"And she hasn't dated again ever since?"

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