Chapter 15

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"Can I see your belly now?"

She shook her head.

"Are you pissed off with me?"

"Yes, but that's not the reason. I... I can't move," she said in total embarrassment. Her face was as red as a boiled lobster.

He quickly moved the table away from her, to reveal the biggest gut he had ever seen in her life. His jaw dropped almost all the way to his neck.

She had lifted her top and revealed her belly. Autumn's paunch, usually so round, plushy, and soft, was almost double the usual size. It was insanely taut and round, slightly reddened with exertion.

"Are you.. Are you full?" he tried asking.

"Are you fucking blind? I'm way over past stuffed to the brim. I can't move!"

"Do you need anything? Can I get you something?"

"Just... just help me to the couch. Ow ow ow, this belly is killing me," she said in pain.

He supported her by the shoulder and helped her waddling to the recliner couch. She dropped her heavy butt and he could faintly hear a slosh.

"Fucckkkk... that's painful," she said while cringing and giving her distended globe of a belly a rub. "Too much food..." she said in an almost inebriated tone.

"Do you want some belly rubs?" he suggested hopefully.

"No! This is your fault!"

"But you seem to be in so much pain. I'll get you a lotion."

When he was back to the living room, Autumn was halfway to food coma. He was opening the cap of the lotion tub when she stopped him.

"Let's make another deal..." she said in a laborious breath.

"And that is?"

"You cheated. I couldn't finish the food. So let's call this a draw."

"Sure, let me just ease up your pain a bit," he was getting worried as she was moaning in so much pain.

"So, if you want to give me a belly rub, you still have to cook for me for the next three weeks."

"Jesus, Autumn, you're almost exploding with food and all you think of is more food? Fine by me, I'll fatten you up like a pig. But you need some lotion now."

"And one more thing," she held up a finger.

He picked up a generous amount of lotion with his fingers and stopped halfway.

"And that is?"

"You can fuck my fat folds, but not tonight."

He broke into a big grin and lathered the lotion gently to her taut gut. It was so packed and brimming the food it actually resisted his touch, so he applied a little pressure. She moaned in an instant and let out the biggest, longest burp that seemingly shook the room slightly. She was looking relieved, almost ecstatic afterwards. The cold lotion was nice against her burning red paunch and she let another series of moans and burps. There was so much area to cover, but Micah was more than happy to lather up her engorged girlfriend.

"And wipe that disgusting grin of your face, you pervert. Carry on with the belly rub," she commanded.

He cuddled the distended belly and gave her cheek another kiss. This was going to be a long night of belly rubs.

More weeks passed by in hecticness. The university and work got extra intense for Micah, while Autumn had to fly several more times to Melbourne for her project. The relationship got tense at times as both of them were often tired and stressed out, but fortunately it never escalated into shouting matches. He often needed her presence and support, while she needed extra room to focus on her work and business trips.

The fact that they were confined in a smallish apartment didn't really help. Their relationship was a delicate art of balancing: push and pull, ebb and flow. Both of them agreed it would take some time for them to find the perfect middle ground, but for the meantime, they were pretty content.

On the flip side sex was especially great, both as bonding method and stress release. They rearranged the bedroom a bit and joined both beds. Both Micah and Autumn were willing to try different positions and plays, it was pretty rewarding. He enjoyed exploring her abundant, overflowing curves; while she liked his loving attention and his well-endowed Jack.

Cooking and food were also a strong and perhaps the central element in their bond. They still took turns to cook, although these days Micah cooked more often. Since the homecoming feast, it seemed that Autumn's capacity stretched a fair bit and her appetite grew by several notches. While she never gorged again to the brim, her portions seemed to grow incrementally everyday, especially when she was stressed out or just came back from her business trips.

Perhaps it was simply the cold weather that whetted her appetite, but he couldn't complain anyway. He had wanted a fat girlfriend, he got a huge and loving one. Feeding her was a small joy in his life now. As a result, she regained her lost weight and then a little more in the next two months.

It was a Monday afternoon in early winter. Only two weeks until Micah's finals but he decided to take a quick break after a big day at Robb's. Autumn just returned from another trip the night before and she planned to spend the day recharging and working a little bit. They were just cuddling under blankets on the living room couch for afternoon tea. The space was warm and fuzzy thanks to the portable heater. Autumn's bulk also radiated its own heat, to Micah's liking. Their contrasting bodies felt nice, entangled against each other. The enormous bulges and curves wrapped around skinny limbs.

"Do you already have plans for winter break?" Autumn began.

"No, not really. Do you?" Micah replied half-distractedly.

"Well, things seem to be slowing down at the moment and I need a quick break to refresh my head. So I plan to visit my parents in Blue Mountains next month and get some fresh winter air there. If you don't have any plan yourself, do you want to join me? I'd love to introduce you to my folks and my brother."

"That sounds exciting. I'm in. When are we leaving?"

"21-24 June I guess. Our family has this quirky Winter Solstice tradition for gathering. Also there will be a winter parade in Blue Mountains on Saturday the 22nd."

"That's even better. Wait, 22nd is my birthday!"

"Huh, so you're a Winter Solstice baby. Cool, we can celebrate your birthday along with our family's Winter Solstice. That if you don't mind."

"Of course not! Well, and only if it's not too much bother for your family. I really look forward to meet them," Micah said in excitement.

"Sweet. You're just like a little pupper about getting a treat," she pinched his cheek. "Okay, I'll text my mum then. Oh, they're gonna love you Micah. You'll get along well with my brother Kieran."

"Oh and by the way, I've never been to Blue Mountains before."

"Even better. I'll show you around there. You'll love it."

They spent the rest of the afternoon working out on the details. Micah was looking forward for the winter break, it couldn't come any faster.

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