Chapter 2

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"Of course not. I've been living in this unit for six years now. I've had several roommates throughout that period: boys, girls, trans, all sorts of people. The last girl, Carina, had lived here for the last three years. We were really good friends, but unfortunately she had to move out four weeks ago since she got a new job in the other side of city."

"Right. What about the bills?"

"Basically we split the bills in half. But on the second thought, that depends on your lifestyle. I do spend a lot of time working from home so I don't mind paying a bit more. We can sort this out once you move in and compare our gas and electricity usages. Internet will be split flat out in half, though."

"Sounds fair. And when can I move in?"

"Wait, what? You've already decided?" Autumn said with a puzzled tone.

"Yeah. I really like the place, and it's really affordable compared to other places. The location is really neat too. I actually wonder why nobody has taken the tenancy."

"Wow, you're the first person who said that. As for other prospective tenants, they kinda found the place too messy. Well, they didn't say it outright but I could tell from the way they looked around the place."

"I actually like the old time charm. I'm an architecture student myself, so I really like this kind of place with history and character."

"Architecture student? No way! Huh, you should tell me about yourself. Why don't you sit in the living room while I get you some drinks? Do you want anything? Tea? Coffee? Beer?"

"Uh, just cold water would be great please. It's scorching hot outside."

"Sure thing. Ugh, this summer will be the end of me, I swear. One glass of cold water coming," she smiled while walking to the kitchen. Micah could feel her heavy steps gently vibrating the whole place.


Autumn brought back a huge cold glass jar of lemon and mint infused water with two ceramic mugs. She poured to one mug and handed it over to Micah. He took it gratefully and took some huge gulps.

"Ahhh, that hits the spot."

Autumn dropped her hefty mass on the sofa next to him. Up this close, she did look way bigger, not to mention drop dead gorgeous. He just noticed her light freckles, high cheekbones, shapely nose, and striking green eyes. She had some gulps herself.

"Yep. You were saying you're studying architecture?" she replied.

"Yeah. I'm about to start my first semester at UTS next month."

"Wait, first semester? How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen. What about yourself?"

"Twenty four. I graduated two years ago and I've been working since. Mostly freelance projects but soon I will start a new consulting office with a friend."

"Ah, great. You can give me some pointers then. I imagine some of architecture projects won't be that different from interior. Also maybe some survival tips, I just moved in to this city recently."

"Of course. Where are you from, by the way?"

"Central Coast. You?"

"Blue Mountains, actually. But I moved here six years ago to study."

"Far out. Where did you study?"

"UNSW. Hang on, if you're going to study at UTS, why would you look for a place around here? Isn't it better to live near Central or Ultimo?"

"The rent there is just insane, I've checked. For the same price here, I have to share with other 4 to 5 people in a smaller unit. This place is pretty close to Kings Cross station, so I can just catch a train to Central. Cheaper in the long run. Also I love terrace houses and old buildings in this area."

"True. That makes sense. Yeah, I got lucky with this place since I've known the landlord for years. Adam is my dad's old mate from high school. He's generous enough with the price raise, since the new developments around the area will absolutely mess things up. Gentrification is pretty shit."

"So I've heard. Anyway, I'm just wondering when can I move in? I can settle the contract now and I can pay you the bond and the rent."

"Today, actually. Well, no, make it tomorrow. I still have to clean up a little bit just to make a room for you."

"Perfect," Micah smiled. "Let's settle it then."


They ended up settling the contracts in the next 15 minutes and chatting for the rest of afternoon. Autumn told Micah about her projects, how she got her first job two years ago to design the interior or her friend's cafe. Her friend loved the design and ever since, she got referrals to almost exclusively cafe and restaurant projects.

"It did take a toll on my figure. With these kinds of project, they always give you freebies and they have me to try the menus for some feedback all the time. Since I work from home, I get less and less mobile, and voila! I exploded," she said while making explosive gesture with her arms. The move made her whole body wobbled, and the boobs straining her t-shirt.

"I mean, I was never small to begin with, but I gained tons. The interior projects are quite stressful by nature and it messes up my appetite and sleep pattern. I pull all-nighter almost every week and I need pizza to fuel up in those nights. And after I'm done with the project, I always go crazy with beer. Just look at the size of this thing now, it's all pizza and beer," she said while patting her round belly, jiggling the huge gut absentmindedly.

"Consider this as a warning: don't go down my path, Micah. From what I know, architecture can be equally if not more stressful. You should take care of yourself better than me."

Micah felt his face turning red as he was trying not to stare at Autumn's everything. She was just so big everywhere and taking a lot of space next to him.

"Sure, I'll try my best. What about part-time jobs? Do you happen to have any tips for me?"

She smiled brightly, "Actually, I do. One of my old clients has a bakery in this area and they're looking for extra hand. Depending on your schedule, you may try apply and work there. They're lovely people, and they make absolutely criminal, sinful breads, cakes, and pastries..." she said while staring far away, as if imagining the baked goods. She was rubbing her belly again.

Apparently she was an absolute glutton, maybe with an addictive personality and a stress eater as well. The mere thought turned on Micah. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat to hide his boner.

"That'd be awesome. I'll try to apply there later. Anyway, I think I have to leave now. I need to go back to the hotel and prepare my things. I should leave you with your project."

She waved a hand. "Nah, it was lovely meeting you. I was so stressed that nobody took the rent for full four weeks! I had to pay the rent myself and I was bleeding! Oh, oh! I just got an idea! Actually, you can move in later this evening. I'm almost done with my deadline and I can clean up a bit. I'll cook up something to celebrate and crack open some beers. Maybe we can order a pizza too!"

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