Chapter 12

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The next few days were aggravating. Micah found himself getting overly attached to Autumn. He texted her a lot, but she only responded every once in a while. She did tell him that her schedule was super busy and she apologised for not being responsive. To make things worse, it turned out that she wouldn't be back until Friday or Saturday as she had feared. He also noticed that her replies got slowly more and more annoyed in tone. Perhaps it was simply the stress from the project, perhaps it was him being too clingy. He decided to cut back the texting a bit and get busy with his own stuffs.

University was still slow after the midterm, so he focused on working. He only took one or two pieces of leftovers from the bakery since there was nobody else home who would finish everything. Robb noticed his employee's change of mood and asked him about it, as it did affect his performance at work. Micah told his boss about their new relationship and her leaving for business trip out of sudden. Robb, being a kindly teddy bear that he was, clapped him in the shoulder and bought him beer after work. Robb proffered him some kind words and relationship advice. He also congratulated Micah for his new relationship and bought him another beer. It did lift up his mood.

Micah also stocked up a fair amount of groceries in preparation of Autumn's homecoming feast and did basic prep works while he could. Yet, the apartment felt so big and empty without her, as small at it was. This was the first time in his life he truly lived by himself. Out of habit, he cooked a meal in huge batch only to realised that there was no one who would finish it in a flash. Realising this in a sad mood, he stored them in tupperware boxes for his lunches over the next few days.

Micah grew annoyed at his own obsessiveness and petulance, so he distracted himself with video games and hanging out with his uni friends. He also tried exploring the city to see different architectures and visit museums. It absolved his loneliness for a while, but still, in the end of the days, when he laid awake in the bed at night, the room was felt particularly empty without Autumn's huge comfortable bulk filling the space and her gentle breaths across his bed.


It was Friday past midnight when he was deep in his sleep. Suddenly, something fleshy and unbearably heavy was on top of him. Something wet slopping against his face and he could feel heavy warm pillows smothering him. Almost suffocated, he opened his eyes to one of the most surreal but heavenly sight.

Autumn was on top of him, perching naked and sweaty in the darkness, with all her glorious blubber jiggling in the dark, only slightly lit with leaking lights from outside. The dim streaks traced the contours of her excessive bulges, made her body look even more sensual. Her belly almost swallowed him halfway to the neck, her barrel thighs straddled his sides, and her jutting butt almost covered his knees.

"Hello, Micah," she said in an uncharacteristically husky voice.

His dick sprung in vigour, it poked against her fupa.

"And hello, not-so-little-Jack," she grabbed the dick and gave it some loving strokes.

"Autumn? You're... you're back. What's this? What's with your voice?"

"Just want to give you a surprise fuck. I lost my voice thanks to last few days' craziness. Where's my welcome kiss?"

He felt his dick got even harder in arousal. He couldn't reach her face so he settled on her paunch. She responded with a laugh.

"That's more like it. I brought condoms," she said as she produced one from thin air.

"Wha? Whaat?" still half asleep, Micah's brain strugglingly tried to process the information overload. She slid the condom to his hard on.

"Oh, and by the way I decided to name this guy Jack. For Jack-in-a-box. Nice to meet you, Jack," she gave the shaft a squeeze.

Without warning, she shifted her massive bulk, lifted her massive belly, and ground her vagina against her dick. Micah never gave it a proper look, since their last 'sex' involved mostly industrial assjobs, but it was the plumpest and the most beautiful vagina he ever saw. Autumn's labia was so fat it looked like an extra plump white hot dog bun. The rubbing sensation of the labia against his dick was too much.

"God, your pussy is so fat!"

"You like it?" Autumn said between heavy breath. "I always thought it's weird. So puffy and stuffs."

"It's so pretty and sexy. Let's fuck already, I can't wait."

"Sure, here I come."

She grabbed the shaft and repositioned it slightly to enter her vagina. It took a fair bit time since Autumn's sheer bulk was so insane and she had difficulties to reach the dick and manoeuvre it into her vagina. Once or twice, his dick slid into the fupa and groin folds. With no success, she had to let go her sweaty paunch and once again, it covered Micah's torso like a warm and moist fat blanket.

"Ugh, this is frustrating. Can you lift my belly for a second? It's kinda in the way."

"God, Autumn, that's so hot. You're just too fat to properly fuck, aren't you?" he grabbed her overflowing gut, gave it a strong squeeze, and lifted it. The thing felt heavy and almost liquid in his hands, like lifting a huge water balloon. Some bits of fat slid between his finger gaps thanks to the combination of her sweaty pliant mass and gravity. It took him several tries to find good spots to properly grip and support the paunch.

"That's better," she remarked, "Now I can use both hands to position..."

"If it's so hard I don't mind fucking the fupa or groin folds. Feels about the same, anyway," Micah couldn't help with his quip.

She laughed. "Do you always have to be so fucking rude? Give me a second and I can slid my dear little Jack in no ti--AHH," she squealed as it was finally sliding in.

"Jesus Christ, you're so fucking huge it's spreading my womb!" That statement tightened his dick. "Fuckkkk, it's getting even harder!"

"Does.. does it hurt?"

"A bit. Usually I only use my fingers, I never had dick this big. Thankfully I'm wet already." She let out a satisfied sigh. "Okay, let's get on with it."

Autumn ground her hips again. Micah let go the belly and once again it covered his stomach and chest with comfortable weight. He made better use of his hands exploring her curves, the creamy blubbers, her perky boobs and sensitive nipples, her bean bag of a gut, her flaring wide door hips....

"I miss you so much. I... I was lonely," he said in a cracking voice.

"I know. I'm sorry I was away for too long. I miss you too."

Their faces were too far apart so he kissed her belly button.

"Did you stuff yourself before coming here? This thing is heavier than usual," he asked between grunts.

"Well I haven't eaten properly for the last few days, and the flight was delayed thanks to bad weather so I missed my dinner. So I had to properly fuel up before some intense sex."

"So hot. What did you eat?"

"KFC. Two buckets of them."

"TWO BUCKETS? No wonder this thing's so freaking heavy," he said while giving the paunch squeezes everywhere. The supple blubber seemed to greet his fingers in jiggling rejoice.

"And two large milkshakes," she shrugged. "I dunno, I love chickens and I missed eating hearty food after several days of salads and sad wholemeal rolls. I have to build my bulk up. I just checked in the bathroom; I lost like 7 kilos within 5 days. And that's after I stuffed myself properly with two buckets of KFC and two large milkshakes. So I might've lost more than 7 kilos."

"You lost weight?! I didn't think that was possible. Aren't you supposed to be happy?"

She shrugged. "I should be. But I imagine that would upset you a bit. You like me bigger don't you?"

He could feel his hard on raging again in her womb.

"Ah! I thought so," she took his hard on as an answer.

"Do you... do you actually want to be bigger yourself?

"Not really. At least not intentionally. Only because it's slightly inconvenient to navigate around. I still want to be somewhat active to work and whatnot. But I won't mind if you cook for me and feed me delicious food and I get fatter in the process. Because I know you would get even crazier for my body."

"You read me like a book, do you know that?"

"Only because you're too easy to read. Now, how's my pussy to your liking?"

"It's.. it's amazing! It's so plump and wet and warm down here. It's like the essence of your whole being is concentrated there, your kindness, your warmth, your confidence, it's embracing me with tight walls of fat and blubber."

Autumn entered some sort of trance and her whole body shook. Like last time, his praise electrified her. Yet, her pumps got more intense and harder. Every inch of fat in her body responded in ripples.

"You're like a fat goddess, do you know that? Your skin is so pale and perfect I could cry. It's so smooth everywhere, you're seamless, endless. Everything in my sight jiggles with grace and joy. You're a whole lot of woman and I'm so lucky to be with you."

The whole wobbly bits and bulges of pale responded, the succulent hefty flesh felt unreal against Micah's slight body.

"I love how your belly and your thighs and your butt almost swallow me. You're overwhelming me with your overflowing curves and fat. I'm... I'm blissful."

"Micah, I'm coming!"

He almost disappeared beneath her. She was a celestial body, blooming and shaking with the galactic force, he was a mere little mortal. He remembered the thoughts from the other day.

"I'm not yet done. Your paunch is like a planet of milky ocean, so round and rippling with beautiful waves. Your boobs are twin pale satellites. Your thighs cluster of planets. You're the embodiment of pure celestial lily white gluttony and luxury. Fucking you is like fucking the Milky Way."

She couldn't take it anymore, she came first. The pale mountain of flesh gave a final shudder and she was a mess in the next second. She kissed him and they made out. Her sweaty auburn hair stuck everywhere, but it only made her even more sensual.

"I... I haven't come though. It's kinda close. Can I keep going?" Micah asked meekly.

She nodded.

"Can you lie down? I want to do you from top."

They shifted the position, the bed protested with creaks, and now Micah was on top of her. The sight was totally new to him: the round masses and bulges gave to the gravity as they spread out a bit, slightly flattened and gave way to gravity. He was on his knees when he was about to do her again.

"Autumn, I'm ready to begin again."

She gave him another nod. Once again, he found himself fucking an enormous, luxurious couch of pure white blubber. He gripped her meaty thighs as support and he pumped hard. Autumn moaned with her husky voice. Every dick thrust was greeted with lapping waves of fat. He shifted his position a bit.

This time, he was laying on top of her belly dome. It made a lavish, unbearably plush cushion for his body. He reached out for her pillowy arms for support and he added some more power to his thrusts. He was really close. The intensity was raising. Micah could feel his five senses getting overwhelmed. The sight of her gorgeous face in ecstasy; the rich and sweet smell of her sex; the salty taste of her sweat; the sensual moans she let out so often; and the never ending ripples and waves of her abundant mass, the smooth and endless alabaster expanse of her glorious blubber. Autumn was coming again. With final push, Micah also came.

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