Chapter 4

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The rest of evening flew by quickly. Autumn, true to her words, managed to demolish all the food. They chatted a little bit more and played few rounds of Super Smash Bros. After so much laughs and conversation, both of them were exhausted, so they just chilled on the sofa. Autumn switched the TV channel to Netflix and they watched some documentary. She then cracked open another tin can of beer.

"Oh man, what a good evening," she said after gulping her beer satisfiedly. Her prodigious belly, stuffed with food, now bloated in a perfect round shape in front of her. Her gargantuan thighs straddled the spherical mass.

"Actually, I'm impressed. You ate a lot and still have room for beer," Micah couldn't help to quip.

"Oh I'm full, but who can deny another cold tinnie, hey? It's late but it's still muggy. Besides, it's been a while since I feasted last time," she rubbed her belly again in contentment.

Micah found himself staring again.

"Sorry, didn't mean to stare. It's just...." he fumbled awkwardly.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm used to it. I know I'm huge and not everyday you see a girl this big. You get used to this, kiddo," she patted her belly loudly.

A wild thought came to Micah. It was a risky question, but it seemed that Autumn was cool enough. He swallowed and braved himself.

"Can I touch it?"

"Ohhhh, I see you're already growing fond of it. It took Carina two or three years to love this thing here," she said while grabbing a handful of blubber. "I mean, it does look weird and all but it's quite pleasant to touch and cuddle. Especially in the winter. Go for it."

"R...really? Can I?"

She grabbed his much smaller hands and put them on her belly. It took the whole world of self control of Micah not to faint or hyperventilating.

"Go on, give it a rub... I can do with a rub after a big meal."

With trembling hands, Micah rubbed the huge orb gently.

"Ohhh, BURRPPP, s'cuse me. That feels good, actually. Keep doing it."

Micah did as he told, he gently caressed, rubbed, and weighed the orb in his hands. It was hefty and fairly solid, but he could still feel the pliable softness at some parts. His fingers just sank in rejoice of the unyielding blubber.

Out of sudden Autumn grabbed his head and stuffed his face to her belly. His face sunk with a plop to the pale mass, warm and squishy. It would feel heavenly if he actually could breath.

"MMMPHHH," he struggled, but Autumn was bigger and stronger than him. She shook with a belly laugh and Micah could feel the whole blubbery mass vibrating his face. It actually felt nice.

"Gotcha! I used to do this to Carina, to her annoyance. Man, you're so gullible," Autumn roared while slowly letting him go.

Micah laughed too, but at the same time he tried hard to hide his excitement from sensory overload. It's obvious now that Autumn was a quite physical and playful person, and she didn't mind to throw her literal weight around. Yet it was also clear that this was nothing sexual for her, she was simply messing around, like a big sister with her little brother.

"Oh well, it's late now," she said before finishing her beer and lifting her massive derriere. "Oof. I'm going to call it a night. I'll take a shower and get some sleep, it's been a crazy hectic week for me. Feel free to watch TV or play game or whatever. Help yourself with more beer in the fridge if you want to. This is your place too now," she said with a big smile.

"I'm so glad to be here, Autumn. Night," Micah said while returning the smile.

"Night. Let me know how you go with the job application tomorrow," she replied while walking away and stifling a yawn. Micah could feel her reverberating heavy steps fading away into short distance.

It was a fun night, and it was going to be a fun year ahead.


Several days flew by and Micah found himself settling in nicely. The university wouldn't start until the next two weeks so he focused himself with working. To his luck, the bakery owner was an extremely nice guy and took a liking of him instantly. Robb was a man in his 40s, bald with dark brown beard and built like a bear. He had taken over the family-owned bakery from his parents and given it a contemporary facelift with Autumn's help. Micah worked there from Monday to Saturday, starting in early morning around 6 and finishing around 3. He started with cleaning and minding the store but if everything went swimmingly, soon he would take on baking preps. It was a quite physical but rewarding work.

To his surprise and delight, Robb let him to take home most of the leftovers. Robb even made a point that Autumn would love them. It wasn't much since he had to split it four ways with other employees, but he would most likely take home a medium-sized box worth of buns, cakes, and pastries. He would eat one or two for his breakfast the day after, but Autumn would be the one who demolished the rest.

Despite her complaint of making her fatter, Autumn seemed to be overjoyed with the new routine. Micah would come home around 3.30 with a box of delicious breads and pastries, finding her working or playing games and taking break to partake with his offering. Autumn didn't gorge on daily basis but she snacked a ton while going through her routines. 90% of the time, Micah would find her munching on something, whether it be chips, cookies, ice cream, or pastries these days. True to her words, the pantry and the fridge were always full of her supplies. Then her meals were always huge, perhaps 3-4 times the size of a normal girl her age.

Autumn was an easy going person like Micah had imagined and she dressed quite liberally around the apartment. Since the summer weather was still disgustingly hot and humid these days, she would often dress in bras or skimpy tank tops, paired with shorts or even panties. The contrast of her pale, globular curves against the ever growing tight wardrobe drove Micah mad. He had to distract himself with his own phone or laptop whenever they were in the same room. Yet he couldn't help to steal glances quite often. For better or worse, Autumn was somewhat oblivious about her body when she was focusing on something else. At the same time, this confident but carefree attitude made her several times sexier in Micah's eyes.

Often Micah found Autumn playing video games while absent-mindedly munching on snacks and kneading her belly. The sight of her pudgy fingers sinking and pushing into her unyielding creamy paunch was overwhelming. She told him flippantly that it was a relaxing habit that these days she did unconsciously. It calmed her nerves, she added.

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