Chapter 9

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"Well, she did try Tinder but nothing worked out. My point is," she took another sip. "Autumn is a sweet girl and she's like a little sister to me. I know, figuratively, not literally, don't give me that look. She can play big sister all she wants, but deep down she was just a cinnamon roll. If you're serious about her, treat her right. Don't be a dick, especially about her body. She got over her insecurities, but it still can be her sore spot."

"Uh... I kinda like big girls.."

"Mate, that's obvious like I said. You have burning hots for her it's gross. Not that she's gross, she's a cute muffin, but you're gross," she chuckled again. "Oh look, they're back. Think about what I've just said, okay?"

The rest of the dinner went nicely. The topic was conveniently forgotten or maybe just ignored by the diners. Micah did notice that Carina constantly gave Autumn annoying eyebrows waggles, while Priya was looking smug the whole evening. One hour later, the birthday girl finally finished eating and they went to a pub for more drinks.


It was one in the morning when Autumn and Micah arrived at their apartment. Both of them were mostly sober, with only slightest tinge of tipsiness. Autumn did drink a lot of beer at the pub but that didn't seem to affect her much. They changed to more comfy wear before winding down on the couch, Micah with his baggy t-shirt and pyjama trousers, Autumn with a worn out muscle tank and black shorts. Micah was checking his social media while Autumn was rehydrating herself.

"Ooof, that was a good dinner," she said with a content sigh. She couldn't help to give her belly some quick, satisfied pats.

"Far out. We should go there again sometime," he replied distractedly while scrolling through his social media.

"Yeah. By the way Micah, I know it's pretty late but it's weekend anyway. Can we talk?" she said while standing up and walking to the kitchen.

That stopped his scrolling. He locked the screen and put the phone down and looked up to her direction.


"I think I've almost made my decision regarding our date simulation thingy. But before that," she said while grabbing a bottle of vodka and two small shot glasses. "I want to play a game." She put the glasses and the bottle on the kitchen dining table.

"What is it all about?" Micah said with cracking voice, he was equally curious and excited. He followed her to the kitchen.

"I want to play an honesty game to know you a bit better. Come and sit here," she gestured to a chair and a glass in front of it.

Both of them sat down, facing each other.

"Drink or truth. We take questions in turn. Answer honestly or drink."

Suddenly the temperature in the room seemed to raise by 10 degree.

"Uhm... okay. Right. I'm in," he said unsurely while clearing his throat.

"I'll go first. When did you realise that you've got crush in me?"

"That's easy. About a week after I moved in."

"That early? Why?"

He stopped her. "My turn. What do you feel about me?"

She drank a shot.

"Wow, really? That hurts," he said with a wry smile.

"No. I mean I'm still figuring it out. I definitely like you as a dear friend and roommate, but as a boyfriend, I'm still not sure. Doesn't mean that you're not attractive, or I won't be attracted to you, though. My turn. What made you sure?"

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