Part Sixty-Five: We're Going Where Now?

Start from the beginning

Audible gasps fill the room.

Who is Vladimir Makarov?

"No fucking way," Soap exhales, baffled.

"Fucking way," Captain Price sighs.

"Makarov has planned a massive terrorist attack on all European capitals and major cities. His demented ideological goal is for Russia to be the supreme ruler of the entire continent." Laswell pauses for a brief moment. "We don't know what his exact plans are but if the Russians were ballsy enough to intercept ballistic missiles then it's safe to assume they will take drastic measures to reach this goal."

"Where is he?" Ghost asks.

"There are two potential locations as to where he might be. There's a scheduled arms deal in Afghanistan involving the Russians," Price states. "The other location is Makarov's safehouse in Russia."

"We'll be splitting the team up again to investigate both locations," Laswell tells us. "The team investigating in Afghanistan will be Soap, Breanna, König, and Captain Price. The other team will consist of myself, Gaz, and Ghost."

Ghost and I aren't on the same team...

I look over at him but he's staring straight ahead. I know he sees me in his peripherals but he's avoiding my gaze.

I wonder how he feels about us being separated.

"We leave in two days," Price informs. "Be ready."

The entire team nods to confirm and then we're dismissed. As we all make our way out of the briefing room Ghost calls out to Price, "You have a minute?"

"For you Simon, always." Price gives Ghost a kind smile but it slowly turns into a frown. Probably because Ghost is glaring daggers at him.

Although it's a private conversation I am curious so I'm waiting outside of the door with my ear pressed against it.

"You'll get in trouble, you know?" Soap chuckles quietly.

"Says the one who did a walk of shame this morning," I retort, grinning cheekily. "Who's the girl?"

Soap blushes and chuckles awkwardly. "Just some girl I met at a bar. Her name is Kayla."

Kayla, huh? I'm glad he's found someone to take his mind off of me.

"You like her?" I look at him through a sidelong glance.

He nods.

"Good." I smile softly. "Now let me focus." I turn my attention back to Ghost and Price's conversation.

"Who decided the teams?" Ghost asks Price.

"I did."

"And why the hell are Breanna and I separated?" Ghost growls.

"Simon..." Price sighs. "It would be good for her to work with the others, not just you."

"She can do that and still work with me," Ghost deadpans.

Fair point.

"Simon. Listen to me. It's most likely that Makarov is in Russia. You and I both know the lengths that man will go to, the danger he poses. You're the best we got and we need you in Russia. I don't think Breanna is ready for that," Price admits.


So what? They're sending the weak links to Afghanistan? But both Soap and König are highly skilled.

Maybe I'm the only weak link...

Ghost takes a deep breath.

"Alright," Ghost says begrudgingly. "But you better keep an eye on her and so help me God if anything happens to her I will come for you," he threatens Price, not as a means to be cruel, but because he's scared of losing me.

"You can trust me." Price gently places a hand on Ghost's shoulder. "Go get ready."

Ghost nods and then turns for the door.


"Soap we gotta go!" I loudly whisper and we start running for the common room.

Bursting through the doors we can't help but crack up laughing.

"That was a close one. Haha!" I snort.

"Too close. The L.T. would have killed us! Haha!" Soap is bent over laughing.

We laugh for a few more moments and try to catch our breath.

"What's so funny?" Ghost enters the common room.

Shit. Uhhh...what's a good excuse?

"Soap told me he finished in only two minutes with Kayla," I laugh, saying the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh, fuck off," Soap laughs.

It's not the truth but it will keep Ghost at bay.

"You two are idiots." He crosses his arm.

"Your favorite idiots." Soap winks at Ghost. Ghost rolls his eyes in response.

"Well, whenever you two are done fucking around I'll be conducting training drills for everyone. We'll start in an hour. Get ready," he orders and walks out of the room.

Training drills, huh? This should be interesting.

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now