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A/N:Igh y'all, my next stories gonna be a Jey story since that's what y'all want + i feel like this new story i'm doing is gonna be way better then the two i have out now. but after that i'm probably doing a Fanum story then going right back to doing Jey stories 🤭🤭 stay tuned for that yall, but like i said i only have like 5 or 6 chapters in my head for this and then when i'm done with this story i'll be starting my next one n i plan on having at least 3000 words each chapter so it'll take a while for the first chapter to come out but yk yk. ANYWAYS BACK TO WHAT YALL HERE FOR.
Backstage after the match.

"GIRL ARE YOU CRAZY?" Bianca said walking beside Sanai, at this point they were speed walking.



"It's not that serious B chill."



"Y'all gotta end this like right no-"

"Man what the fuck was that?" Jey said throwing his hands up walking towards them.

Sanai ignores him and goes into the women's locker room.

"B, you know what that was about?"

"I couldn't tell you, she won't even tell me why she did it , sorry Jey."  Bianca walked up to the door.

"Nah it's igh.." Jey put his hands on head.

Right when they both were about to walk away Bianca turned around and said something.

"And Jey.."

"Hm?" He turned around.

"Please talk to her, we all know how Liv is and i'll kill yo ass if this is how y'all separate." Bianca said smiling before she walked in the locker room.

Jey just stood there for a second then walked back to The Usos locker room.

"Aye uce y-"

When Jey walked in Jimmy wasn't there, it was just Raquel.

"Oh wassup?" Jey sat down.

"Um so the thing i was gonna tell you before the match.."

"Oh yea i forgot bout that. What?"

"The picture Liv sent you was fake.."

At this point Jey felt so stupid, Jimmy told him this and he didn't listen.

"Fuck." Jey said under his breath.

"I'm sorry i should've told you sooner i ju-"

"It's igh, could you get out though?"


Raquel walked out and Jey just sat there thinking.


"For real babygirl..are you okay?" Bianca asked while they sat on the locker rooms floor. Natayla, Sasha and Tamina were also sitting with them.

".....I'm igh.." Sanai just stared at the ground.

"Sanai we know you, be honest with us." Nattie rubbed Sanai's back.

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