Her mother walked off, leaving us together. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together. I led her to where I had parked, swinging our hands as I did. There was a comfortable silence between us as we walked, and I couldn't fight the smile that made its way to my lips.

"I haven't held your hands in so long," I told her as I opened her car door.

"I missed it," she said, climbing in, and I closed the door before rushing to my side.

"It's your fault," I said as I started the engine.

"No, it's not," she pouted.

"You came over to my house yesterday, and I saw you for approximately nineteen minutes," I complained.

"Well, I'm trying to make a good impression."

"They're stealing you away from me," I whined.

"You're so dramatic," she laughed, causing me to smile.

My favorite sound in the world

"Where are we even going?"

Somewhere, no one can steal you from me," I said, looking over at her.

"Are you taking me to our spot?"

Our spot—I loved that.

"No, I'm giving you a new experience."

"Are you going to tell me?"

"Well, I wanted to make it a surprise, but I can tell you if you want."

"I trust you."

I placed my hand on her exposed thigh, silently telling her how much that meant to me. Her fingers traced over the veins lining my hand and fiddled with the rings on each finger. Her soft touch caused me to shiver, making me grip her thigh even tighter. The car was in a comfortable silence, and that was one thing I loved about our relationship—that we didn't have to force a conversation; I could sit in silence with her the whole day and still be the happiest man alive. There was something about Alyiah that drew you to her; the first time I ever saw her, I remember needing to be close to her. She looks ethereal; it was as if the perfect girl I've always dreamed of was right in front of me, and before I even could talk to her, that asshole took her and treated her as if she were dirt, and because of that, she doubts herself, which is something I hate to see her do.

Now that I have her, I promise to give her the absolute best.

The smell of the sea and the sound of waves crashing brought me out of my thoughts; we had finally arrived. The grip that Alyiah had on my hand let me know how excited she was. I've noticed that anywhere in nature, she will get this reaction out of me. Turning off the engine, Alyiah quickly made her way outside while I grabbed one of my hoodies for her. As I stood at the door of the car, I was met with the most beautiful sight, Alyiah stood basking in the moonlight; her skin was almost like glitter the way it glistened; the smile on her face couldn't be missed as she stared up into the sky. Taking out my phone, I took a quick snap of her, setting it as my wallpaper.

"Why are we even here?" She asked, snapping me out of the slight daze I was in.

"You're beautiful," I answered, completely irrelevant to what she asked but I just had to let her know.

"What?" She turned to look at me.

"It's not fair how pretty you are," I couldn't stop myself. "You're really pretty, no not just pretty. You're beautiful, majestic, ethereal, perfect, a dream and I would go in if I knew any other adjectives."

"Shut up," she blushed as she looked down at her shoes.

"Never," I took her hand in mine and started our journey to the shore.

Finding LoveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu