895 37 5

March 10

Brielle could only stare at him. She didn't speak. She didn't move. She only stared. He stood in front of her and stared down at her with hope in his eyes while hers held sadness and slight fear. She wasn't afraid of him, the man she knew, only his lifestyle and who he was in that lifestyle. Brielle knew he would never hurt her when he is who he is now but she couldn't help but wonder if Killian, the mafia boss would do the same.

"What do you want?" She asked him in soft voice. Her hand still on the door, ready to slam it in his face if he pissed her off. She repeated the question after a few moments when he didn't respond the first time.

"I miss you."

There was so much Killian wanted to say at that moment but those three words were the first to leave his lips. It was true though, he did in-fact miss her. More than she could ever know.

Brielle didn't reply even though she wanted to utter the same words. She missed him too a lot. She missed the way he made her feel. She missed how his smiles were never gifted to anyone but her. She missed how he would only laugh as hard with her and her alone. She missed how he would wake up extra early some days so he could prepare breakfast for her. She missed how he would hold her in his arms. She missed everything about him and she knew that wasn't going to change no matter how much she tried to fight it.

"I can't do this anymore Brielle. I tried giving you space because you asked for it. I tried to forget you because I knew you didn't want nothing to do with me but I can't do it anymore. I can't not wake up to see your angelic self beside me. I can't not listen to you ramble about anything that makes you happy. I can't not smile as you stare into my eyes the way you do. I can't be away from you anymore. I won't do it." He didn't even give her a moment to respond before he stepped forward towards her. Grabbing her face in his hands, Killian wasted no time in smashing his lips onto hers.

Brielle gasped at the sudden action making Killian not hesitate to slide his tongue into her mouth. As Killian kissed her deeper, Brielle's hands reached and grabbed his shirt. Her fingers gripping it tightly as she pulled him closer, kissing him back.

"Please don't make me stop." Killian whispered against her lips before slightly backing her into the house. He shut the door behind them and Brielle felt his hands grip the back of her thighs before she was lifted into his arms.

It was hard to keep their lips attached with Brielle's nine months pregnant belly in between them. Brielle wrapped her arms around his neck as she stared at him, not speaking. In all honestly, she was surprised he could carry her right now. She knew she was heavy but he didn't even mind, only enjoying the feeling of having her back in his arms.

Killian opened his mouth speak only for a loud splash to be heard. Both of their eyes widened as they realized what that splash was. Killian looked under them and saw a small puddle of water underneath them.

"Bri—" He rushed into the living room and over to the couch. "Upstairs in the guest bedroom is two bags, get them." Brielle rushed out as Killian put her down. He nodded his head and Brielle held her hand on her stomach as she worriedly looked at him. "Get me some shoes too."

Killian rushed upstairs and was back downstairs in a flash. He held the bags in his hands and put her shoes on her before standing her up. Brielle groaned slightly as she could feel a contraction hitting her.

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