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September 4

Brielle walked to her first class of the day with a yawn escaping her lips. It was only eleven in the morning and Brielle already wanted to crawl back into her bed.

"Elle!" Brielle looked to the side to see her cousin Chris hurrying over to her. She immediately smiled and gave him a hug.

"Kyree" she said once she pulled away from the hug to look up at him. Christian Kyree Prince was her cousin on her mom, Trinity's, side. They weren't blood related but Brielle and Chris still thought of each other as cousins.

Brielle Mae and Chris grew up with each other, having gone to the same daycare when they were younger.

That same daycare is actually where her father and mom met each other. Tobias, her father, was dropping Brielle off when he saw Trinity dropping Chris off.

The rest is pretty much history.

"Still short I see" Chris joked making her gasp and hit his arm as he let out a loud laugh.

"That's not funny"

"Yes it is" he said wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they walked side by side together.

"I'm not even short. I'm freaking five foot eight. It's not my fault you are literally a giant with your six foot two having ass."

Brielle rolled her eyes.

"This six foot two giant gets all the ladies Elle" Chris said making her scoff.


"I get more girls than you" she fought back.

"That's funny seeing how your pansexual ass has never been on a date nor even kissed anyone." Chris raised a brow at her and side glanced her.

"I have kissed someone" Brielle fought.

"Who? An orange doesn't count Elle nor does your pillow."

Brielle smacked the back of his head.

"You are so annoying do you know that?" She asked a rhetorical question as she rolled her eyes.

Chris opened the door for her before sending her a soft smile. "It's not my fault you are a little virgin Elle" he said as she walked past him to head inside.

"Fuck!" His hands holding her hips as he thrusts inside her roughly.


"Elle?" Chris said snapping Brielle out of her thoughts causing her to jump in surprise. "Woah are you alright?" He asked her.

"Yes I'm fine. Uh thanks for walking me" she sent him a tight lipped smile and walked to the back of the classroom before taking a seat down by the window.

"You're welcome!" Chris yelled over to her before he left the room to head to his class.

Brielle sighed loudly after realizing she was still five minutes early. She laid her head down on the table and closed her eyes softly.

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