890 38 2

February 20

"You don't have an answer do you?" He asks her and Brielle simply turns away. "Or maybe you do have an answer. The answer is simple I wouldn't be here looking at the woman I love."

"What I do is dangerous Brielle. I can get killed any second of the day—." He pauses and sighs, rubbing a hand down his face. "I wasn't suppose to fall in love with you. I was suppose to shut you out and forget you but I couldn't. I can't"

Looking down at the ground, she just shakes her head. "I-I have been sitting in this a-apartment spending the l-last twelve or so hours trying to figure out what I have been f-feeling and what I wanted to d-do going forward."

He only watches her.

"I love you Killian and I love being with you. You make me feel like the most happiest girl alive." She pauses as her hand lifts up to hold her belly.

"But I can't risk the life of my baby that hasn't even had a chance to begin yet."

He takes a step back, looking away from her tear eyed face. "I understand" were his words before clearing his throat. His heart breaking in two as her words repeat over and over again in his head.

With tears running down her cheeks, Brielle sniffles. "I'm sor—" Cutting her off with a low scoff, Killian turns away from the pregnant woman. "You made your decision. I won't pester you anymore."


"Have a good day." and with that he leaves her home and Brielle just watches him leave, crying silently.

He didn't even try

"What happened man?" Leo asks his big brother as he watches him pace around the same office everything hit the fan for Killian.

"She's done with me" He mutters, almost in disbelief. "She broke up with me."

"Wait what?" Leilani sat up in her seat in shock by his words. "What did she say exactly?"

"She said she can't risk her baby's life"

"And?" Leilani raises a brow as she looks at her brother.

"That was it. I left immediately after."

"Oh and by left you mean you went all cold hearted and rushed out of there without even let her explain herself further." Leon says laughing lowly making Killian roll his eyes.

"What's there to explain? She left me and that's that." Leilani rolled her eyes at her brother's words and stood up.

"You're an idiot you know that." She mutters and he flips her off in response. "If you want the girl then you need to fight for the girl brother. If she wants safety than give it to her."

"How?" Killian defeatedly drops to his chair and sighs deeply as he stares at his desk. "She seemed very sure about her decision."

"So make her unsure brother." Leon cuts in making Leilani instantly nod her head in agreement.

"He's right. You need to go fight for your girl before it's too late."

Brielle stood in the middle of her room, staring at herself in the mirror with a saddened gaze. She felt emotionally and physically exhausted. Turning to the side, Brielle hugged her belly bump and smiles lightly.

"I can't wait to meet you little pea." She mutters as her hand rubs her bump softly. She sniffles softly as Killian enters her mind.

Breaking up with Killian was one of the hardest things Brielle has ever had to do. She loves him dearly but what he does makes her feel unsafe. She doesn't want her baby in harms way and that's what the mafia life does to people; put them in harms way.

Sighing, Brielle shakes her head and walks to her bed. Her phone dings with a message and Brielle looks down at it. It was from Killian and Brielle almost teared up at the text.

I will never stop fighting for you.

Knocking on the door, Brielle waits a moment as she begins to hear someone coming to open it. "Brielle?" Tobias asks slightly confused as he opens the front door to see his daughter before him.

"Hi daddy"

Tobias steps forward to gather his first born in his arms. "Oh baby girl is everything alright?" He asks her as he sees her lips trembling. She nods with a small sniffle.

"Can I-I stay h-here for the n-night?" She asks him to which Tobias doesn't hesitate to tell her yes. He allows her inside and Trinity releases a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"What's going on princess?" As soon as the word leaves her father's lips, Brielle finds her breaking into a fit of tears. Tobias rushes to hug her as she begins to sob uncontrollably.

She sinks to her knees in his arms and cries. "I-I hate h-him" She cries out and Tobias already could tell who this was about but decided not to comment on it and just rub her back comfortingly.

"Why c-couldn't h-he have b-been normal?" Brielle asks but didn't expect an answer only just continues to cry.

"What the hell is goin—" Trinity stops in tracks as she finds her daughter and husband on the floor with Brielle crying violently in his chest. "Brielle?"

Brielle sniffles and looks over at Trinity. "M-Mommy" She cries out and Trinity rushes to them, wrapping her arms around her daughter as well.

"What happened baby?"

Brielle just shook her head, not answering her mother's question. She continued to cry violently in her parent's arms while they rubbed her back and whispered encouraging and comforting words in her ear.

It took Brielle a whole hour to pull herself together. Trinity warmed up some food and made some tea before setting them down on the table where Brielle was seated. Tobias left the room to go check on the kids while Trinity sat down beside Brielle.

"Do I need to kill him?" She asked her daughter making Brielle laugh and instantly shake her head no.

"No I just" She sighs and proceeded to stuff her face with food in hopes of not having to have this conversation.

Trinity lightly pats Brielle's hand and sends her a warm smile. "I'm here whenever you want to talk about it." Brielle nods her head and Trinity stands up from the table.

"You are welcome to stay longer than a night Brie. And say the word and that bastard will be six feet under." Trinity's words made Brielle smile and she thanked her step mother before Trinity left the room, heading upstairs with a good night.

Brielle pulled her phone out of her pocket and stared at the text from Killian. She didn't know what to do. She never wanted to end things with him but she knew she could never live with herself with something were to happen to her baby due to Killian's lifestyle.

"Mommy is a little lost right now pumpkin" Brielle whispers to her unborn daughter as she gently rubs her stomach.

Why did things have to be like this?

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