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short chapter
December 29

Brielle placed kisses all along Killian's neck, greedily wanting him in that very moment. Killian grabbed by her throat and hummed lowly as he gripped her neck tight. Brielle's eyes rolled to the back of her head as his fingers played with her wet front. 

"You mine you hear me?" Killian muttered in Brielle's ear as he left open kisses along her neck.  She moaned softly in response causing him to smirk and pull her to him swiftly. Their lips crashed together in a heated and passionate kiss.

"All fucking yours" More moans escaped her as Killian's fingers disappeared inside of her. He made sure to have had asked her for consent.


"Killian" Brielle calls out for her boyfriend as she coughs. Smoke invaded every room which unlucky of Brielle who was sleeping in the room at the end of the hall. The only way out was to go toward the smoke.

"Killian" She calls out louder. Her eyes were widened with panic as she stepped out of the room. A fire had started in the house and Killian was no where to be found.

Brielle rushes back into the bedroom, and headed straight for the bathroom. She grabbed her and Killian's towel before turning the water on in the tub. She drowned the towels in the water and frantically looked around her in panic.

Come on Brielle! This panicking isn't good for the baby.

Brielle wrapped the extremely soaked towels around her and tied the towel close with her hair tie. She then exited the room and mentally tried to prepare herself for what she was about to do.

Brielle hurriedly searched for her phone and found it under her pillow. With glassy tears, she dialed 911 and shakily brought the phone to her ear. "H-Hello!?" She cried out through the phone as soon as someone answered.

"H-Hello there's a f-fire" She quickly tells them the address and cries as she coughs. The smoke started to reach her room which caused Brielle's throat to burn.

"P-Please hurry I-I can't lose m-my b-baby girl" The moments the words left her lips, Brielle heard her name being called. The phone dropped from her hands and she rushed to the door.

"Killian!" Brielle's nails clawed at his back as her head fell back with a loud moan escaping her lips.

He smirked above her and pressed gently on her lower stomach, being careful of the little one. "You look so good und—" His movements stopped and Killian looked around the room quickly.

Brielle panted heavily as her brows frowned. "W-What's wrong?" She worriedly grabbed his arm making Killian quickly look down at her.

"I'll be right back" He pulled away from her and was quick to pull some boxers on. "Stay here" He tells Brielle who sits up staring at him scared. Killian leans forward to kiss her forehead before he rushes to his nightstand.

What he pulls out makes Brielle Mae's eyes widened instantly. He held the weapon easily like this wasn't his first time. Brielle watched as he checked to see if it had bullets in it before standing up fully. He turned to her with the gun in his hands.

Brielle could only stare at him in horror. She didn't say a word but Killian knew everything she wanted to say just by looking into her eyes. He saw how scared she was of him and in that moment he wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her worries away.

But Killian knew he had to check the house. He could feel something was wrong so instead of kissing the beautiful girl in front of him, he could only rush out the words "I'll be right back" before hurrying out of the room.

"Killian!" Brielle covered her mouth with the soaked towel and stared at the smokey hallway in horror. She called his name again only for it to be returned with her name weakly.

She rushed through the dark smoke, holding her breath. Her feet carried down the stairs and into the living room where she stopped in pure shock and fear.

The living room was practically destroyed by large orange flames. The chairs were burning like wildfire. The bookcase was completely destroyed. All the chairs and tables being destroyed by the fire. Brielle looked around the burned room, only to find what she was searching for in a corner of the room.

Killian laid by the couch in the far corner. He looked hurt and was laying very still.

"Killian" She screamed only to immediately cough harshly into the towel. She took a step toward Killian only to be attacked by an another series of coughing. She fell to her knees and tried to control her breathing.

Moments later, the front door bursted open and Brielle could see with glassy eyes, firefighters rushing into the home. One immediately noticed her and rushed to her side. Coughing violently, Brielle weakly pointed toward Killian before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out in the man's arms.

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