"Yoongi..." You very gently called his name and landed your caring hand on his shoulder while he was trying so hard to not cry.

Yoongi suddenly jerked and ripped your hand off his body, whipping around to you and clutching your top with a blade threatening your neck. "Don't you fucking touch me!!" Once again, he could only see red.

Scared but worried, you said his name again. "It's me... Your Y/N... Your stream... It's a river... Please let it flow so I can see my boyfriend again....."

He glared at you longer. Yoongi's fists of torn, red, bloody knuckles loosened. He lowered the switchblade from your neck and dropped it. His eyes behind the bangs masking them went from harsh to soft. He'd remembered you. He broke down again and stepped away from you.

"Sweetheart.....!" He breathed fearfully. "Stay away from me..... I..... I could've hurt you...." His voice trembled emotionally.

"But you didn't." You gently replied. "Yoongi, I'm not hurt at all."

"Doesn't matter..." He backed away as you got closer.

"Yoongi, I can't see you like this. You'll make me cry." You already felt your tears welling up behind your eyes.

Yoongi was against a wall. Before he could escape and run from you, you grabbed him and swung him into a tight embrace. He had a moment of surprise. His eyes squeezed shut with more tears racing down his face and he very slowly put his arms around you. He was shaking so much.

"I... need.... y...our.... h...el...p........" Yoongi whimpered to you quietly.

"Okay. Let's get you back upstairs and taken care of and you can let it all out there." You gently suggested.

You felt him nod. You turned your back to him and pulled his arms up to the front of you over your shoulders, and you took his brass knuckles off his hands and his knife from the floor. With his head buried in your shoulder, you guided him through the lobby, into the elevator, across the hall, and back into your apartment.

In the exact same position, you walked him into the bathroom, then splashed a washcloth in the sink and dabbed his blooded, skinned knuckles. His fingers flinched, a sign of stinging pain. After cleaning off both hands, you applied neosporin to every red knuckle. When you finished, you lifted his hand to your face and kissed his fingers.

You brought Yoongi into your room and onto your bed. Sitting in his lap, you hugged him while his wet face was to your chest. As he held you, he let himself go and gave his emotions permission to cry out. Listening to him sob broke your heart and made you want to do the same, which you did, just not at an intense level as him.

Yoongi ended up leaning back, pulling you down on top of him as he laid. You lightly kissed him between the eyebrows. After a while, he rolled to the side, still taking you with him. All this crying eventually lulled him to sleep. You fell asleep, too.

The next day, Yoongi stayed in bed all morning and all afternoon, sleeping in. His body eventually got tired of sleeping in and Yoongi forced it to take naps instead. Nap after nap, he slept all day. He didn't eat a single bite. He didn't drink a single drop. Just slept, slept, and slept some more.

This was unusual behavior from him. Something was really wrong and you didn't know what. You cuddled him a lot because you were worried. You ended up taking a nap or two with him. While you stayed with him, sometimes he would cuddle you in his sleep.

Eventually, Yoongi's body was too restless to take any more naps, making him hate that he couldn't sleep anymore. It was already evening and almost dinnertime.

Yoongi came downstairs and sat on the stool at the island counter in the kitchen. As soon as you saw him up and moving, you lit up brightly.

"Good morning." You smiled.

He had a grumpy pout. He didn't feel like speaking. After all the emotions and tears he's been through yesterday, you didn't mind that he remained silent. You kissed him, but he didn't kiss you back. He was not social at all. Feeling like you were bothering him, you gave him a huge bowl of fruit salad that you made today, hoping he would at least eat. Yoongi ate about half the bowl, eating all of the pineapple cubes and a mixed number of the rest of the fruit. He clearly was really hungry. He even drank all the water you gave him while he was eating.

After putting the fruit salad away in the fridge when he was finished, you sat with him and rubbed his back. "Do you want to tell me what happened yesterday....?"

Yoongi got angry again, snarling with his teeth. His fuse was lit and you anticipated he was about to blow.

"It's that fucking Silver!!" Yoongi finally exploded, making you jump in your seat. "First my brother!! Now my parents!! I'm next!! He saved the fucking youngest for last!!"

"Who's Silver?"

"A fucking crime boss! He was supposed to kill me if it weren't for Geumjae! He wants every single one of us dead! And now he's hunting me because I'm the last one of the Min family!"

"He murdered your family.....?"

"He ruined my life! And now.... he's about to destroy it! Everything I knew in life, gone! 6 years ago, it was my brother! And yesterday, my parents with a very clear message that it's my turn to be slaughtered!"

You rested your head on his shoulder, assuming he didn't want to be hugged. "Yoongi, shhhhh... The stream is flooding into a river...." You tried to soothe him with your soft, raspy voice.

"The fucking stream bullshit." Yoongi muttered.

It didn't work this time. You breathed in your head. If I push it, he'll only get worse.

"Let's get you a massage." You suggested. "That should relax you."

Yoongi deeply grumbled distastefully.

"Yes. Come on, grumpy pants."

You grabbed his arm and dragged him all the way up to your bedroom. You had him take off his shirt and lay flat on the bed with his back up. You sat on his hips and began to press his back muscles. He grunted.

You kept massaging him until his groans transformed into moans. At the end, you kissed all over his back, shoulders, and neck.

"Feeling better?" You rested your head above his shoulder blade.

Yoongi mumbled lowly. He sounded tired somehow. You took that as a yes.

That night, you went to sleep with him again.

(A/N: Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter for the holidays and started to dig deeper into Yoongi's [honestly] sad lore. This one was a bit of a heavy one.)

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