All hail football

Start from the beginning

I held back my laughter, containing it into a small smirk, "Sounds like you guys are fine."

She glared at me, "How's your boyfriend?" She sat up straighter, "Sorry. You don't have one."

"Okay Miss Middle School Insults." I shook my head and looked at my phone to check the time. "Two minutes until the bell."

She sighed, "I hate school."

"Junior year is the worst." I pat her back and picked up my backpack, "See you at the game?"

She nodded, "Full white out."

"Full white out." I nodded and rushed to the library doors.

You can't leave them until the bell. Once you're in, you stay in. That's literally the rule for our school.

The bell sounded and I quickly walked from the library (the North side of the school) to the weight room (the south side and down the stairs).

"There you are!" Mobius walked next to me once I got to the science hallway, "How's your head?" He put the back of his hand on my forehead.

I smacked it away, "Keep doing shit like that and people will think we're dating."

He elbowed me as we made it to the hallway with the locker room, "I don't like you like that."

I rolled my eyes and strolled into the girl's locker room, feeling pretty good.

"Headache or heartache?" Syd looked up at me from the small bench next to our lockers, her gym clothes already on, "I think it's the second one."

"You can't be mad at me for skipping a class." I stepped closer to her.

She glared at me, a smirk playing on her lips, "You skipped without me."

I shoved her shoulder, "Shut up."

We talked while I changed and finally went into the weight room.

Everyone always does the same thing here. We each have our little groups that we work out with everyday.

But today was different.

Today, Scarlett was sitting on the bench Sydney and I always use.

She stood up once she saw us walk in.

"I think I forgot my water bottle." Sydney turned and went right back into the locker room, leaving me alone.

Why am I so nervous?

I'm not.

I'm Natalie Wilson.

I am hot.

I am smart.

I am funny.

I am not ner-

"I need you to be at the game tonight. As in, I will do anything for you to come to the game tonight. As in, I really really wanna sit next to you. As in, please come?"

Scarlett Santoro, standing in front of me, begging to come.

Ew! Get your mind out of the gutter.

"I will be there. My dad's out of town so he can't even say no this time." Shit Malachi is back. Maybe he'll want to go.

"Bring your brother too. I bet he doesn't want to be left alone or something."

It's like she can read my mind.

"How did you know he's back?" I raised my eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes as if that was a dumb question, "You guys look, like, super alike." She put her hand on my bicep and squeezed gently, "Please say you'll come tonight?"

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