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Flau'jae Johnson

My heart feels so full and I'm so happy. Everything is back to normal, I can't be more thankful.

Angel and I have been good, we are both on the same page. She's been on my ass, like she's not going for nothing.

The regulations list in this relationship keeps getting longer. I have no problem with it because I know why they were put in place.

"I gotta talk to Mulkey then I'm going to the bank" I told Angel as she watched me put on my slides, "I'll meet you at home"

"I need you to help me with something when you get there" she said and I nodded my head before she turned her attention away to her phone

She was just inattentive and held a concerned look on her face before I took her phone. I started reading a message from a number now becoming concerned myself

"Who that is, they meant to send that to you?" I asked handing her the phone back

"Yea, that's Ja'Mire"

"Who the hell he think he talking to?" I asked myself confused as hell, "And I thought you blocked him?"

"I did, but I think he's texting from a fake number or another phone" she said as I shut my locker and grabbed my bag

"Don't worry about it just send me the number"

"Uh oh — alright" she said already knowing, I'm finna make this nigga call for his momma

"I'll see you in a little bit mamas, I love you" I said before giving her a kiss and we went our separate ways

I made my way to Mulkey's office with the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I'm so nervous I actually wanna turn around.

As I approached the door I did a quick prayer before knocking. She opened the door and allowed me to come in.

"Hey coach" I spoke while giving her a side hug

"I see you finally made your way here" she said before I laughed nervously

"Yeah, you told me to be here after practice" I said with all honesty as she made her way behind her desk and I sat down

She sat down and sighed before looking at me. I don't know why she called me here, but I hope it's no bullshit.

"I want to start of by saying , you are no longer benched" she said before a big smile plastered across my face

"Thank you, thank you, thank you coach"

"Your welcome" she said with a nod, "You can still be benched again at any time. I've been watching you and I see that the old Flau'jae is back. Thank god"

"Yeah because I don't know what was going on" I lied before she gave me a look. She must know something I don't.

"I'm just happy that the 'I don't care' Flau'jae is gone. Even though you showed up, you know you weren't trying. Whatever your mom said snapped you back"

"She told you that she called me?" I asked surprised before she nodded, "And coach you betrayed me, you didn't have to call her"

"Oh yes I did, you know I don't call parents but you weren't listening to me. I don't know what she said to you but I'm happy she said it"

"I got cursed out, she went off on me"

"Good, it was needed" we both started laughing as I shook my head, "That's all I wanted to meet with you about"

"Oh I got good news today" I said excitedly while getting up, "Thank you coach"

I left making my way to my car pulling off and heading to the bank. Somehow they fucked up something in my account and now I have to go show my ass.

After two hours of straightening everything out, I finally left. Instead of going to Angel's spot, I met her at some restaurant she told me to meet her at.

"Ain't you supposed to be at home doing that work?" I asked Angel before she snickered

"I wanted to go shopping"

"Everyday is Christmas for you, why you feel the need to shop?"

"Because I like the feeling of opening new stuff" I just shook my head at her, "You know this already"

So shame.

"You still ain't send that number to me" I said while picking up her phone off the table

"I honestly had forgot"

"Don't worry about it, I got it" I said while unlocking her phone and mine at the same time

"What are you about to do?" Angel asked and I responded with a shrug, "Flau'jae"

"I'm finna save the number to my phone and deal with him when you not around — hold on"

I started reading through the messages that were sent. He's definitely obsessed and I get it, but he talk out his neck crazy.

No respect and his threats are unheard of. After taking screenshots of the messages and sending them to myself I slid her phone to her.

That shit got me mad as fuck.

"Why you looking like that?"

"He put his hands on you — did y'all fuck?" I asked her causing her mouth to drop

"Can we enjoy our time out together right now?"

"Just answer me"

"No to both" she answered leaving me confused

"So why he so comfortable with threatening you?" I asked before she shrugged, "If I find out you lying — Angel be for real"

"Bae he didn't touch me"

"He finna be a dead ass nigga" I mumbled underneath my breath

"What you say?" She asked before I shook my head

"We need to figure out what we ordering" I said before she squinted her eye at me and I chuckled

The waitress came back before we ordered our food. After sitting there forever she came back and we ate then left.

"It's still cricket" Angel said while looking at the picture on the wall, "It is"

"Come on man" I said while looking at her before she started laughing

"I'm being so serious right now, like for real"

"This picture been up and down, up and down for twenty minutes. You don't think I'm tired?"

"I do, but you know how I am about my decorations" I was just staring at her for a second and she stared at me

As soon as we got in she put me to work and now my energy burned out. I can't believe she going this hard about a picture being on the wall.

"Why is it off the wall anyway?"

"I knocked it down this morning by accident" I just groaned and she chuckled

"Don't let it happen again because respectfully, I won't be putting it back up "

"We gone see handy man" she said before I cut my eyes at her

I'm over it.

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