A police officer handcuffed Britain, protests erupted as it happened.

   "They wouldn't be living under the same house and circumstances as he was, Mr. Taylor. Officer, I recommend you bring in federal assistance."


   "He's a lying bastard! He's ruined my life by taking my favorite things from me! My daughters! He tried to kill my wife, his mother! You have to listen!"

   "Britain Taylor, you are under arrest..."



   "How come you've never moved on? You dream as if everything was fine from that night onwards?"

   "Because.. I love you. I always will. You showed me true love and gave me a meaning not to commit suicide."

   "Why did you want to commit suicide?"

   "I was only liked because I had a 'hot' sister, a cool ass dad, and I could play football rather well. I was being used. I hated it."

   "What about Belarus?"

   "She is too young to understand still, she wouldn't have understood then either."

   "She loves you."

   "I'm her brother, she is obligated to."

   "But, are you obligated to love her because she's your sister?"




   "Russia? I think it's time you wake up now."

   "No... I want to hear your voice longer."

   "Then wake up, silly."


   "Good morning sleepyhead!"

   Russia rolled over in the bed and begrudgingly opened his eyes. Quickly, a quick kiss was rather harshly placed on his cheek, followed by a familiar laugh. He turned his head to look over at America, his one and only lover.

   "Good morning," he muttered, smiling faintly.

   "You're going to be late for work, dummy," America hummed, jumping out of bed and skipping away.

   Russia smiled widely and shook his head, a faint laugh emitting from him.

   "It's Saturday! I don't work Saturdays!"

   "Oh, right! Well I still made breakfast!"

   Russia chuckled to himself as he slid out of the bed and walked to the kitchen, being greeted by his husband, his son, and his daughter.

   "Aunty Nada is coming over later, Papa!"

   "Is she? Is she bringing your cousins?"

   "Supposed to be! I don't want to listen to grownup talk! It's boring!" the son pouted, crossing his arms as he did so. "I don't want to be a grownup!"

   "I didn't want to be either, Mikhail, but you don't have a choice because I didn't either."


   America bounced out the kitchen, holding a plate. He noticed his kids were distracted by Russia, so he hummed "Who wants pancakes~!" and set the plate down, watching the two kids grab their share quickly before saying "thanks" and shoving their mouths full. America walked over to where Russia sat and sat next to him, earning a kiss once he was situated.

   "Ew! In front of my pancakes," Mikhail grumbled, looking at his own parents in disgust.

   "That's how babies are made! Kissing! That's what Elizabeth said at school!"

   "Oh- certain types of kissing, dear," Russia quickly responded. "Not that kissing."

   "Oh. Okay!"

   Under the table, America's hand laid firmly grasped in Russia's. The two faced many impossible issues together, and each time they succeeded. From shitty parents to scrambling for scholarship money to a long distance relationship, the two persisted and now they were here, sitting at the table with their two children, happily married.

                        •~<The End>~•

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