{Back To School}

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America parked his truck in his parking spot at the school, his sister quite quickly jumping out. He turned the truck off and followed, locking the doors right after he got out.

"You know, you never told me how the hospital visit went and I told you all about the party!"

"And how you are now desperately in love with some girl from St. Victoria? Yeah, well, I broke his ankle and just was there for company. His teammates weren't too happy he had broken his ankle, but it wasn't his fault at all."

"How much is there?"

"A lot. I sucked his dick!" America announced both proudly and loudly. A few cheers came from other people nearby, but America ignored him. "Honestly, he wasn't that bad. And I actually had a good sleep."

"On a hospital couch?" Canada questioned, both of them entering the school now. "If you can barely sleep without holding something, how'd you sleep on those uncomfortable ass couches?"

"Easy, I slept on him."

"Oh my god," she muttered. "Did you even get his number or did you forget again."

"Again," America said shamefully. "I forgot again. But he was so hot! Like, I'd tell Mum and Dad I was dating him at that point! And his sister is a lesbian and they're both out to his dad and he accepts them! I'd live with them!"


Canada turned down a hall to go to her locker while America continued on his way to go to his locker. Immediately, there was a group of guys surrounding it, but it was merely the football team.

"America! We won!" Germany shouted when he spotted America. "You missed the fucking party, dumbass!"

"I broke the dude's ankle by mistake," America replied when he reached the group, opening his locker. "He had a nice dick, though."

"You still gave him a blowjob?" Poland quickly questioned, poking her head over Germany's shoulder.

"I had to apologize!"

Spain shook his head, laughing lowly as he did so. "You are one dumbass," he said in between laughs.

America punched his shoulder playfully and shut his locker, grabbing the book he took out. "Go fuck yourself, I had sex one way or another," was America's response before walking away from the group, off to his next class.


"Hey, wait up!"

"She did not!"

"Bro, you won't believe it!"

Everyone was having great conversations amongst one another, but America wasn't interested in conversations. He had the man's name so he figured he'd at least search him up on some social media platform, get into contact somehow. America was longing to be with that guy again, be friends with benefits. Yet, being the clueless dumbass he is, he forgot to ask for his number. He definitely could have played it off with "so I can know you're getting better" or something, but he just generally forgot. And, America wanted to meet his dad, at least have one father who accepted him.

His dad was definitely not the accepting type. Him and Canada begged to be in a public school, saying it was better for opportunities for college and sports, but neither actually focused on that. Both went to a private school of their own, and both hated it. People constantly saying slurs and girls constantly being harassed and assaulted but it being played off as "boys will be boys" or "it's the Lord's will". America hated it, and he feared for his sister. Now, he was fearful for the youngest two, his little sister Australia already describing to America what older boys do to her because she's "going to be a beautiful bride". America only wanted to be successful in life so he can save his little siblings. All of them. Sneak them out from his parents house, give them opportunities and save them from torture. His parents both know what happen in that school and neither give a fuck. If America could find a way to get Russia's dad to help him, he might be able to save his siblings. And, he might even get a boyfriend in the process. A boyfriend who might actually care about him and not berate him constantly for the tiniest of slip-ups.

America walked into his home room class and sat in his seat, which of course was assigned. This was the one teacher who didn't like him. Reasons? America was "too full of himself". Canada almost fought this teacher when America said the reason. Actually. She walked over to the teacher and yelled at him. Sadly, that furthered the constant emotional abuse America gets. And only America. He's a bit of a dick.

   "America, you're missing ten assignments."

   "Bullshit," America grumbled under his breath. "Which ones?"

   "Figure it out," was the teacher's reply.

   America stared at the teacher, resisting the urge to jump out of his seat and beat the ever loving shit out of that 'man'. Instead, America secretly yet out in the open flipped the teacher off and picked up his book to read instead. It was titled How to Deal With Horrible Teachers and America thought it fitting. The book itself, actually useful. When the bell rang, America still didn't put the book down, just to further piss of the teacher to make it even. He tried to improve for him already but he gave up, nothing was good enough for him.

   "Alright, you have a project to do for the next week. It's due Friday. You need to make a presentation over a topic I'll give you and on the board are the requirements. America, put the book down."

   America looked over the book at the teacher and glared for a few seconds before going back to the book.

   "Aye, Meri! Where'd y'a get the book?"

   "Amazon. Got it in two days," America gladly answered. "It's pretty good, very useful."

   "America. Put the book down. Now."

   "I oughta think you'd let kids read," another student butted in, trying to not laugh.

   "That's a detention, America."

   "I'll just let you know, they don't even let me in the room whenever I go. They all think your reasons are stupid." America had enough of this teacher, might as well get suspended now. Loose everything he has. He doesn't give a fuck, he's done. "Fail me, go ahead, they've always changed my grades because they couldn't fire you yet. I know your bullshit because this class hasn't even given out six assignments this semester. I've got 100%'s in all of my other classes, so it's definitely not my other classes. It's your bullshit."

   "Get the fuck out of my class."

   "Gladly. Go fuck yourself."

America walked out the classroom with his stuff and quickly to the office. He entered and immediately announced his arrival, saying, "I cussed him out. Sorry."

"What did he do this time?" the secretary asked from her desk, writing a paper.

"One, said I was missing ten assignments. Two, yelled at me for not putting my book down. Three, tried to give me detention, again."

"I've got his slip, can you bring this to him?"

America watched as a security officer took a pink slip and walk out, him knowing exactly what that meant. They are firing him. Yippee!

"Mr. Sweden is in his office if you want to go see him, America."

"Thank you."

America walked past the woman and straight into the office of the school's social worker. He immediately knew what happened and motioned to his couch, pushing some papers and a box to America. It was coloring sheets and crayons. America immediately took them and said thank you, lying on his back as he began coloring. It was a dolphin, he couldn't resist.

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