{The Cannons}

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   Russia fixed his tie in the locker room mirror, a few other guys putting their uniforms back on. He turned around and grabbed his bag, promptly leaving the room and heading to his next class. He was planning on taking a nap the next period since the teacher was the football coach and would wake him up when he needed him to get ready to leave. Russia dreaded the game against Grace Bay High School. From what Russia heard, they were "ghetto", they were cheaters.

   "Good afternoon, Russia," the coach greeted as Russia walked in, prompting Russia to greet him back.

   He set his bag down and sat down, immediately slumping over. He heard a few girls laugh next to him but he ignored it, suggesting that they were up to no good.

   "Russia, man, you won't believe this."

   Russia lifted his head hesitantly to face the man who owned the voice. It was his close friend, Mongolia. He sat eagerly next to Russia, so Russia picked himself up and propped his head on his hand.

"Apparently, Grace Bay doesn't have any uniform, they're too poor to afford one! They do these 'theme nights' because they can't even buy school spirit wear."

"I believe we all are aware of the ghetto ass school who somehow made it to knockout," a girl chimed in. Romania was her name. "You can't lose to a shitty public school, Russia. Don't let them advance."

Russia tiredly nodded and set his head back down, this time being left alone. He pulled his phone out and opened a social media app, searching up the school. Russia was the school president at St. Victoria's, so he was curious is the captain for Grace Bay was also their school president. He quickly found out that he didn't play football, but that he would be leading the school on to cheer for their team. Russia found it cute how that is what his job was, telling people to have school spirit. Russia had found his profile so he decided to take an even further look into it.

He clicked on an image of him and another boy and read the caption, immediately figuring out how different the school was. The caption read, "Although we aren't dating anymore, I'm glad to still be able to call you my friend. Happy Birthday, Cuba. <3" and Russia felt a twinge of jealousy strike him. He leaned over to Romania to tell her what he found.

"They can be openly gay at Grace Bay. Their 'senior class president' dated a man," he whispered.

She scoffed in response, showing the same level of jealousy. Romania had been hiding a relationship with another girl named Albania and Russia was only out to his sister Ukraine, Romania, Albania, and Mongolia, who was eavesdropping because he liked to do that. They were stuck in an Orthodox Christian school, so none of them dared to open up about relationships of any type.

"Romania, come up and solve the problem."

Romania punched Russia lightly on the arm and Russia laid his head back down and closed his eyes, actually trying to fall asleep in actuality this time.

Russia struggled, however. The uniform he was wearing was uncomfortable and the tie had to be as tight as it was, practically choking Russia. He was barely able to even feel tired at this point, but he couldn't get out of his uniform till after school and there was a whole 48 minutes till school was out. He was stuck suffering in the uncomfortable uniform. People began loudly talking around Russia, Romania and Mongolia staying quiet as they shifted close to Russia.

"Leave him alone," the teacher shouted, trying to regain control of his class. "Russia is playing an important game today, knock it off."

Russia picked his head up after he realized he was the problem. It kinda hurt, but he did understand where his peers were coming from.

A girl walked into the class which caused the entire class to grow quiet. Every guy started mumbling between each other besides Mongolia, who stayed quiet. Russia immediately knew what that meant because every guy would kill to fuck his sister.

"This student is leaving," she said, handing a paper to the teacher. She was visibly uncomfortable and it wasn't because she worked with the office staff during the last period, rather, she was a lesbian. "I'll meet with you after classes, Росія," she said before leaving the classroom.

Russia was lucky. He and his two sisters had a very supportive father who was willing to love and protect them no matter what. Russia came out first and was surprised by how accepting his dad was, even offering to take him and his siblings out of that school and putting them in a school that would be more comfortable for them to be out with their feelings. Ukraine was next and he offered it again, even allowing them to help him understand it better. Their sister, Belarus, is still too young to understand completely, but she was put into public schools so she wouldn't be "indoctrinated" as their dad put it. Their dad wasn't even religious himself, he put his kids there initially because the school had high ratings and test scores.

"Man, you should really hook me up with your sister. I know she'll love it when I shove myself down that nice throat of hers."

"How about you suck your own dick," Russia refuted, putting his head back down.

Romania yelled at the guy in her native tongue when he tried to fight, Mongolia joining in somewhat periodically. Russia loosened his tie and unbuttoned his first button on his shirt and found it more viable to fall asleep, which he has now able to.

And just like that, Russia was asleep. Didn't feel like he had slept for long, but he was woken up three hours later so he can grab his stuff and get ready for the game so they can leave. The coach handed Russia a small snack box and left the room. Russia put the box in his bag while he grabbed his garment bag so he could change. Quick in and out of the bathroom and back to the classroom, he was finally ready. He check his phone and found he had an hour till he had to board the bus to go to Grace Bay's stadium.

"Russia, how'd you sleep?"

Russia looked up at his sister who sat down next to him.

"If we lose to Grace Bay, you should transfer there for your senior year. Their current school president, or 'senior class president' as they call it, is openly gay. You'd be able to fit in a lot better there."

"No more horny dickhead guys?"

"Yep. Apparently, if they win, students are hosting a party completely unknown to faculty there. Maybe try to sneak in and see what their culture is like."

"Thanks, Rus. Try to lose, eh?"

"I'll fuck myself up, don't worry."

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