{How Rumors Start}

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America hesitated, staring at the door in front of him. He was invited over to provide company to his "very close friend" as he so called it to his father so he could leave. America was told his little sister would probably answer the door as she loved to do so, so with the worry of a tall, terrifying man staring at him, he knocked twice. He heard the patter of small feet run at the door, a small laugh coming closer. The door opened and there stood a little girl staring at America.

"Hey, I'm here for your brother," he calmly said, crouching down to her level. "Here, I brought you some candy," he added in, handing her a bag of gummies he managed to grab on his way over.

She quickly took the candy with a big smile, immediately giving America a big hug after. He laughed and hugged her back, picking her up so he could carry her inside. He set her down and she ran off, laughing loudly as she did so. America watched her run to her dad who sat on an armchair and hand them to him before sticking her hands back out.

"How many do you want?" the man asked, setting a book down and opening the package.

"Free!" She happily replied. Obviously she meant 3, but she is a child.

The dad handed her three candies and she took them and ran off upstairs, him setting the bag to the side. America quickly took off his shoes and stood back up.

"You must be here for Russia. He's upstairs, first door on the left."

"Thank you," America said, going up the stairs.

The door on the left was wide open, so America peaked in to see the little girl sitting with Russia on his bed. She was saying something, but America couldn't make it out. He knocked on the door frame and walked in, seeming unsure of what to do.

"That man gave me candy!" The little girl immediately chimed, following it up with a laugh.

"Hey, America," Russia rather calmly said, "come sit down next to Bela."

America walked over and slowly sat down, sitting near Russia's foot and cautious of hurting him. Russia pat America's shoulder in an attempt to reassure him, but the little girl distracted them. She jumped off the bed and turned around quickly.

"I'm Belarus! You are marry my brother, да?"

Russia awkwardly laughed while America struggled to hold in his laughter. It was so unexpected to America that he was about to say yes but he had to think about it.

"Not yet, maybe," he responded. "There's a long long process first. It sucks."

America made it seem like he was on Belarus's side which would have been okay if she didn't have a look of "I'm telling Dad!" followed by her running out of the room, also shutting the door.

"Hah, poor папа, he has to deal with her now," Russia chuckled, laying down. He continued to look at America, a smile charming his face. "Thank you for coming, it was pretty lonely."

"Ah, it's fine! I had to get out of the house somehow because I kinda got grounded for cursing out a teacher and getting them fired," America responded, rubbing the back of his neck. "Your dad seems nice."

"Dad is always nice. He's the reason everyone tries to get me or my other sister as their partner for projects so they can come over and benefit off of him. He's maybe too nice, he can't see people taking advantage of him."

"Lucky ass," America mumbled, laying down next to Russia.

Russia laughed and pulled America onto him, ruffling his hair. America stifled his laughter by pushing his face into Russia's neck, trying his best to resist laughing. America adored love like this, love that makes him laugh. Especially when they don't stop and just continue what they're doing because America is laughing, which is exactly what Russia was doing. They might've been dating for two days now and only actually been with each other once before that, but they had already formed a tight bond. America pulled himself away from Russia and rested his head on his chest, since he was short enough to do that, grabbing one of Russia's hands with his own. Russia replied back by setting his other hand on America's back, whispering something in his native language. That moment was immediately ruined by the sound of multiple footsteps and female voices coming up the stairs. America shot up and sat on the side of the bed, pulling his phone out. The door opened and a girl stuck her head in as if to tell Russia something.

"I've got two friends over, I'm helping them on an essay, Rus."

Immediately, a girl pushed the sister to the side and burst in, saying hi to Russia. She spotted America, but he was wearing his letterman's jacket, so quite quickly she found out what school he went to and she was pissed.

"You're that dumb school who nearly killed Russia!" she screamed, the other girl now stepping in and joining in the harassment.

"No, no!" Russia quickly jumped in. "He is a good friend and graduated from St. Victoria last year! It's his cousin's jacket."

"Yeah, he left it at my place so I decided to wear it because we are around the same size and share clothes a lot," America awkwardly added in.

"His parents are family friends, they are nothing to worry about," the sister said, trying to shoo the two out of the room.

Once the two were out, the sister apologized and immediately shut the door, leading the two girls back downstairs by the sound of their voices.

"Damn, Ukraine," Russia mumbled.

America decided that the girls would probably stay downstairs and crawled back onto Russia, this time laying his head in Russia's neck. Wrapped his arms tightly around America, apologizing about the lie they made up on the spot and putting the pressure on him. America didn't care, he was just relieved he wasn't dragged out of the house and beat up by a bunch of Christians. He wanted sleep, and he'd get it wether his parents would like him to stay over or not (which they don't). Russia decided he'd be the bigger man and he kissed America's forehead sending butterflies into America's stomach. He slid off of Russia slowly and laid next to him, still keeping his head next to Russia's neck.

"You're going to take a nap, huh? What happened to my need for company," Russia joked.

"You can sleep with me," he muttered in response. "You did it before."

"Yeah, but it was at night. And after you sucked me off."

"What if I let you fuck me? Will you sleep then?"

"I'll sleep now," Russia chuckled, kissing America's forehead once again, just this time longer.

America stretched himself closer to Russia's basically asking for another kiss. That wish was promptly given.

"Love you," America mumbled.

Once America fell asleep, Russia's dad walked to check up on them and immediately brought another blanket for America. It was a large quilt, so it was impossible for America to be cold now.

Rival Schools - RusAmeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora