{First Day Back}

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   Russia hobbled through the halls on his crutches, accompanied by his friend Mongolia. The two were relatively quiet, well, Mongolia actually decided to spark a conversation. A conversation of importance.

"You know how I just love eavesdropping and how it always benefits at least one person?"

"Yeah, I do," Russia sighed, not knowing where he was going with it. "Why does this matter?"

"Okay, so, first of all, Ukraine and Romania snuck into Grace Bay's party with Albania and Albania got high. Second of all, Coach is going through a divorce. Third of all, according to some pictures, Mrs. Commonwealth is a stripper. Finally, fourth of all, apparently rumor has it that you're gay. That you were sleeping with a boy from Grace Bay."

Russia stopped dead in his tracks, staring daggers at Mongolia. "When did this come out," he asked, refusing to remove his eyes.

"Ehrm, two weeks ago? Want some boba? Tuva is picking some up so she can also grab you some."

"Oh my god, Mongolia! My life could get destroyed! It's hard to shut down rumors here! And yes I'd like a bubble tea. But my entire life, my reputation! They're going to bully me to suicide!"

"Calm down, Ruski," Romania called from behind them, accompanied by another girl. "And can Albania and I snag one as well?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you," the new girl replied, turning to Russia. "I know you'll hate this, but you and I could start fake dating in order to push those rumors down. And don't think it's weird please, I'm a full-ass lesbian."

   "Why do the most strict schools produce the most homosexuals?" a new voice asked, stepping into the conversation.

   "Oh em gee! Hey Bulgaria!"

   "Hey, guys. But still, Russia, take the offer, but let your, uhm, 'friend' know as well."

   Russia nodded and moved so he leaned against the wall, a heavy sigh leaving his mouth. He moved his hands over his face and forced any noises to be concealed, mainly his screams of annoyance.

   "Would you like a boba?"

   "Of course, Tuva picking them up?"

   "You know her, skipping school is her middle name!"

   "I wonder if she's seeing someone," Albania perked up, silencing the group in thought. "Probably some guy that goes to Katherine Prep. They are them rich rich kids, she's definitely a gold digger."

   "How else would she agree to buy... five other people bobas? Someone is def giving her money."

   "The gays need their refreshments," Romania added in, laughs leaving the rest. Except Russia.

   "None of you know who I'm dating, huh," he asked, looking up. Once everyone shook their head, he looked at the ceiling and mustered all the courage to tell them. "So remember how there was this one guy who broke my ankle, Grace Bay's senior class president? Him, I'm dating him. He is quite literally the only person, besides any of you, that doesn't even take advantage of my dad! He brought him coffee when he was visiting with me and... he helped me get some sleep... I'm rambling."

   "Nah, bitch, we need more info on this guy. Is he tall? Rich? What is he?"

   "A dumbass," Russia joked, leaning his head back. "He's the most caring man in the world. And my dad loves him, in fact he kinda gave me a box of condoms the other day so there's that."

Immediately the group burst into laughter, Mongolia falling onto his knees from it. Russia knew that each and every one of them has met his dad in some way and he knew that none of them would have suspected his own father to give him a box of condoms when he's just started dating a guy. Albania was even holding onto Romania, and just down the hall, a very confused girl walked over, her hands filled with drinks. Immediately Russia recognized her as Tuva. He shot her a plead for help type look and she only smiled, obviously not intending on helping Russia.

"What did you do," she questioned, distributing the bubble tea amongst the group of laughing hyenas.

"His dad gave him a box of condoms," Bulgaria explained, finally pulling himself together.

"Drop that, let me think of how else to describe him without making it weird." A long "silence" (actually just laughter finally dying down) passed before Russia spoke again. "He's the type of guy to focus on other people rather than himself but will absolutely cuss a teacher out if they do something to him, which he's done. He is the one guy everyone wants to be friends with and the lady's guy. He is a jokester but is basically abused at home. He was supposed to actually come here until he and his sister convinced his parents to send him to Grace Bay, but his two younger sister's actually attend Trinity, so they're coming here next."

   "Oh my god Trinity is such a short school," Mongolia butted in. "Those 13 year olds who are about to graduate will literally rape or grope the little ones."

   "Apparently, it's happening to his sister but his parents are turning a dead eye," Russia mumbled, looking down. "He's got two jobs so he could treat his siblings to stuff and soon move out and take them with."

   "Can I meet him? Maybe like, uhm, how much longer is the cast going to be on?"

   Russia chuckled lightly, shaking his head at Romania. "Less than a month," he replied. "I'm sure he'll be willing to meet all of you, he's a very social guy."

   "Opposites attract~," Albania said, leaning onto Romania's shoulder.

   "Wait a minute," Tuva interrupted, all eyes turning onto her. "Explain to me how you all will dog on me about skipping class a lot when you are all skipping class right now."

   "I am not listening to some boys complain about how a, and I quote, 'school of dick-suckers and poor kids' beat us in football a whole ass month ago. I'd rather eat two whole pineapples and four papayas then sit with them any longer," Bulgaria argued.

   "You hate both of those fruits to the point of throwing up, you should change them," Mongolia objected. "Maybe sixty-four bananas and three honeydew melons."

   "Ew, those are ew," Bulgaria immediately uttered, shuddering.

   "The autism be wilding in this man," Tuva said, taking a drink of her bubble tea. "You better be happy I got you coconut jelly, now get to class."

   "Mom, the instrument is using my autism against me!"

   "Just because it's one letter away from tuba doesn't mean you can call me an instrument," she threatened, staring deep into the man.

   "If I could make eye contact, I'd be shitting myself."

   "Hey, I remember why we're skipping. None of us want to go to prayer."

   "Oh, right," Tuva nodded. "Say, who wants to shove Mongolia in a locker for making me blow my money?"

   "I'm just going to my next period and texting him," Russia replied, turning away and hobbling away.

   "Oh, wait for me," Bulgaria added in, joining Russia's side.

   "See you never, losers," Romania said in farewell.

   "That is a joke," Albania quickly added in.

(A/N) I lied, I'm continuing the book. :)

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