Chapter 42: Damage Control

Start from the beginning

I hang up.

'It actually was worth it building up all those connection'

'They really come in handy at such times'

I did a bit more paperwork before deciding to head to bed for the day.

As I walked by Amanda's room, out of impulse I decided to check up on her.

I knocked on the door.

'Maybe she's  alsee—'

"Help" I heard her shout.

Hearing her panicked voice I quickly walked into her room. She was holding onto the wall for support.

"Amanda" I called rushing to her.

When I got close I noticed blood running down her legs, her nightgown was damped in blood. She was panting heavily, looking pale.

"My love, what's wrong are you on your period, Should I go buy some pad for you," I asked.

"Hunter something is wrong with me, it's not a period. The blood is heavy, it keeps pouring, I soaked out four pads in the last 10 minutes, my stomach hurt a lot, I'm scared" She cried.

"H-hospital, we need to get you to a hospital. Can you walk" I asked.

She shook her head.

"I can't, it hurts so bad. What's happening to me am I going to die" She asked panicked.

The blood running down her legs now made a puddle on the floor. Her body was trembling.

I rushed to my room and grabbed my car key. I ran back to Amanda, picked her up in my arms, and started Sprinting towards the stairs.

"There's no time to call for an ambulance, they might not get here in time" I commented.

Amanda held on to me tightly crying. I rushed downstairs and then out the door.

"Open the gate" I screamed as I placed Amanda in the passenger seat.

I quickly got into the driver's seat and zoomed off. Amanda was clutching onto her stomach crying the entire time, she kept on asking if she'd die.

I had no idea what was happening or why it was happening. I was scared, I didn't want to lose her, I wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. I rushed her to the nearest hospital I could find.

When we got to the hospital Amanda had already passed out, the doctors quickly rushed her into the emergency room. I was covered in blood from carrying her, When I stared at how bloody my hands were for the first time in my life I got scared of the blood on my hands.

I was so scared, I didn't know what to do, my whole body was trembling.

My phone which was still in my pocket began to ring.

I didn't pick it up, it stopped ringing and then started again. I took it out of my pocket wanting to switch it off but when I saw Zack's name flash on the screen I picked up.

"Hunter where are you, the guards just told me you rushed out the house with Amanda, Skylar also found a pool of blood in Amanda's room what's happening," he asked.

I sat down on the ground.

"Zack—Amanda, there's something wrong with Amanda she was bleeding a lot, she passed out before we arrived at the hospital. I'm scared, I don't know what is wrong with her, I don't want her to die, I don't want to lose her" I confessed.

"Where are you, Skylar, and I will come to you" he asked.

"I don't know the hospital's name but it's the closest hospital to the mansion" I explained.

"OK got it, just hang on till we get there," he said before hanging up.

I put my phone down, my heart was beating hard against my chest as I stared at the emergency room they took Amanda.

' please be alright my love'

A few minutes later Zack and Skylar arrived.

"Hunter is there any update, How is Amanda" Skylar asked.

I shook my head.

"The doctors haven't come out yet" I replied.

She kneeled down next to me followed by my Zack.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she will be OK. My little honey is a fighter"Zack assured.

" there was so much blood, I'm scared what if  she —"

Skylar covered my mouth with her hand.

"Don't finish that sentence, she'll be okay, she has to be. I'm sure it's nothing serious" Skylar commented as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"She has to be OK" she repeated.

No one said anything after that, we just sat there anxiously waiting for any news, nurses just rushed in after a while carrying a lot of pints of blood.

Minutes turned to hours, at about 3 AM. 6 hours after we got to the hospital Amanda was transferred to the ICU private ward. The doctor didn't tell us what was wrong with her as they had to run several tests, but her condition was stable.

An hour later, the doctor called me into Amanda's room. When I got there, She was already awake. She grinned when she saw me.

"Hunter" she called. She sat up.

I rushed to her and then wrapped my hands around her.

"You scared me, my love, I thought I'd lose you" I confessed holding her tightly.

"I'm sorry, you must have been so worried about me" She apologized.

"It's good to see you awake ms miller" the doctor commented from the door.

I pulled away and then sat next to Amanda.

"What exactly is wrong with her, Was it something she ate, abnormal periods or something" I asked.

"It was as a result of an anti-biotic. Some pills are dangerous for women, especially in this condition" she explained.

"But it was just a pain killer, I've had taken it various times before but nothing like this happened, this is the first time "Amanda defended.

"Well yes that was before but now you have to be more careful. Certain tablets are harmful to pregnancies. Luckily we managed to save the baby because you got here in time but next time you might not be so lucky "she explained.

Amanda and I shared a look and then stared back at her.

" pregnancy "Amanda asked.

The doctor seemed confused then quickly realized something.

"Oh, I apologize that's unprofessional of me I thought you already knew. Congratulations Ms Miller you are about two to three weeks pregnant. The heavy bleeding was caused because of a potential miscarriage but luckily your husband was quick enough to bring you to the hospital when he did. A gynecologist will come and check up on you and explain a few things to both of you "she explained.

" i-i-i'm Pregnant, "Amanda asked looking awe-struck.


Hey, guys so hope everyone is doing OK, just thought of posting this chapter before announcing that I'll be taking a short break again. I haven't been keeping well of late and just decided to take a break.

Please don't forget to





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