But Malachi is here.

And I have missed him so much.

I came into the living room and... "Your hair is blonde."

"Yeah and yours is still brown." He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around me, "It was horrible there."

I stroked his head, missing the comfort of his embrace, "I've missed you Melly."

He choked back a cough and backed up from me, "Been a while since I've heard that."

I shook my head, "It's been too long." I smiled at him, "We have a lot of catching up to do."

He smirked, "I know."


After I showered, put on my pajamas, and finally laid in my bed, I got the courage to pick up my phone.

Yoda and Mobius are very upset with me. Sydney knows it's something to do with my dad. And an unknown number sent one message.

I opened that one first, dying to know who this is.

unknown [6:23 pm]

me [9:39 pm]
who is this?

unknown [9:40 pm]
the person you were supposed
to sit with at the football game


I sat up straight in my bed, so scared on how I should respond.

A million sorries? An explanation?


How did she get my number?

unknown [9:43 pm]
before you think im stalking you,
i asked sydney for your number


me [9:44 pm]
i am SO sorry about tonight!!!
my dad went kinda crazy and said no

unknown [9:47 pm]
no worries dads are weird!
send me a pic for your contact


I should save her number too.

And I should send her a picture that is cute. It needs to scream 'im hot and you know it so come over and fu-'

"Natalie?" My dad opened my door, not bothering to knock. But he's never done that.

"What's up?"

"Lights out in 20." He flipped the switch to my overhead light off, "I am leaving for Monaco in the morning but if you need anything, I'll send you some money."

"Thanks dad! Have a safe trip!" I hope your plane gets stuck by lightning and falls out of the sky in the middle of nowhere with no hope of survival.

Back to the task at hand, I found a good photo in my camera roll.

A sexy picture but not sexy enough to make her think anything beyond a pure friendship.

She's straight though so she probably wouldn't even be able to pick up those signs if I tried.

I was frantically searching through my camera roll, overthinking every picture I came across.

Until this one.

me [9:53 pm]

me [9:53 pm]

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scarlett?? [9:55 pm]

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

Snap out of it! She said perfect because it is a good picture for the contact.

me [9:56 pm]
thats a good pic

scarlett?? [9:56 pm]
i agree

Play it cool.

me [9:57 pm]
your turn

scarlett?? [9:58 pm]

scarlett?? [9:58 pm]

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She's so hot.

I am gonna explode.

How the fuck do I respond.


I have to change her contact name too.

I know it's Scarlett why am I gonna put question marks next to her name.

But what should I make the fucking contact.

Why am I overthinking this so hard?

scarrr [10:00 pm]
mumsy said it's bed time
im still bummed you didnt come to the game
but i get it
i'm really hoping i see you tomorrow.

scarrr [10:01 pm]
goodnight natalie

me [10:01 pm]
ill see you tmr fs
goodnight scarlett
sleep well

me [10:04 pm]
sorry again about the game

scarrr [10:05 pm]
don't stress about it natalie
its just a football game
youll be at the next one and we can get together then

me [10:06 pm]
that sounds good

scarrr [10:07 pm]
it really does

The butterflies in my stomach are never leaving.

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