When I came out Erica was sitting down signing something. I didn't want to disturb her so I tried to sneak by quietly. "Oh your done" she said catching me I turned around awkwardly. "Yeah I um I didn't want to disturb you that looks important" I said she shrugged "it's not" she replied pushing the papers aside before standing up. "I guess I should take my shower now" said Erica before looking down at what was in my arms. "Are those your clothes?" She asked "Yeah I kind of don't have a bag for them so I don't know what to do with them" I said nervously. She suddenly held out her arms . "Here I'll take them and have them dry cleaned" she said but before I could protest against it she grabbed the dirty clothes and sat them on one of the seats in the back.

After Erica took her shower and everything she came back out this time dressed in a pantsuit. She looked feminine and masculine at the same time with her long flowing hair and pantsuit that fitted her perfectly she was gorgeous I found myself blushing and zoning out so much so that I didn't realize she was even talking until the last minute. "Are you?" Asked Erica bringing me out of my daze "Sorry could you repeat that?" I said confused. "I said do you want breakfast?" She asked. I didn't want her to spend anymore money on me it just didn't feel right I'm supposed to be her assistant basically and she's already bought me these clothes and is paying for my other ones to be dry cleaned with that in mind I decided to say no even though I was very hungry I hadn't eaten since we got on this jet but I don't want her spending anymore more.

"No I'm fine I'm actually not that hun-" I said but was cut off by the sound of my stomach growling, my cheeks went red from embarrassment. Erica looked at me with one eyebrow raised "You sure about that" she asked with a goofy smirk on her face "Yes-" I said but my stomach growled again. I sighed and Erica chuckled, "Zane" called out Erica just then a man came out from the back. "Yes Miss Nimue?" He replied. "Bring a car around for me and Miss Garcia" she said without even looking at him he said nothing but instead went to go do as she said right away.

As we were in the car I couldn't help but look at Erica the beautiful yet mysterious woman I only knew little about most from what she's showed in her actions others from what my best friend Informed me of. either way she still seemed as though she had a secret one that she had no attention on letting be revealed to anyone. Even with that in mind I couldn't help but feel drawn to her  everything about her was captivating from her alluring voice when she speaks to the way she moves when doing something as simple as walking. Just then the car came to a stop and The driver came around and opened the door for us each on at a time.

I thanked him and so did she. I looked up at the place in front of me that looked nothing like a normal restaurant. You could tell it was expensive without even having to go in but instead just by looking at the people coming out. God why does everywhere she eats so expensive I thought to myself as we walked inside. I immediately felt out of place "Um what is this place?" I asked looking around both amazed and frightened every the people here all looked like snobs the type of rich people that would insult you on something as simple as the brand of clothing you were wearing.

"It's a breakfast cafe" said Erica casually "This A cafe?!" I repeated she just nodded. I understand why she isn't as surprised as me she probably grew up in places like this with all the money she has it's no doubt from her rich family. I thought to myself as we got to a table and sat down, it was silent as we sat across from each with nothing but the sound of others around us chatting with one another. This place was so elegant that I couldn't help but stare at everything and everyone I think one woman even got uncomfortable with how much I was staring.

Finally the waitress came over to take our order and even she was dressed to impress all the Waiters were dressed in the same styled outfit in fact.

"Hi welcome to the gourmet breakfast Cafe what can I get you today?" Asked the woman with a smile. I looked at the menu and was surprised to see a great amount of the food in Spanish" a language that I only partially understood my English and Korean was the only two languages I could speak Fluently.

I looked at the menu for a moment surprisingly able to read and understand everything on it so I gave her my order. "Ok I'll have the (tocino y huevos) Bacon and Egg with a (te helado) iced tea" I said being sure to choose the cheapest and most normal breakfast meal. "Ok Bacon and Eggs and iced tea" said the woman writing my order down she then looked over at Erica who looked to be still deciding. "And you?" Asked the waitress. But Erica did not answer I was confused at first I thought she was being rude and ignoring the woman but I soon realized that, that wasn't what she was doing it was something else. I noticed she was having trouble with the menu.

The waitress was confused she didn't know rather to stay or go so I decided to help out. I walked over to Erica and leaned over her shoulder so that I could get a better look at her menu. "Hm point at the things your trying to order" I whispered so that Erica could only eat me. "I- this and that" she said I nodded and looked up at the waitress. "She wants the (tortilla con queso) Omelette with cheese and (agua saborizada) flavored water" I said the waitress wrote it down and smiled. "Alright I'll have that right out to you" she said before leaving I nodded and smiled as well "Thank you" I replied she smiled once more before leaving.

I looked back down only to come face to face with Erica we were so close that anyone who saw us would think we were about to kiss and surly enough some people were looking. I blushed in embarrassment before stumbling back almost falling to the ground but Erica caught me and pulled me forward so that I ended up lending in her lap instead which was way more embarrassing then falling to the ground.

I quickly darted up which left Erica with a shocked look on her face. "You ok" she asked "yeah Um sorry I could be clumsy sometimes" I said before sitting back at my end of the table. I was so embarrassed that I found anything other then what had just happened to talk about. "I thought this was your hometown I was sure you came here a lot how come you didn't understand the menu?" I asked it looked as though Erica had started to feel embarrassed as well but instead of going red in her cheeks it ended up being the tip of her ears but she tried to hid it masking it with that Alluring but confident voice of hers.

"When I was here this place wasn't, it's just as new to me as it is to you. it was a shocking to see that the menu was in Spanish a language I happen to not speak" she explained. That made a lot of sense I thought to myself as another question came up. "You said happen to not speak as if you speak others do you?" I asked curious about her. "German, English, French. French being my second language as my father is of French Heritage" she said crossing on leg over the other as she leaned forward on the table and looked at me. "What about you I've noticed your good with Spanish do you speak any other languages?" she asked. "While I wouldn't say good with Spanish I do in fact speak fluent Korean as my father is Korean" I said.

Ericas POV:

"And your mother?" I asked even though I had already knew all of this about her from the file I have on her. for some reason I still wanted to hear her talk. "My mother Is Latin" said Isabella. "Oh" I said acting as if this was all new information to me. She ended up asking me more questions that I didn't mind to answer some I may have had to lie a bit for but even so I still enjoyed our conversation.

Later the waitress came back with our orders sitting mine in front of me and giving Isabella hers.

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