Chapter 16

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Authors note : actually me using lack if sleep is a weak excuse especially when my favourite motto is NEVA BACK DOWN NEVA WHAT?💪😤

Ann was terrifying.  That was one thing Arisu noticed when he first met the woman and had a semi full conversation with her . She had demanded Arisu to stick beside her when they walked into the venue which he had fully obliged to afraid of what could happen if he ever disobeyed the woman .

"A water proof case?," Arisu mumbled examining the phone ."This is a trial to see if you're fit to be an executive member of the Beach," Ann announced grasping Arisu attention once again "do your best" She ended stalking away .

Confusion and anxiety blended in the raven haired's expression as he followed the route Ann took Kuina falling into step with him chuckling." Don't worry that's just how Ann normally is".

"Ann! Water is starting to spurt out, and it's filling up the area!" Another Beach member chimed in panic evident in his tone as he saw Ann enter the room. Arisu squinted at him. He looked familiar. His panicked eyes drifted over to Arisu and instantly  beamed."You're the one from the tag game.Mr bluey you're alive." Arisu smiled ignoring the odd looks pointed at him

"Yes, I help with maintenance at the Beach and-"

"Leave the formalities for after the game." Ann cut in.

"Well your acquainted with Tatta. Thats great to know ." Kuina grinned linking her arm through Arisu's pulling him deeper into the  concrete room that was slowly filling with water dangerous looking wires sparking above it.

"Registration has closed. There are currently 7 participants. The game will now commence. Difficulty, four of diamonds."

"One of the last diamonds card we need." Ann said fixing her sunglasses

Game: Light Bulb.

A door rolled open showing a  light bulb.. "Question, which switch turns on the light bulb?," Arisu's eyes drifted to the three switches labeled A, B, and C.


Only one switch among A, B, and C will turn on the light bulb.

You only have one chance to flip a switch while the door is open. If the door is closed, you can flip the switches as much as you'd like.

if someone is in the room or if a switch has been turned on, the door will be locked in place and cannot be moved. You only have one chance to answer as a group. If you answer correctly which switch turns on the light bulb, you clear the game. If the water level rises and touches the electrical wires, it's game over."

"Electrical wires?" Kuina asked. Tatta  lifted his arm and pointed upwards.
"I assume this is what we're avoiding. Obviously don't-" another player reached up and touched one of the wires. Her body was blasted back in a bright spray of sparks. "-touch them."
"You'll get electrocuted." Ann said looking at the floating body.
"Is that what they meant?" Kuina asked.

"Kuina your smarter than this ."

"The water level is slowly rising!" Tatta exclaimed squirming as the water reached his knees

"If it rises too high, everyone dies." Ann said head tilted towards the floating body as a way of emphasising her point .

"Anyway, we just need to figure out the switch for the light bulb, right?" Tatta said. "I'll head into that room first, so let's take turns."
"If you enter, the door won't close!" Arisu yelled back exasperated

"Let's see..." Kuina hummed . "So we only have once chance to turn on the switch with the door open."
"But there's no point in flipping the switches if the door is closed!" Tatta argued."Let's start simple." Another girl spoke out breath hitching at the feeling of the water reaching her waist line  said. "If we flip the A switch with the door open and the light bulb doesn't light up, it's not A right." Arisu hummed in agreement with the girl's statement  because technically she was not wrong

"Fine, let's just flip switch A with the door open-" Tatta started.
"What if your answer is wrong?" Kuina challenged.
"If it turns on, it's A. If it doesn't, it's either B or C!" Tatta yelled. "At least we have a fifty percent chance-"
"It's sixty-six percent." Ann cut in. Tatta stared at her.
"Shouldn't it be fifty percent?!"
"I don't understand it at all." Kuina groaned.

"Tatta has a point though ." Ann  said.  We could try that? Or..." She trailed off facing Arisu, "What would you do, Arisu?"

"Th-There's no other possible soloution at the current moment ." Arisu replied shakily as tge water was now slightly sitting above his abdomen . "For now, let's turn on a switch with the door open! If the bulb doesn't turn on, we'll decide on one out of the two!"

"Are you just going to guess?" Ann challenged.
"We have no choice but to bet on it." Arisu said.
"Using all eight lives here?" Ann asked coldly.

"Six." Kuina corrected eyes drifting at the floating body.

Arisu stilled cogs turning and twisting looking for a loophole .He just needed to breath and think. Taking in a shaky breath Arisu's eyes snapped open .He moved forward to flip the first switch water level still at his abdomen.
"Are you sure " The girl asked quivering ."Just do it already trust your gut a little bit man!" Tatta yelled seeing Arisu hesitation
"What are you waiting for?" Ann asked. "Let's close the door." Arisu coughed out hand tightening around switch A "What?" Tatta blurted dunfounded "Close the door! Hurry up!" Arisu barked out not taking notice of  Ann's smile
"If you don't do as Arisu says, everyone will die." Ann reminded.

"I'd like to not die today." Kuina and Tatta pulled the door closed. Once it was closed, Arisu flipped switch A.
"Stay like this!" he yelled.
"What are you up to?" Tatta asked.
"I hope you know what you're doing!" Kuina yelled.
The water continued to rise to shoulder level. "Hurry up!" Tatta yelled. Arisu finally flipped the switch off.
"Open the door!" Kuina and Tatta quickly heeded Arisu's order. Once the door was open, he flipped the B switch. Nothing

"It didn't turn on!" Tatta shrieked.
"Kuina! Touch the bulb!" Arisu yelled.
"Just go!" Arisu yelled which seemed to bring the dread locked girl into action instantly swimming into the room and reaching out to the light bulb "Hot!" Kuina yelped a moment later.
"The answer is A!" Arisu yelled. "Switch A!" The electricity powering the live wires shut off. The water gradually began to drain. Music played once more.

Game clear. Congratulations.

Players will be rewarded with 4 more days

"Electricity generates heat." Arisu panted relief washing all over his body. "If the bulb had been on, it would feel hot. If not, it would have felt cold. And we only had one chance to check with our eyes.

"With this, the chance of survival has increased from sixty-six to one hundred percent." Ann said.
"What are you?! A calculator?!" Tatta protested. "It's fifty percent, right?!"
"I don't care anymore." Kuina groaned.

"Seems like beaches attire was actually useful for once," Kuina giggled spinning around as a way of drying up as Ann wouldn't let them in the car wet . "After a death game I am here doing jumping jacks as a way of drying myself up so I can go sleep," Arisu pouted joints aching after the 50th jumping jack.  "Keep on jumping!," Ann's stern voice resonated through the empty streets. "Ann we could easily just turn on the heater," Tatta whined breathless."Do you have the fuel? exactly continue jumping!".

"Ah shucks "

Authors note :

I managed *cough* to squeeze in a *wheeze* chapter

23:10 pm

Serendipity ( Chishiya X Arisu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora