Chapter 4

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Arisu contoured his face in disgust as the smell of garbage mixed with a faint smell of
vomit and rat poop violated his nostrils .The alleyway dimly lit by the light coming from the building they escaped .

"It's all thanks to you guys...", the older lady panted out catching the three mens attention. "Thank you", the lady muttered receiving an unimpressed look from Karube ."This must be retribution ", Chota groaned grimacing from the pain surging through his right leg .

"Oh?", The older woman muttered standing up and walked closer towards something.
Arisu mirrored her movements , Karube and Chota behind them .The group moved closer and saw a similar table they saw when they entered this hell hole but instead of perfectly stacked up phones they saw a playing card .

"3 of Clubs", The older lady spoke out lifting up the card


The robotic voice chimed in excitedly continuing

To all survivors we will supply you with a visa


Arisu stared at the phone that had buzzed while the robotic voice started speaking, reading the words that flashed

3 days added to player's visa

"We will supply all survivors with a 3 day visa",The excited robotic voice finished

"Visa?", Arisu muttered confusion evident in his tone as he directed his gaze to his team members who were also met with confusion. Confusion danced around the group until it was quickly swept away by a loud snicker piercing through the tensed atmosphere .

"What the hell?", The older lady said shivering from the icy cold breeze wraping her body . Squinting his eyes Arisu managed to make out a limping figure appearing out of one of the crooks of the alleyway. Tensing up Arisu stepped back as the figure got closer to them.

"Arisu?", Karube asked furrowng his eyebrows as he followed Arisu's gaze meeting a dark limping figure coming closer towards them .Clentching the phone in his hand Karube stepped closer to get a better look at the limping figure .

"I am going to .... drop out the ... game", The figure croaked out stepping into the light revealing a dishreveld man. His white button up shirt turned cream with patches of stains decorating it .His black matted hair bringing out his hallowed cheeks and sunkend eyes .

"There's no end to this no matter how much games you clear!", The man chuckled drooping his head. "My visa ends today.." The man choked out tears sliding down his cheeks biting his tongue he lifted his head looking towards the youngsters "Cherish each other ".


A red laser pierced through the man's skull dropping his body on the cold gravel allowing the man to swim in a pool of blood drowning all the tension in the mans body , all the sins he commited and all the promises he made to those he sacrificed and those that sacrificed themselves for him .

"w-" Chota choked out quickly being interupted by another loud sound and darkness engulfing them once again . The soft glow from the moon being their light source once again.

"Looks like electricity is gone", the lady spoke walking closer towards the body and the trio following her like lost puppies ."When it's a new day ,you'll die when your visa expires by then "

"Our visa's will end too ", Arisu asked receiving a hum from the older woman as confirmation. "Three more days ", Karube whispered feeling Chota's body tremble . "If you don't want to die, you'll have to keep playing the game ", the older woman huffed in despair fiddling with the playing card .

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