Chapter 8

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5 minutes

"I found the fire extinguisher!", a chippy voice faded in causing Arisu and Karube to gaze behind the buff man seeing a lanky male approaching them with a fire extinguisher . " The is no time i suggest you find  the safe room", the buff man spoke eying Arisu taking the fire extingusher from his acquitance. "And you lets go hunt down the hunter together mhm?", The man said pushing the fire extingusher into the blondes arms .

" Im not leaving Arisu!", Karube sneered pushing the extingusher into the buff mans chest ." I will go look for the safe zone ", Arisu smiled glancing at the fuming blonde their gazes colliding confusion evident in the blondes and confidence filled in the raven haired ." Go hunt down the hunter Karube"

Cold air brushed against the man's cheek as he leaned towards the railing , the numbers 5:36 reflecting in his black eyes imprinting itself in his brain .Placing his hands in his pockets he walked towards the elevator door a small tsk accomodating the closing ding .

Arisu frantically paced around rewinding the games events in his mind. Scenes of him walking into the complex building , saving a blue man from a string of bullets, watching the masked man shoot Nitobe and many others  flashing through his mind ingraining itself in his mind. Wait? Arisu halted his movements his eyes slowly moving towards the dotted door . The only dotted door


Stepping onto the 4th floor , the man allowed a cheshire smile to unravel as he saw another player running towards the same direction as his . The same player who suggested telling each other about the taggers location saving a climber's life .The same player who reminded him of his old raven haired roomate.

Letting a frustrated groan leave his mouth he read the question for the 20th time squinting his eyes and using his pointing finger as a guide ."What does the deer represent in the story", He mumbled letting the words roll on his tongue. Throwing the paper onto the glass table with an annoyed groan he rolled his head back leaning against the leather couch cursing the author of the abormination creation they call a poem "Shishi and riyu"

The rattling of keyes resonated through the living room follwed by a door opening . His roomate was here! . Sitting upright the man opened up a random text book pretending to read .

Faint footsteps quickly turned into heavy footsteps and sure enough his roomate had soon appeared into the living room planting himself next to him .Feeling a small nudge from the man he glared at the raven haired boy annoyance shining through his dark brown eyes which is roomate feigned ignorance to pulling two cups of coffee  and a bag of muffins over his face tilting a bit so he could see his beaming face " Are you hungry ?"

Facing each other the two men did not say anything their mouths agape trying to speak but the words stopping midway sentence so they let
their eyes speak for them . So many years apart , so many emotions ,so many words unsaid but so little said ."Chishiya?", Arisu choaked out.
Chishiya felt something in him light up after hearing the voice he wanted to hear for such a  long time say his name but never got the chance too . Staring at the deer like man infront him he smirked "Arisu?"

Authors note
i am determined to maintain a posting schedule p.s i wrote this half asleep so pls be nice(o´ω'o)ノ 

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