Chapter 15

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Authors note: Silent readers please speak to me 😭(comments make writing this so much more enjoyable so plsses! )

Language fonts
Afrikaans  (Nao's language)

Arisu's head throbbed in pain as he squinted his eyes adjusting to the new light setting . "Hello," A feminine voice chimed bringing  Arisu back to reality . The raven haired scanned  his surroundings taking note of the amount of people in the room including Nao, Usagi and Karube's limp bodies beside him also tied up to a chair . Arisu's gaze travelled  from a man with glasses to a lady who seemed to be the one who greeted him earlier wearing a creepy grin to the lady with a clean sliky bob and black chic sunglasses matched with a fiery red lip to a familiar blond Chishiya. Arisu must have stared at the blond for too long when the man in glasses started coughing as a way of catching Arisu's attention again ."Sorry for being rough we heard people were snooping around".

"An apology really won't help," Nao's groggy voice replied stunning Arisu. How long had she been awake? Arisu eyes drifted away from Nao to Usagi and Karube both awake though still drowsy ."Doesn't matter, what are your motives, " The woman with the sunglasses spoke out ."We heard we will get answers if we came here. Answers about our new reality".

And as if it was cue for a showman to start his act a man barged into the room waltzing to the centre of room rocking a bright floral robe paired with black shorts and black sunglasses.

"Exactly," The man's voice resonated through the room "We have the answers to all of your questions!," He gleamed stopping in front of the group with a shining smile."Welcome to The Beach ".

The man twirled clicking his fingertips at two young man who instantly reacted rushing towards the wall in front of the group and sliding it revealing a sight of playing cards crossed of while some were left blank like the 7 of Hearts.

"Beach is all about teaming up and collecting all 52 playing cards and sending the first individual back to original world with the first complete deck than repeating for other players until everyone is sent to the original world .The order of who goes has been already set in ranks .If you guys own cards we do not have or have a big chunk of cards you guys can easily ascend to a higher rank ," The man explained trudging to a table which had their playing cards layed out Majority of them Nao could recognise as hers. "My cards," Nao gritted eyes widening as the man hooked a finger under her chin

"Uh uh all playing cards belong The Beach ," The man giggled unhooking his finger and holding up a card. "Now who is this for?," The man beamed showing a 7 Heart card . "Mine," Nao answered glaring at the man ignoring the boring look from the lady with a creepy grin  ."And I take it these other heart cards and diamonds are yours?," The man's grin grew wider watching Nao reluctantly  nod ."Excellent I see your a valuable player!," The man exclaimed crossing the 7 Hearts off  the wall . " Now who's card is this for," The man grinned now showing a ten of spades which Usagi accounted as hers earning a wider grin from the man ."Excellent Ann give them their tags and their swim wear after this".

"Swimwear?," Karube blurted out dumbounded eliciting a chuckle from the man ."Oh I almost forgot The beach has 3 rules : 1 Always wear swimwear ."Excuse you?". " It's hard hiding weapons in a swimming suit smart don't ya think ," The man grinned watching Nao and Karube's face contort in disgust.  Rule number two : All playing cards belong to The beach no hiding them for yourself ," The man clicked his tongue collecting the cards in one swift move .

"Bullshit," Nao mumbled loud enough for the man to hear her ."A foreigner?," The man hummed quirking his eyebrow amused . "Anyway rule three: Death to all traitors...those who betray the beach will never be forgiven for their horrendous actions against the beach  ," The man smirked leaning on the wooden table ."If that's it I will take my leave enjoy the beach and fulfill all your desires sex , dancing , alcohol whatever it is enjoy cause you never know when it's your turn to die," The man cackled placing a finger under his jaw imitating a laser .

The four were guided to their hotel rooms by the lady who seemed to be called Ann . "Always wear your tag and always be there for the count or else you will die by the hands of the millitants  ," Ann trailed off giving  Arisu and Karube their respective swim wear and tags Arisu's reading 291 and Karube's reading 292.  Ann turned towards  Usagi pointing towards a door at the end of the hallway "That's your room and here's your stuff."

Nao was situated a little further due to her higher rank easily placing her self at 79 due to the seven of hearts and ten of diamonds. "Your only left with one day on your visa I suggest telling your friends that and attending tonight's game ," Ann explained already turning her heels to leave ."Thanks Ann".

As soon as Arisu stepped outside, his  nose was met by the strong and pungent scent of chlorine, the unmistakable hallmark of a pool party. The neon light shimmering and highlighting his tan skin as he made his way towards the pool. The loud music blaring from the speakers blending with the sound of people laughing and chatting with each other.

The raven haired approached the pool  a colorful sea of bodies swarming around the edges greeting his sight as he came closer .

The atmosphere was electric and carefree, as people splashed around and played games in the water. Some lounging on inflatable rafts enjoying a cold drink or cocktail

Arisu looked around frantically as he made his way through the crowded pool area. He was searching for his friends, Karube, Usagi and Nao. They had been separated after arriving at this crazy place, and Arisu was worried that something had happened to them.

As he zigzagged through the sea of people, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He didn't quite understand why, but the beach didn't seem like the fun, carefree gathering that he thought it would be. Instead, it felt forced, almost as if everyone had been coerced into being there.

Finally, Arisu spotted Karube, Usagi and Nao lounging on a set of chairs by the edge of the pool. They all looked up  grinning when they saw him, relieved and glad for the reunion.

"Hey, Arisu!" Karube greeted Arisu a beer in his left hand. "You found us!"

A siren suddenly blared in the background stopping the loud music only to be replaced by people chanting.

Hatter! Hatter! Hatter!

"What's going on?" Arisu asked, looking around alarmed. "Why's everyone moving like that? What's with the siren?"

"Its time for the games ," Kuina answered behind him greeting him with a smile . " By the way Arisu apparently we had been knocked out for most of our days and need to participate in tonight's game ," Nao filled him in taking a sip of her colourful cocktail."How the hell were we unconscious for 4 days!?," Arisu groaned taking a seat next to Usagi .  "Beats me " Was the last thing heard before the chants got louder as Hatter popped up ready to address the people- his people

"My comrades the time has come once again too quickly," He started off feigning sadness drawing a stifled chuckle from Kuina and Karube and a scowl from Arisu . "However we must not fear and fight against the game masters collecting all 52 cards and successfully sending one of us to the original world i know we can do this beacause we are the beach . The United ones!," Hatter grinned pride etched in his tone as he pumped his fist up In the air ." Go to the cars marked with your numbers and make the beach proud ," Hatter ended his speech cheers and chants following after as players glided their way to their assigned cars

"So we are an army of collecting cards," Karube scoffed

"Basically so and Arisu seems like we are assigned to the same game," Kuina grinned which Arisu reciprocated with a small smile . "Let's go? Ann is waiting ," Kuina beamed cocking her head towards the flood of people.

" Oh we are paired with Ann also ?"

Authors note :

Currently 22:29 but I always follow the audio NEVA BACK DOWN NEVA WHAT 😤

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