Chapter 6

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"There are a total of 11 players
Game will commence " , A robotic voice echoed through the 4x4 room ,the phones beeping in sync with the voice .Arisu's breath hitched when the amount of players were announced

"But there are only 9 players in the room ", Arisu whispered biting his lip letting a hand ruffle his unruly tresses ."Excuse me ", an animated voice spoke causing Arisu to look at he owner of the voice .

"Just what is this?", The man spoke once again his eyes darting around the room before rattling his phone in his hand ."It's a game ", Arisu answered before being interrupted by Karube pulling him and whispering "Stop it beginners will only get in our way , it doesn't feel great but acting like Shibuki might be helpful".

The man once again tried asking for more information rattling the phone in his left hand and the other reaching out to Arisu. As in cue the phone vibrated once more a monotonous voice following it .

Difficulty : 5 of Spades

"Five of Spades ?", Karube pondered gazing at Arisu's face who was also met with confusion."It's a physical game .Strength is everything here .I'm Nitobe. Nice to meet you ", A short man introduced himself rising his hand up to shake hands which Arisu reciprocated . "Each mark has a different meaning?", Arisu inquired eyeing the man infront of him ."Exactly!", Nitobe grinned his small black hat sliding of his head just a bit , pushing his hat to its past position , Nitobe spoke while twirling his mini black beard " The trump card signifies the games genre . Club refers to a team battle, diamond battle of wits .As for heart ", Nitobe trailed off clicking his tongue stepping closer towards Arisu "It's the most troublesome one ", he snickered .

"Troublesome", Arisu repeated gazing at Karube before directing his gaze back to Nitobe . "What about the numbers?", Karube spoke out pushing Nitobe out of Arisu's personal space ."The difficulty level, the larger the number the harder to clear ", Nitobe shrugged dusting his black west top that hid a spotted shirt underneath .

Game: Tag
Set up:

Player limit: 16

Time limit : 20 Minutes

Starting condition: 2 minutes after the rules have been stated, the game will officially start

Location : ToeI Sendagaya Apartment


-Run away from the tagger
-It is Game Clear If players find the safe zone
-It is Game Over for the players if they are killed by the tagger or fails to find the safe zone
Clear Condition : Find the time zone and deactivate the bomb in 20 minutes

"A bomb!?", A woman cried out covering her mouth .

"Who do you think is the tagger ", Arisu asked looking at Karube who just shrugged as an answer .

"So you believe in God?", a honeyed voice chimed in causing the injured man to raise his head .Handing a water bottle to the raven haired men Shibuki sat down beside him.

Chuckling Chota took the water bottle before saying "I don't believe in God but my mom has always been super religious, because of that I actually got bullied at school but Arisu and Karube saved me". " They are good friends", Shibuki smiled warmly placing her hand on Chotas leg .

Fiddling with the water bottle Chota looked down at the bottle an uneasy feeling washing over him . He raised his head and stared at Shibuki. "They truly are huh?", Chota spoke leaning against the head rest a tiny spark of anger flaming his words . "Karube is good at fighting and girls while Arisu is clever and comes from a reputable family and me ?", Chota scoffed squeezing the water bottle .

"I care more about plants than IT I just chose it cause my mom liked the money , I never wanted to do this but I couldn't bare seeing the hurt in my mother's eyes so I agreed , I have always been a puppet in need of a master everywhere I go .....I'm tired of it ", Chota cried out tears leaking down his cheeks. Caressing his foot with her left hand Shibuki sighed raising her right hand and caressing Chota's cheek smiling warmly at the raven haired man ."Humans like it when someone weaker follows them oddly enough it makes them feel at ease Chota ".

"They are different", Chota mumbled pulling his hand into a fist ."Then would you die for your friends sake?",Shibuki asked staring at the raven haired boy infront of her .


Game shall commence now
Time limit 20 minutes
Game start

🎺ta- tata-ta-taaa🎺

"Do you have a solution Arisu ", Karube whispered following the raven haired boy which led him to the second highest floor at the near end which gave him pemission to scan the game arena partly ."Perfect", Arisu mumbled leaning against the apartment railway .

Watching the elevator numbers increase slowly before the door opening with a pitched ding a man left the elavator his sliver hair swaying with the wind he headed stepped onto the top floor heading towards the furthest corner which gave him a full view of the game ."Everyone looks like they are about to die ", He grinned leaning against the metal railing .

"Do you have a solution", Karube asked irritation laced in his tone from watching Arisu dwindle around ."Not at the current moment no ", Arisu shook his head analazying the game ."WHA-"

Gunshots pierced through the tense atmosphere quickly hushing Karube up and other players .Squinting his eyes Arisu saw a running lady and Nitobe's body falling down on the cold cement , a horse man raising a black rifle and pointing it towards his head .


17 minutes remaining

"We can't keep dwandling like this Arisu!", Karube whispered yelled pushing Arisu off him and standing up ."Wait", Arisu reached out to the blonde catching his wrist before beIng roughly pushed off . "If you can't make a solution I will make it for myself ", Karube spoke leaving Arisu alone on the 8th floor.

"Idiot", Arisu mumbled before following Karube . Twisting random knobs Karube let out an annoyed puff before turning towards Arisu who just looked at him smugly "How is your solution coming up?", " I'm making more process than you ", Karube sneered glaring at Arisu .

"I CAN'T DO THIS! ", A middle aged man yelled running closer towards them before heading towards stairs and jumping off .



Adrenaline rushed through Arisu's body making him shiver in excitement and fear . "Karube here", Arisu grabbed Karube pushing him in a small crook .


Footsteps slowly approached their hiding spot causing Arisus heart to beat faster louder and louder every step he heard .


"I'm sorry ", Karube whispered .

Authors note :
I am truly sorry for this hot mess I am trying to get my self out of a block episode! so do forgive me and I will redo if it's extremely horrible 😭

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