Chapter 10

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"You suck at comforting shiya", Arisu chuckled wiping his tears. "Still kept that nickname I see", Chishiya clicked his tongue swiftly standing up turning his heels and leaving the raven hair with a huff. "Oi!", Arisu yelled fighting of a giggle ."Still see your keeping your grumpy kitty act",Arisu whispered catching up with the blond.

"You said something?", Chishiya inquired stopping his movements to eye the most hand- suspicious man in the building. "I said something?", Arisu tilted his head eyeing the shorter man ."You said something.", Chishiya quirked his eyebrows taking a step closer towards the raven hair who subconsciously took a step closer towards him with a cheeky grin situated on his face ."I did?".Arisu teased .

"Sorry to break your eye contest but we need to go Arisu ",A low voice disturbed ."One minute Karube", Arisu looked towards the taller blond sending an apologetic look before returning his gaze towards the shorter man ."It seems like we have to depart again", Arisu scoffed tone stuffed with sadness. "Unless you want to join me?", Arisu whispered ."Nice try but I have my own team and it seems they are getting a little impatient ", Chishiya chuckled gazing at the additional man in the room .

"Let's go ", a new voice chimed in causing Arisu to flinch and Karube to sigh out of annoyance ."I think it's time we also leave ", Karube announced pulling a squriming raven haired out of the exit inducing a smirk from Chishiya


"How do you know him ", Karube grunted furrowing his eyebrows in pain ."Old friend ", Arisu answered placing his hands in his pocket ."Are you sure it's only that", Karube questioned kicking a pebble .

"What do you mean only that?", Arisu asked curiously eyeing the taller blond ." The energy between y'all is telling me something else", Karube shrugged. "Like what? The energy between you and Chota ", Arisu chuckled wiggling his eyebrows . "What energy", Karube scoffed rolling his eyes in amusement speeding his pace ."Wait for me!", Arisu snickered watching the flustered boy run away well limp away but- yea.


Chishiya pov

"OI! what took you so long ", A feminine voice yelled slinging an arm around the shorter man ."Almost thought you died ya know", the woman continued keeping up with the shorter man ."Funny I did almost die",Chishiya smirked walking into his room .

"Not funny shiya ", The lady murmured biting on her faux cigarette .Slightly grimacing at the nickname Chishiya sighed sitting on the carpet ."Why that expression",The lady questioned mirroring the blond man's actions stunned at the rare expression flashed by the cat like man .Small yes but still an expression!

"Let's continue with the plan Kuina", Chishiya sighed rolling his eyes . Another odd expression!. "What happened to you ", Kuina quizzed scooting closer towards the male ."Nothing", Chishiya drawled maintaining the eye contact. "Then why are you ears red?", Kuina teased "The only thing red here would be you after spending a whole day with Ann how was it mmh?", Chishiya grinned "I think we should continue our planning", "You think? anntastic", Chishiya drawled smugly ."Pesky kitten".

Arisu pov

"Someone radioed in?", Chota asked cautiously eying the walkie talkie. "Yes", Karube grunted putting on a new shirt ."If we go to that place called the beach we may find discover something", Karube explained sitting next to Arisu ."Like where everyone disappeared to?", "Bingo".

"Even if everyone is there we do not know which specific beach we are venturing to",Chota chimed in exparated causing Arisu to let out a sigh ."The closest beaches to us are in Shonan, Izu and flo right?", Arisu filled in running a hand through his messy tresses . "It's too far away plus Chota won't be able to walk with his injured leg ", Shibuki spoke silencing the two man for a hot minute as if weighing their options before Arisu breaking the silence with a your right."Both of our visas expire today ", Chota croaked out receiving a hum of acknowledgement from the males .

"Whatever this game is the mastermind is truly crude", Arisu spoke out remembering Nitobe's advice about the so called borderlands. " The trump card signifies the games genre . Club refers to a team battle, diamond battle of wits , spades a physical game and as for heart", Arisu trailed off "we should just avoid it".

"How?", Chota inquired watching Arisu scramble off to find something ."By using categorization ", Arisu yelled barging out of the room ."Cater-What", Karube mumbled looking baffled.

"It's when-"
"I know the damn meaning"
"You sure?"
"For once shut up Shibuki"
"Not my fault your so slow we are forced to explain everything to you Karube"
"Oi- I'm not slow Chota is!"
"Real smooth just pass the title"
"Guys I'm right here-"
"We know-"

Barging inside the room with a white board and a few markers disturbing the duo's bickering Arisu pushed the white board placing it in the centre of the room ."Places used for physical activity ", Arisu asked baffling the group ."Uh the gym?", Shibuki scoffed at the absurd question .Scribbling the answer onto the white board under the sub topic Spade Arisu faced his teammates again . "We could categorize buildings to find the possible trump card being played but just like any theory we need to test it out ".

"How?", Chota croaked out ."By gathering information, links , anything about the type of buildings the game master prefers for each trump card ", Arisu explained while scribbling  a few more buildings to each trump card . "Even so we would need a lot of people to do so Arisu ", Shibuki chimed in irked ."That's why we will divide into two groups to gather information,  each group having a speciality in two or more of the trumps ".

"That may work", Karube nodded excitedly. "You seem way to calm dude ", Chota sighed eyeing Shibuki  through his peripheral vision."It may work but it's risky ", Shibuki mumbled to herself agitated.

"What are the teams", Shibuki interrogated warily ."Well I don't really know there needs to be balance for it to work and I must say we are quite an unbalanced team", Arisu sighed hiding his face in his hands . "There just needs to be compatibility", Karube chipped in .

"No matter how smart or strong a team is , a team  cannot win without compatibility in the team ", Karube  shared staring at the walkie talkie . "Your our only spade player unless", Arisu directed his gaze from the blond to the brunnette "Your good at physical games ".

Shaking her head as an answer Arisu sighed before facing the whiteboard again. "This is problematic ".

Authors Note :
I just finished my CA exams!😋 and I rewartched AIB again soo fresh memory 😼👌 

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