Chapter 5

399 9 3

"What game did you play when you first arrived Shibuki?",Chota asked the brown haired woman who sat in front of him .

"Mmh..."The woman trailed off licking her red plump lips ,"It was a 9 of spades game in a skating park", Shibuki responded affectionately  reminising the game


Number of players: 35
Difficulty:9 of spades
Game:Bomb tag

Starting condition : All players must wear a vest. The game will commence after every player has worn a vest


- when all players have worn a vest , a player will be randomly chosen to become the bomb .

-The bomber can tag other players to transfer the bomb .

-If the bomb's time is up  the player who is the bomber will explode

-Only one player can survive

Time limit - none

Clear condition  : Only 1 player can survive so that the game can be a GAME CLEAR

"Only one can survive ?", A panicked voice repeated after the robotic voice fear oozing from their words .

Suzuki Himari  has been chosen as the bomber

game shall commence

"This is gonna be extremely easy", Shibuki smirked twirling her lollipop in her mouth while eyeing the shaking bomber.

Peeking behind one of the ramps Shibuki counted the remining players ."10 left ", she whispered ."Shit why did I think this would be easy", she panted removing her white heels .

"COME OUT! I HAVE CHILDREN TO GO BACK TO ...please", The bomber pleaded screaming their lungs out ."and I have a show to watch your point?" Shibuki groaned rolling her eyes .

"SHUT THE HELL UP!",One of the players yelled from their hiding positions  ."So your there?", the bomber chuckled walking towards the idiotic player.

Time up

A familliar explosion echoed through the skate park blood splattering and staining equipment once again. "Talk about lucky",Shibuki chuckled glancing at the trembling player .

Kubo Chiyo has been chosen as the bomber

"Well I guess he is not so lucky ", Shibuki giggled at the boy's paled face and staggering posture .


2 players remaining

The monotonous voice spoke muffling the grisly screams and explosions.
"This has to be the longest monday I've experienced in my 33 years of living", Shibuki whined dusting off the dirt on her blouse.

Saori Shibuki has been chosen as the bomber

"And it may be the last", Shibuki muttered watching the timer on her phone .

Ten minutes

Ten minutes of peace

Ten minutes all dedicated to her

Ten minutes that she did not need to lose anything for to gain

Ten minutes

Sighing Shibuki jumped over multiple dead bodies before reaching at the top of the ramp. Her wavy brown hair dyed at the tips with ruby red dancing with the whistles of the air ,the inky sky glazed with stars being the dance floor . "Its pathetic how it's my first day here and I'm already dying", Shibuki chuckled drooping her head  . "I remember feeling that way the first time also..It's kinda a shitty feeling", A raspy female voice chuckled taking a seat next to Shibuki .

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