Zhihao rolled her eyes. That tennis-obsessed brat. "I'll help talk to the kid about this, you can go search for Jiale first."

The corners of Zhuo Zhi's lips curled, amused. "If you insist." It seemed that the two would be helping each other's brothers out.

Zhuo Zhi packed up his things and set off to look for Jiale, waving a small goodbye to Zhihao as he left.

Once Zhuo Zhi was gone, Zhihao took out her phone to text Zhuo Yu.

i heard you're failing
need me to tutor?

A response came through immediately.

smaller zhuo:
Absolutely not.
Did my brother tell you about it?

Zhihao grinned.

doesn't matter
i know you don't wanna hear the lecture and all

smaller zhuo:
You're right, i don't.

grades really are important
coming from me
siyang actually threatened to take my brother off the team if he failed another one of his tests a while back, so if anything, your brother is going easy on you

smaller zhuo:
So what, I'm supposed to just stop playing tennis?

not necessarily
but you should definitely prioritize your grades more. actually study.

smaller zhuo:
What's next, you're going to say that I should let my brother tutor me?

as much as i hate to say it, and i really hate to say it, zhuo zhi a good tutor

smaller zhuo:
You're just saying that because you have a crush on him

ha ha.
seriously though, my math grade is now a 76 thanks to your brother
you should really consider getting him to help, if you really want to play tennis again

A minute passed before Zhuo Yu replied again.

smaller zhuo:
I'll think about it
     ♡ by zhihao

After liking Zhuo Yu's message, Zhihao slid her phone into her back pocket and set off to look for Dachi.

She didn't have to go very far, because she easily found Dachi in the tennis office, poring over a bunch of papers that he had to fill out as temporary captain.

"Dachi," Zhihao greeted the man a second time today as she knocked on the open door.

Dachi briefly glanced up. "Jiale isn't here, if that's what you're wondering," he said, quickly bringing his eyes back down on his papers.

Zhihao smiled. "I'm actually here for you, not Jiale," she invited herself to sit on a couch, making Dachi blink in surprise.

"Dachi," Zhihao turned to face the man, a serious expression on her face. "When was the last time you took a break?"

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