Chapter 26 - Irony

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It shouldn't be this difficult. It really shouldn't.

Zhuo Zhi was just beginning to come to terms with his small crush on Zhihao when she went on a date with his little brother. Which was totally okay, because his feelings weren't anything serious anyway, just some dumb, probably temporary infatuation.

So why did it still hurt?

Zhuo Zhi flopped on his side, still thinking about last night. He had just come home with the snacks Zhuo Yu requested when he had heard loud laughing coming from the kitchen.

It wasn't just any laugh either, it was Zhihao's, which was quite recognizable now, laughing at a funny comment Zhuo Yu had apparently made.

Noticing the way Zhihao avoided his questions, Zhuo Zhi had put two and two together, realizing that his brother had kicked him out of the house for some secret alone time with Zhihao.

Not one to make a dramatic fuss, Zhuo Zhi had made some excuse off the top of his head about having a headache so the two would get their precious alone time, immediately heading to his room.

Funny, because he ended up getting a headache not long after he threw himself onto his bed. And it really didn't help that all Zhuo Zhi could hear was the the shrieks of laughter coming from downstairs, even through the jazz music that he had put on to block the noise.

It was a miracle when Zhihao had finally left, the front door shutting with a click, mercifully giving Zhuo Zhi the peace and quiet he desperately longed for.

To Zhuo Zhi's relief, Zhuo Yu had left him alone in silence after Zhihao's departure, only coming up to his room to check on his headache and offer some snacks a few hours later.

Zhuo Zhi sighed, burying his head into his pillow. He was really being dramatic about this, it's not like it's been that long since he realized his crush, which really wasn't that big to begin with.

Zhuo Yu made the first move so Zhuo Zhi should support him. Even if he didn't know Zhihao nearly as well as Zhuo Zhi did, or for as long as Zhuo Zhi did. Not like Zhuo Zhi knew Zhihao very well anyway.

But he wanted to.

But that didn't matter anymore.

Besides, romantic stuff really wasn't Zhuo Zhi's thing in the first place. He was better off being disinterested in relationships like he had always been.

No biggie.

So, Zhuo Zhi began to distance himself from Zhihao in classes, giving his brother the support he could by backing away from the girl.

It should've been easy, since Zhuo Zhi had gone his whole life without Zhihao and these cursed feelings. And yet, it wasn't.

Nevertheless, Zhuo Zhi began to lessen his communication with Zhihao, only speaking to her when necessary.

He avoided making eye contact when Zhihao looked over at him, which was quite frequently, much to Zhuo Zhi's annoyance, pointedly working on his schoolwork with feigned enthusiasm.

Zhuo Zhi had even began walking to tennis practice alone, not bothering to wait for Zhihao after class anymore. When Siyang questioned this, Zhuo had just shrugged cryptically, feigning ignorance as he painted a cheerful smile on his face.

Admittedly, Zhuo Zhi was going out of his way to avoid the girl. It was cruel of him, yes, since it wasn't Zhihao's fault that he fell for her shining personality and humor that matched his.

It wasn't her fault either that she was the first to really listen to him when he needed it, or that hanging out with her was always an interesting a great time.

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