❤️Ellsworld:Future AU

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Tori has her legs propped up onto her desk. Her robotic hand holding a pen. And her paperwork stacked into a clipboard. Resting calmly onto her lap.

She scribbled down some words before the sound of a soft knock can be heard onto the large wooden brown doors.

She fixed how she sat. Tucking her legs back underneath the desk. Sitting up straight and proper. She adjusts the maroon colored red dressed she wore.

She tossed the clipboard of work onto her desk. The pen resting beside it as she responded to the door knocking sound.

"Come in."

The doors pushed open, revealing her wife ; Tamara. The women walked over to the front of the desk. A little smile on her face.

"Hi honey." Tamara greeted. Her digital green goggled eyes shape shifted into hearts for a moment before they returned back to normal LED eyes of neon green.

"Tamara! Hi!" Tori greeted with a warm smile. She gets off her chair. She walked around. Her booted heels making the clacking sound as she walked around the desk.

Her arms wrapped around Tamara's waist as she eyed up at her. Her eyepatch was off. Showing off the blindness of her right eye and the scars that littered across the right side of her facial features.

Tamara blushed when she felt Tori's arms wrapped around her. A little smile danced on her face. A bit of blush resting on her cheeks.

The women leaned in close and shared a kiss with each other. Before pulling back.

"Shall we visit Ell and Matilda that are in the prison?" Tori grinned sadistically as she asked the question.

Tamara's digital eyes stared at her wife. A shocked expression rested on her face.

"Those two.. they're still alive?" Tamara stammered out in disbelief. Tori laughed insanely for a moment before nodding her head.

"Min Kjære ,I only gotten them recently Tammyyy." Tori says in a tone that was a bit unnerving.

Tamara sighed. "I just don't understand babe.. why can't you let them go?"

Tori stepped back. Balling up her fists as she shouted. "because they will start something against me! I am not stupid, Tam!"

"Yet... You trust me." Tamara says in montone. Her head lowered. Some of her brown hair that is tied up in a beautiful ponytail is draped down her face.

"Of course I trust you! You're the love of my life! Death Do Us Part!" Tori responded, a bit.. confuzzled.

Tamara lifted her head. "You're right. Tori, I did.. I did love you." She held her tears back.

Tori stared at her wife now with heartbroken eyes. "What are you saying..? You aren't on side with me?"

"Tori, what you're doing is wrong. I mean – I still love you very much yes.. but.." Tamara felt a tear roll down her face.

"But what." Tori retorted as she balled up her fists in anger. Staring at her wife with heartbroken rage.

"I'll stay with you, if you let Ell and Matilda go.." Tamara tries to make a deal with the insanity of her other half.

The anger that rested onto Tori's face was soon disappeared. "Only if I do that?" She asked.

Tamara nods. "Only."

"Fine, let's go." Tori retorted as she went over. She grabbed Tamara's wrist as she tugged the other woman out of the office.


They have reached the dungeon/prisoner area now.

Ell and Matilda are in a cell. They are sharing one. Holding onto each other with exhaustion. Mentally and physically.

Tori and Tamara stepped forward. They are now standing in front of the cell.

"Ell, Matilda." Tori sneered. The two slowly lifted their heads.

"Tori! Let us go!" Ell raised her voice with the amount of energy she has. But she is much to exhausted to even argue anymore.

Ell and Matilda have been inside the cell for a few.. years.

"Okay." Tori responded. Ell and Matilda blinked their eyes in disbelief. Tamara stepped back. She watched her wife the entire time. A calm expression on her face.

"But there's a catch.." Tori says and paused. Her robotic hand hovering over the scanner.

Ell and Matilda watching with wide eyes. Matilda muttered. "What's this catch..?"

"If you do not start shit. If you do not try and fight against me. If you do so, I will have a private team.. find you. And kill you. Right on the spot. Understand?" Tori says with no remorse. Staring at the celled girls with insanity in her eye.

Ell and Matilda nod their heads. "w-we won't do anything.." Ell responded softly.

"Good. You're lucky I trust you in the slightest. Im only doing this for Tamara, so don't forget.. I'm not that nice." Tori sneered as she placed her hand on the scanner.

It scanned for a few seconds. Before the cell door opened. This alerted two guards.

The guards grab Ell and Matilda. Tori ordered to the guards. "Take them back to London. I don't need them in my life no longer."

"Yes ma'am." The guards say in unison as they tug Matilda and Ell away.

Back in the office,

Tori and Tamara are now in the bedroom that is connected to the office. There backs facing each other.

Tori spoke up. "honey, I did what you wanted. So why are you still angry with me?" She rolled over. Looking at Tamara now.

Tamara sighed. "Because.." she sounded hesitant. "Tell me." Tori mumbled.

"No, no. I can't tell you. I'm sorry." Tamara mumbled. Tori leaned her head down.  She kissed her wife's head.

"Fine. Do not tell me. We don't need the stress anymore.."

"I love you." Tamara says, finally.

Tori looked.. shocked. She hasn't heard her wife say those three words in a very long time.

"You.." Tori trailed off. Tamara nods her head. "no matter how insane you are, I still love you. I always will."

"You mean that..?" Tori started to smile. Tamara nods her head again. "Of course I mean that. That's why I accepted when you asked me to marry you. I love you."

"Oh, Tam.. I love you so much. More than anything in this world. You mean so much to me. You're my everyday thought and my night. Even when our deaths arise, I will still be loving you even passed out living life." Tori swooned lovingly.

The two girls leaned down and kissed each other with love and passion. Slowly they pulled back.

"Mad at me?" Tori asked.

Tamara giggled, shaking her head.

"No, let's go to sleep."

And just like that, the two held each other close and fell asleep.

(The end.)
(1,104 words.)
(Request by: Bispider )

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