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Tom couldn't sleep. He was tossing and turning in his own bed. Each hour of the night passed, the clock read 4:00AM.

He sits up and glances at his bedroom door. It was partly opened. Even though he remembers that he closed it before he went to bed.

The door was even locked before. But now it is wide open. Tom..  was confused. He glanced at his bedroom window. That was open too.

"Okay.. what the fuck is going on here." Tom muttered as he gets out of his bed. His bare feet touch his checkered carpet rug. He fully gets out of bed.

Walking over to the light switch, he switches it on. His bedroom looked normal. Nothing was stolen.

His head partly turned. He sees his closet partly open. Even though he remembers having that closed as well.

"Ok, who is this burglar and why the fuck are they leaving the doors open like a dumbass?" Tom asks into the silence of his room.

Tom decided he should check it Edd and Matt are ok. Since they're the other roommates that live in the house.

The fourth one.. well, left a few years ago.

Tom walks out of his room. And into the hallway. The hallway light is off. But Edd and Matt's bedroom doors are closed. Just like how they were. Only Tom's doors and window are open.

"What the.." Tom blinked. Is this some prank? He decided to check on the two. Tom opened Edd's door first. Edd is passed out in his bed. He closed the door.

Then he checks Matt's room, Matt is passed out with a grape juice container in his hand.

Tom shuts the door. "ok, there asleep. It's not them.. who the fuck is in here." He whispered.

Deciding to try and find the person instead, Tom rushed down the stairs. Not one thing was misplaced or stolen.

The front door and windows are even locked. So, the person took entry from Tom's room.

"What the fuck?!" Tom exclaimed as he rushed to the kitchen and withdrew a knife. He wanted to have a weapon just in case the intruder is armed.

He left the kitchen. Softening his footsteps as he makes his way to the upstairs. He heads up the steps.

Once he arrives in his bedroom. The door was closed now. Fully shut. Tom officially had enough of this. He wants to find out what is really going on.

He decided to make a threat, to possibly try and scare the person away.

"Hey! You better get out of my room or I'll stab you! Hell, maybe even call the cops and they'll arrest your ass!" Tom exclaimed in a threatening tone.

"That.. won't be necessary." A Norwegian accent spoke up in reply. Tom dropped the knife. That accent..
"Tord..?" Tom muttered, in disbelief. The bedroom door opened. Revealing the norsk, holding a pistol.

Tord tilted his head to the side. A wicked grin on his face as he held the gun up. Aiming at Tom. A silencer was on the gun.

"Yeah, it's me. It has been awful for a while, hasn't it Jehovah?" Tord responded. Tom immediately picked up the knife. Tightening his grip on the handle as he stepped forward.

The norsk complied and walked backwards. Both males are in Tom's bedroom now.

"How.. how'd you get in my room?!" Tom shouts. Tord hushed the other. "Shh, shh. We don't want to wake the others now, do we?"

Tom lowered the knife.

"Just answer my question."

Tord tilted his head. "Drop the knife, first." He says.

"What?! You're holding a gun to my face but ohh you want me to put my blade down?!"

"Just fucking do it!" Tord exclaimed. Shooting up in the air, thank goodness for the silencer, it wasn't as loud as usual. It even surprised Tom that the other two didn't wake up from their slumber.

Tom decided to just comply so he can figure out what the commie even wants. He drops the knife.

"Good..~ hands in the air and just walk to your bed and sit on it. Don't play with me." Tord threatens as he aimed the gun at Tom.

Tom puts his hands up. Walking his way to the bed. "What the hell do you even want..?" He grumbles.

"Just wanted to see you, that's all." Tord says, his voice softening.

Tom takes a seat on the bed. "Oh so breaking in and threatening to kill me is just wanting to see me?" He asks sarcastically. Giving the annoyed look towards the norsk.

He puts his hands down. Watching Tord out his gun on the hoister of his pants. The norsk walked over.

Lifting Tom's face with hands, he smiled gently towards the annoyed brit. "did you miss me?" He asks, smugly.

"Sure...." Tom trailed off. A bit embarrassed cuz truthfully he did. Tord laughs a little. "You actually did! I'm surprised." Tord laughs.

"Shut up and come here." Tom grabbed the collar of Tord's hoodie and smashed their lips together.

They kissed for a moment before they pulled back. "There, you got what you wanted now get the fuck outta here before Edd wakes up you psychopath."

Tord chuckled softly as he kissed Tom's cheek. "You don't hate me for leaving for a couple years and then breaking into your room..?" He teased.

Tom rolls his black voids. "sure. Just get the fuck outta here." He grumbles. Tord complied and kissed Tom's head. "Well, it was nice seeing you too." He whispered on Tom's chocolatey spiked  hair.

"Maybe we'll see each other again." Tord whispers into Tom's ear. Before Tom could say anything else, Tord proceeded to climb out of Tom's window and disappear into the night.

Tom sighs as he watches Tord run down the darkened lonely street before he closes the door.

"Heh.. maybe we will." He muttered.

TomTord DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now