❤️•Crisis AU

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Boots slowly clacked as they walked down the concreted steps. The glow of the torches reflecting a beautiful orange glow on the Leader's face as he reached the bottom of the steps.

Tom – is currently tied up in a chair in the middle of this isolation room. He didn't squirm or resist. He just sat there, his brain numbly cold.

The green glow of the LED lights of eyes blinked in a slow set of motion. Then, Tom sees Tord's brown combat boots stop in front of him.

Slowly, Tom lifted his head. Seeing the sinister, gold gaze – in those heterochromia eyes.

Tord raised his robotic hand and cupped Tom's cheek. "Do not be afraid." He says, a grin started to curl upwards.

Tom tensed his body at the sudden touch. Feeling the goosebumps travel up underneath his uniformed dressed skin.

"You're safe with me." Tord whispered as his hand moved back. But, Tom longed for that touch. Again.

Tom leant his head forward a bit. Which took Tord's interest. He chuckled softly.

He brought his hand down back to Tom's face. Cupping Tom's cheek. The cold metal felt ... oddly comforting on the British male's face.

"Why did you bring me, here..?" Tom weakly asked as his green digital gaze lifted up to look at Tord's face.

Admiring the bright red and pink slashes that are across the norsk's right sided face.

"Well, because I can't let the rebellion go out and win. You know?" Tord responded as he used his thumb. – softly brushing the soft skin of Tom's cheek.

A warm blush began to dust up onto Tom's face. "But we should've defeated you.. Edd and Matt–"

"Enough!" Tord bellowed as he pulled his robotic hand away. He crossed his arms behind his back.

Slowly and intimidatingly he began to walk in a circle. The circulars of motion around the fearful British male whom is tied up in the chair.

The steps are so patient. It is the only sound. Except the fearful hitch-ness of breath leaving Tom's trembling lips.

"Without you being there, Edd and Matt will have no success in beating my army. Since you're the most logical person when it comes to attempting to defeat me. But, – unfortunately for you – you – haha – aren't there. You will be stuck with me. If you refuse to join,"

Tord paused. He grabbed Tom's jaw and takes out his desert eagle. He aimed it directly at Tom's adam's-apple.

"–I won't hesitate on shooting you right now."

Tom's gasped softly. Swallowing the lump of anxiety that started to fill his throat.

"At this moment, the rebellion is at war with my army. But, they're loosing. Because they're stupid and pathetic. Incompliant to do anything successful. Only, I am successful, Dear Thomas." Tord slowly guided the gun up towards Tom's forehead.

He rests it there.

"Face it, You Lost."

"I Won."

Tom felt tears started to roll down his face. "You think you're superior!" He shouts.

Tord started to laugh as he extracted the gun back. He shoved it into the hoister.

"No, no, no. I'm brave for what I'm doing." Tord responded back with a sinister laugh.

Tom lowered his head. Crying softly as he felt the ropes around his body giving him the burns of pain.

Tord halted his laughter. He used his fleshed hand, and lifted Tom's chin. "No, no. Don't fret – Min Kjære. I'm here for you. I won't let you get hurt. You're going to be okay."

Tom sniffled. His crying stopped. "I'll be safe, with you..?" Tord grinned as he nodded. "Why, yes! Yes, of course!"

"I don't understand.." Tom whimpered. Tord sighed as he used both hands – holding onto Tom's face and using his thumbs to wipe away the incoming emotional pain of tears.

"You don't have to understand, Thomas. You just have to listen. Just listen to me, believe all my words. And you'll be just fine." Tord replied with a smile.

But this smile, was different.

It wasn't insanity. It was much more – genuine.

Tom felt this strange urge.. to believe Tord. He hesitated but nodded his head. "Yeah, I believe you.."

"Excellent." Tord whispered. He leaned his head in close. Both of the male's felt their faces tint up a bit of a light red.

Tord connected their lips. Tom is frozen in place. He is shocked by this. Suddenly an explosion of butterflies bursted inside of his stomach.

A very familiar feeling. One feeling he hasn't felt in a long time. That's when he realized..

He has fallen in love with Tord.

Tom returned the kiss. Deepening it with so much love and passion for the psychotic leader.

They slowly disconnected their lips with a soft smack of their lips. Little pants just barely a whisper leaving their lips as they stared at each other in a loving daze.

"You trust me?" Tord whispered.

"I trust you." Tom whispered.

"You love me?" Tord asked.

"I love you." Tom responded.

"No matter what?" Tord questioned.

"No matter what." Tom repeated.

The two kissed again. Their lips moving together in passion for a short moment before Tord pulled back first.

"Let's untie you." He murmured. He grabbed the little pocket knife that was on his belt.

Tom stayed as still as possible as Tord began to cut the ropes. Once the ropes are all fully removed – Tom wobbly stood.

Tord carefully held onto Tom. Petting the male's hair with a grin. "You're such a good boy, you listen very well to people's orders. You aren't as stupid as I thought you were."

"Shut up, commie." Tom teased as he tucked his face into Tord's neck. He left a little kiss.

"Now, let's get you out of this dungeon." Tord replied as Tom lifted his head.

"Yes sir." Tom replied.

The two males left the dungeon.

The end.
(980 words.)

TomTord DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now