❤️•Tom's Protecter

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Tord is awake, waiting for his boyfriend to return home. The clock currently read midnight.

Ansty, the norsk picked up his phone and was about to dial in Tom's phone number but was stopped when the front door flung open.

Tom stumbled himself inside, hiccuping with a giddy grin on his face. "Hi, baby!" He greeted. Followed by a loud intoxicated laugh.

"Tom!" Tord exclaimed. Dropping the phone and walking over to his lover. He carefully guided the drunk inside.

The door softly closed behind the couple.

"Where were you?! It's late as hell! I've been waiting here for you!" Tord exclaimed the question in anger and worrisome.

Tom laughed as he wrapped his arms around Tord's neck. "Oh I'm....hic..sorry! I stopped by the bar and lost.. hic.. track of time!"

Tord glared at the British male. "I should of came along. Did anyone follow you? Or make you uncomfortable?"

Tom shakes his head. "No, No. Nothing happened. Well.. one guy..." Tord felt enraged. He hugged Tom in a protective way, petting the back of Tom's hair.

"Who." Tord sneered. Glaring outside the window at nobody, the rain softly drizzling outside.

"I dunno! The guy was all touchy." Tom responded and lifted his head to look at his boyfriend.

"Did he touch you?" Tord bellowed and stared daggers into Tom's black voids. Tom sighed. "A bit. I told him no.."

"Damnit, Tom!" Tord sighed as he held onto Tom's face. Grasping his boyfriend's cheeks with protection and love.

"You have to be more careful! I'm glad you got home safely! But still, did you feel followed? Was someone following you?! If so, ohh, theyre dead." Tord says with protection and possessiveness in his tone of voice.

Tom shrugged. "I kept looking behind me. Kinda felt followed.." he hiccuped before he gagged a bit.

Tord realized and grabbed the near by trash bin that was next to the couch. Tom grabs it and began to vomit the alcoholic beverage inside of it.

Tord walked to the window. Peering outside, he sees a stranger. "Tom." He says, anger in his tone.

Tom finished puking. He panted softly. "Yea..yeah.?" He muttered. Tord turned his head partly.

"Get my gun."

"What?!" Tom exclaimed in shock. Tord hushed his lover and repeated. "Get my gun, Thomas."

"Where is it?" Tom mumbled. Trying to stay quiet. Tord mumbled in response. "In the kitchen, left cabinet. Hurry."

Tom nodded as he carefully and quietly went to the kitchen. He grabbed the weapon from the cabinet. Then walked back to his boyfriend.

Tord grabs the gun and loads it. Tom's voids turned white in surprise.
"You're gonna kill someone?!"

"Why, yes. They were following you. I see them. They're in the bush. Watching you as you speak to me. They're gonna pay. Fucking creep.." Tord made sure the gun was loaded as he flicked the safety off.

"Tord! Yes, they were following me but I don't think we should kill him!" Tom exclaimed but was hushed by Tord's lips being pressed onto his.

Tom returned the short kiss and with that, Tord left the home.

"Hon.." Tom squeaked out as he watched the chaos happen from the window.


"AYE!" Tord shouted as he aimed at the bush. "I know you're in there! Get out!"

The bush rustled a bit, revealing a very middle aged man. About in his late 50s. Scruffy beard and very worn out clothes. He gave a oddly creep of a smile, exposing his yellow teeth.

Tord cringed in disgust as he kept his weapon aimed at the man. "You're the man who followed my boyfriend, didn't you?!" He shouted.

The man only cackled, his voice sounded so rasped as if he smoked a shit-ton of Marlboro cigarettes.

"Yeah, yeah. You got yourself a cute guy. Wonder what it'll be like to pound him..." The man responded, in such a disgusting manner.

Tord cringed when he heard those words come out of that man. But he also felt enraged. Pissed off. Angry.

Without hesitation, he flicked the safety off his weapon and shouted.
"You don't talk about my boyfriend like that! Only I do!"

Then he proceeded to pull the trigger. The gun making a loud sound of a bang!

The guy got hit in the head. He collapsed to the floor. Blood everywhere.

Tord exhaled softly as he blew the incoming smoke from the gun away and into the air.

"Nobody talks that way about my boyfriend."

Tom watched the entire thing. But a little smile resting on his face as he observed Tord entering the home, once again.

The two shared a hug and kiss.

Tom felt protected.
And happy.

The end.
(784 words.)

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