~CHPTR 23 knives out~

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I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF UGH. lowkie tho, please listen to knives out by radiohead, i feel like its what onceler would feel like regarding Y/N when he was in prison. PLEASE LISTEN TO IT. LY BYEE

Before Onceler found out about his probation hearing, he was on his last nerve. He was done with the world. Done with it.

The depression would come and go, but the anger remained. No one cared, Oliver only visisted out of the good of his heart. That's what he thought.

He was angry at you, as well. Not in the way you'd think. He was angry that he couldn't stop loving you. He hated how much he loved you. Why couldn't he just move on? You obviously had. That's what he thought

He was angry that he didn't get to see his daughter grow up. He was angry that he couldn't be a father like he should've been. You probably met someone, and Pippa probably regarded them as her father. That's what he thought.

Day after day, his hatred for the world grew. The kind and caring Onceler faded away. At least, that's what he thought.

In his mind, he imagined talking to you. Except, of course, it wasn't really you. It was Onceler's idea of what you had turned out to be. With someone else. He imagined a conversation that was his form of torture.

He was in a dark room, dimly lit by a fading bulb. Two chairs sat infront of him. You faced him, staring at him through the darkness. You got up, walking towards him.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Onceler asked fearfully. You didn't say a word, you just stared at him sorrowfully.

"Please come back. Come back to me. I love you" Onceler pleaded. You held your hand under his chin, looking into his eyes.

"I want you to know" You said.


"She's not coming back" You spoke.

"What do you mean?" Onceler's fear grew within

"Look into my eyes. I'm not coming back"

"I'm not coming back for you"

With that, you were gone, leaving Onceler in  the dark room by himself. All alone. Onceler against the world.


Over time, the person he saw in his mind, the one who told him you weren't coming back, became more and more real. Less of and imaginative character, more of a real person. That person, played on Oncelers mind. The kind loving Y/N he fell in love with didn't exist anymore. You really weren't coming back for him. He was alone in this world.

That's why when he saw you, his mind seemingly disappeared. The mind that told him you hated him. The mind that told him he was alone. The one that hated the world and everything in it.

He saw you, you had come back. You hadn't disappeared like you did in his imagination. You were stood, right infront of him. As real as can be. As nice as it may sound, it sent his brain into overdrive. It was just too difficult to comprehend.

So he would sit, and try and comprehend exactly who you were. After all this time, he had truly forgotten who you were. So you would just have to remind him.

On the flip side~ Strictly Professional Sequel~ Onceler x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora