~CHPTR 6 the party~

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The day of the party had come sooner than expected. You were happier than you though you'd be. Oliver would be coming with you as support. You were well aware it may turn a few heads, but Sam had simmered the press down, explaining the situation at hand in enough detail to quieten them. You got ready, wearing a white trouser set.

You looked yourself over in the mirror and headed out the door with Pippa, preparing yourself for questions

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You looked yourself over in the mirror and headed out the door with Pippa, preparing yourself for questions.

Oliver saw you arrive, meeting you outside to accompany you in. He complemented you and you headed inside.

Wow, Sam had impressed you. The large room was filled with golden decorations- symbolic of the success of the company. Sam saw you and waved over, you grabbed a glass of champagne on the way.

"Y/N! What do you think huh?" He said, hugging you warmly.

"Sam, you've outdone yourself. I am beyond impressed" You smiled, he looked very happy with himself.

"Thankyou ma'am, and thankyou for this wonderful opportunity" He said, smiling widely.

"Sam, you've planned this on your own, no need to thank me. And I think we're on a first name basis by now" You chuckled, he nodded.

"So I have your speech, nothing too crazy but it should do the trick" He said, handing you a sheet of paper. You read through it, pretty good.

"Thanks Sam, and the letter to the press was great as well. Is there anything else?" You asked. He thought for a moment.

"Uhm, I don't think so. Oh! I had some badges made for the company to wear tonight. It's a golden truffula tree." He handed you a badge, you glanced at it for a moment.

"Okay, good for morale I guess" You chuckled, pinning it onto your top.

"It looks great! Excuse me, I have to check on the bar. Good luck out there Y/N!" He hugged you again, before walking towards the bar. You sighed, this would be a long night.


Throughout the night, you received lots of compliments from investors about your new baby, who was asleep surprisingly. Also surprisingly, not one person asked you about Onceler, though a few people asked about Oliver. You doubted anyone had forgotten, so maybe it was the fact that people sympathised with you. Oh well.

Finally, it was time for your speech. You got up but Oliver grabbed your hand.

"Break a leg" He winked, you rolled your eyes chuckling. You felt all the attention turn to you, silence absorbed the room.

"Evening everyone, I am so glad you could join us tonight. Now, we are here not to look  to the past, but to the future" You paused, noticing people nodding.

"The future, is a great thing.." Fuck the sheet of paper, you were going off script.

"Now we all know about my past, as ugly as it may be." You chuckled, earning a few laughs from the room.

"But my future, our future, is looking pretty good so far. With stocks at an all time high, and new leaders coming forward. I see such promise in the future. My thanks go out to each and everyone who has helped me get here, and we will all move forward from this. It's our future that matters, not the past." You nodded to Sam, who was smiling widely.

"I have never felt more hopeful for the future. Thankyou all!" , everyone clapped and whistled. You saw Oliver, who was whistling. You walked off the stage, happy with yourself. You should really listen to your own advice, the future is all that matters.

But, you couldn't let go of the past either. You just had to trust Onceler to hold on for you, and Pippa.

Throughout the night you were either with Sam or Oliver, receiving congratulations on the success and getting through this difficult time. No one even spoke the name Onceler the entire time. He was the past to them. But he was your and Pippa's future as well as your past.

You thought of how proud he would be of you right now if he saw you, he would be so proud.


"So how's it been with the kid Y/N?" An old investor asked, cooing at a sleeping Pippa.

"I mean, she's very loud. But all babies are right?" You chuckled, looking down at her in your arms. She opened her eyes, crying loudly. The investor cringed at the loud noise.

"Looks like you saw that one coming" He chuckled, you smiled, rocking her back and forth. She wouldn't stop crying.

"Sure did, excuse me" You got up, walking out of the room to get some quiet. She fell asleep fairly quickly once you took her outside. You saw Oliver walk out, noticing you and walking to you.

"Everyone's so nice! I really wasn't expecting this!" He laughed, clearly excited by the new environment.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna head home, she needs some quiet I think" You said, tired aswell.

"I can drive you if you want?" He offered, you nodded.


You got home , putting Pippa in her cot and pouring yourself a glass of wine, offering Oliver one.

"No it's okay, I've got to drive." He said

"I mean, it's pretty late. I have a spare room if you want to stay?" You offered, he looked at you a little surprised.

"Are you sure?"

"It's really not a problem Oliver"

"Well, okay then. I don't have any pjamas" He said, you thought for a moment.

"Oncelers clothes should be here somewhere, I'll just be a sec. Oh, help yourself to the wine" You walked off to your room, finding those pjamas hung up in your wardrobe. Fuckk, any other options? Unfortunately not, they would have to do.

You walked out your bedroom with the pjamas in hand, Oliver chuckled.

"These are his?" He laughed, you nodded, slighlty embarrassed for some reason.

"I didn't think he would be the type to wear bunny pjamas." He said, you chuckled.

"The more you know I guess" You sat on the couch, flicking through some films. Oliver sat down beside you.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"About what?"

"I don't know, everything."

"I feel alright actually. I don't feel as alone as I did before. Everyone is being so supportive" You said.

"That's good, you aren't alone Y/N"

"I know that now I-" You paused, hearing Pippa mumbling. You jumped up, running to the cot.

"I think she's gonna talk" You whispered excitedly, looking down at her in her cot. Oliver stood beside you, also excited.

She started to piece letters together, a little bit.

"Dada" Pippa mumbled over and over, pointing at Oliver. Oh fuck. You looked at him in shock. He looked at you, about to say something.

"I'm going to bed" You walked off to your bedroom. Though he was shocked, he couldn't help but smile at Pippa, who soon fell asleep.

You sat in bed, deep in thought. You didn't know you could be offended by a baby. Not only that, but she called Oliver her dad. Not Onceler, Oliver.

I mean, you couldn't blame her. She had only met Onceler one time, and Oliver was round alot. Now you would have to tell Onceler about Oliver. Fuck.

On the flip side~ Strictly Professional Sequel~ Onceler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now