~CHPTR 5 jailhouse blues pt2~

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A month after you last saw Onceler, you had built up the courage to see him again. You put Pippa in a stroller and headed out the house. You had to buy another car that would fit all of her items in, it was nice but not as nice as your mustang. You set off, heading for the prison.

"Baby in tow this time Y/N?" The officer asked, recognizing you from last time.

"Mhm, can I go in now?" You asked impatiently, nerves getting to you. The officer looked abit offended but nodded for you to go in. You had mixed feelings about coming here again. After last time, it just had bad vibes. But he was the father, and your husband, so this had to be done.

He walked through the doorway, his eyes lighting up immediately at Pippa. You observed him, maintaining a cold gaze. He had a black eye. Other than that, his appearance was the same as before.

"Pippa!" He cooed at her, his cuffs clacking as he tried to reach over.

"No touching!" The guard said, Onceler stuck his tongue out at him, making you giggle. He gave you an amused look, you made yourself replace the smile with a cold gaze as the guard gave you a nasty look.

"What happened to your eye?" You asked, his focused fixed on Pippa.

"Oh nevermind that, she's so cute!" He cooed at her again, Pippa giggled.

"Are you fighting people in here? If your well behaved they will let you out early-"

"I know I know, I'm not quote 'getting into fights' unquote. I'm just standing up for myself." He sighed, fixing his attention back onto Pippa.

"Please behave Onceler, I already have one child to take care of nevermind two" You said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes jokingly.

"About last time, I'm sorry OK? I was just adjusting. I didn't mean to take anything out on you" He said. You understood it, but you would never get used to seeing him in here. It was just so unnatural. He waited for you to reply, you couldn't. So he spoke instead.

"So how is life then? How is everyone?" He asked, breaking the silence. You debated telling him about his twin, but decided not to.

"Well business is good. We are having a party to celebrate the stock market rise and Pippa." You smiled, he seemed somewhat happy with your answer.

"Your not smoking again are you?" He knew you too well. You had bought a pack at the store when you were getting Pippa some diapers.

"How did you-"

"I can smell it on your breath. Your stressed?" He asked. The answer was yes. You were extremely stressed. So smoking seemed to calm the nerves somewhat.

"I'm not smoking around Pippa if that's what your insinuating. Only once a day."

"Y/N, it's not good for you" He warned, you furrowed your brows. Who was he to tell you what was good?

"It's once a day, jeez." You said, slightly frustrated. He just shrugged.

"How is she then? What does she do?" He said, looking at Pippa.

"Eat , sleep, poop, repeat" You chuckled, he seemed to find it very entertaining, laughing deeply. You furrowed your brows, not understanding why it was so funny.

"Not many joke tellers in here I'm guessing?" He laughed even harder now, holding his stomach. If he could, you guessed he would probably roll over in laughter. This was weird. He took a deep breath, stopping himself from laughing more. Now, he just had a deep smile on his face.

"10 minutes! " The guard warned, Oncelers face changed from happy to sad in an instance.

"I'll visit again soon, this was nice" You could kind of see the old Onceler breaking through to you. Either that, or he had gone crazy. Either way, this was a significantly better visit than last time. It made you optimistic for the future.

"Time!" The guard shouted.

"Don't forget about me Y/N" He said, standing up and walking through the door You furrowed your brows in confusion. Forget about him? Why would he say that?

You and Pippa headed home, ready to sleep.


Onceler walked through the doorway, down the hall, and back into the 'Pit'. That's what he called it. Gangs sat in circles, giving him looks that could kill. Literally. Everyone knew who he was, and what he had done. Due to this fact, he had gained some respect in the prison. No one really messed with him, and that's how he liked it.

He spent most of his time looking through pictures of you and Pippa, imagining what life would be like if he wasn't in prison. When he first got arrested, it was a blur. He didn't have any control of his fate and knew he would be doing time. Now, the days merged together. His daily rituals being the only thing keeping him sane. And you. You kept him going. Knowing that when he got out, he could spend the rest of his life with you and Pippa, finally happy.

The only benefit of prison was the lack of responsibility. The downside was the lack of control. If the guards wanted to put him in solitary for doing nothing, they could. He hated the guards, acting like they owned the world. Fucking pigs.

When he first arrived, he was filled with hate. Hate for your sister, the guards, himself. The only thing that prevented him from becoming a hate-filled monster, was you. His love for you and vice versa. Love was stronger than hate in his mind. He did what he did out of love for you. Though he hated the fuck out of Leon for what he did for you.

Onceler sat in the rickety prison bed, deep in thought. He couldn't believe he had a piece of him, out there, with you. Pippa. She was so adorable. So fragile. He wished he could be there with you, caring for Pippa, protecting her. She was so goddamn fragile. His head was spinning before he finally got to sleep, enjoying the freedom his dreams gave him.

He woke up, an idea came to mind. Some other prisoner with a kid and wife said he made a calender to count down the days. Maybe that would help. Maybe he would go crazy waiting. But that was all he could do. Wait.

On the flip side~ Strictly Professional Sequel~ Onceler x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz