~CHPTR 3 labour~

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In the next few weeks , you got to know Oliver, speaking about his life up to now and what led him to Greenville. Beyond anything else, he was good company. Distracting you from the recent trauma you had gone through. He didn't hold judgement against you or Onceler, he was just good support.

The press obviously had lots of questions, some even saying Onceler had broken out of prison. Your assistant and now head advisor , Sam, wrote up a letter addressed to the Greenville Daily Mail, explaining everything they needed to know.

"God, I'm not used to my face being on the front page of a newspaper." He chuckled, staring at himself in the paper.

"You get used to it, it is rather annoying though." You sighed, seeing yourself beside Oliver.

"I bet, must be frustrating"

"Yeah it really is- oh!" You put your hand onto your stomach, feeling an immense pain . You then saw the water on the floor.

"Oh no.." You said.It took him a second to realise what was going on, but he soon put it together.

"Oh shit! Let's get you to hospital" He grabbed your hand, leading you to his car. He helped you in and sprinted to the driver side, starting the car immediately. He was speeding to the hospital as you breathed in and out, pain overcoming you.

"Are you okay?" He said, having to shout as you were yelling curses and whatnot.

"FUCK!! YES PLEASE HURRY" He sped the car up even more, swerving round the cars on the road.

You finally reached the hospital, he helped you out the car and brought you into the infirmary.

You were brought up to the room, feeling immense pressure down there.

"FUCK JESUS THIS HURTS" You screamed, the male midwife holding one of your hand.

"Just breath ma'am, in and out"

"I KNOW HOW TO BREATH YOU FUCKING INCEL" Every single emotion you tried suppress seemed to be spilling out of you, pain burned your body.

Oliver held your hand through it all, reminding you of why you were going through all this.

Finally, the last contraction came, much much worse than the others.

"OHMYFUCKINGJESUSUSSS" You screamed so loud, everyone cringed. The baby was out. Thank fuck.

You saw fussing about infront of you, not seeing the baby yet made you concerned. You were completely out of it, the comedown from the pain making you feel very odd.

Then, you saw her, the beautiful little girl wrapped in white cloth, crying loudly. The midwife gave her to you, you started crying.

"Hello, Pippa" You smiled, her little face lighting up your heart instantly. You looked to your right, Oliver was smiling softly at her.

"She's so cute" He chuckled, holding out his finger for her to hold. You soon fell asleep, exhausted by the pain you had just experienced. Oliver never left your side, making sure you were okay through the night. Who knew hospital beds could be so comfortable?


The next few weeks were stressful, to say the least. Oliver helped where he could, coming over almost every day after work to check on you and Pippa.

You handled it fairly well, but a newborn was always going to be difficult, no matter how good you were at taking care of them.

Finally, you got her to sleep, smiling at her softly. Oliver was in the lounge, watching TV.

On the flip side~ Strictly Professional Sequel~ Onceler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now