~CHPTR 14 trials and tribulations~

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Your sister was sent straight to prison, given a life sentence without a seconds hesitation. You could finally be free. At least, that's what you thought.

The doctors told you to stay put for another week, then you would get a scan, then rehab for your leg, then you could go back to normal. You tried to stay positive, but you were extremely bored and underwhelmed by your current life.

Pippa went back to kindergarten, you were left at home. Nothing could ease your boredom, you felt useless. While brainstorming ideas on how to be less bored, you remembered the whole Onceler situation. How did you forget about it for more than a month? You could only imagine how awful he was feeling.

So, you rang him up..

"Onceler? Hello?" Concern filled your mind.

"Y/N?" He sounded worried but annoyed at the same time.

"I am so so sorry Once, a lot's been going on." I mean, you had a good excuse.

"What do you mean a lot's happened? Are you okay?" He seemed to he taking this a lot better than you thought. He sounded more concerned than annoyed now.

"I can't really explain it over the phone Once. I'm gonna come to see you when my legs healed."

"Your leg?! What the fuck's happened?" Oh shit.

"Once, one week okay? I'll come see you"

"Okay okay. Gonna leave me all worried for a whole week huh?" He joked. You laughed at his comment.

"I don't have a choice, I promise I won't leave you hanging again" The line went dead. You felt excited now, he sounded good. You spent the rest of the day thinking about Onceler and what you would say to him the next week.


"Okay Y/N, we've done the final x-rays and we are happy to say that we can move onto rehabilitation!" Thank god.

"Great. When can I start?"

"Well, you can start today! That way we can see how your legs working" The nurse placed some tools on a table to decast your leg.

You were taken to a different part of the hospital, different excercises and tools filled the room.

"We'll start with something easy, here let me help you up" She pulled you up to hold onto parralel bars.

"Slowly put some weight onto your leg." You did as told, using the bars as support.

"Great! Now try to lift up your leg, bending the knee" You followed her instructions.

As you progressed through the excercises, you felt more confident that you'd be able to walk on the leg.

"I think I can do it" You looked at the nurse confidently.

"I think it's worth a try, if you think you're ready" She smiled at you with encouragement. You looked forward, taking a step.

Pain shot through your leg, you immediately took it off the ground. Fuck.

"It's okay, it usually takes a bit longer to actually walk. There are some solutions." You would do literally anything to be able to walk again.

"Solutions? Like what?" She walked over to the side of the room, grabbing a leaflet. She passed you the leaflet, you glanced at it.

"A walking stick?" At first thought, it sounded like an awful idea, but she insisted you heard her out.

"Now, it may only be temporary. But this way, you will be able to walk without crutches or a wheelchair." She explained. Maybe it wasn't that bad of an idea.

"I can show you a few if you'd like?" You nodded, she walked over to a cupboard, fetching a few sticks. She gave you one.

"Now try walking."

You took a step, using the walking stick as support. You eased up immediately, taking a few more steps. You laughed at the simplicity of it.

"Look at you go!" The nurse smiled. You felt confident in yourself as you walked around the room. You could walk!

"What about driving?" You crossed your fingers in hopes that you would be allowed to drive.

"I'd give it a week or so, your leg is still healing."

It could be worse, you thought.

You had a chauffeur take you home, calling Sam to inform him of the good news.

"We need to have a welcome back party! Everyone's missed you so much!"

"Aww, I missed you all aswell. I trust you will handle the party planning?"

"Of course! Leave it to me!"

You said goodbye and ended the call, smiling to yourself. Things were looking up.


Oliver was dropping you off at the prison, you were so excited to see Onceler. You were also worried he would feel guilty about everything that had happened to you this past month. He would just have to accept it.

"Thanks for the ride Oliver" You smiled at him.

"No problem, do you want me to wait here for you?"

"Oh no it's fine, I'll get a cab."

"I insist. I'll wait here"

"You sure?"

"Yes, tell him I said hi"

You waved goodbye as you walked over to the entrance.


Onceler smiled widely when he saw you there, he briskly walked over to the table.

"It is so good to see you Y/N"

"Vice versa Once. I missed you"

He looked to your side, noticing the walking stick you had been using.

"A walking stick? You need to explain what's going on" His demeanor immediately changed from excited to concerned.

"It's a lot"

"Just tell me" You explained the recent ongoings of your life, and how you ended up with a walking stick. His frown deepened with every word you spoke. When you had explained it entirely, he looked like he was about to cry.

"So yeah, that's what's been going on" You sighed, placing your hands on the table. He looked shocked.

"I don't know what to say"

"Please don't feel guilty. Even if you weren't in here you couldn't of done anything about it. She's locked up now, she can't do me anymore harm"

"I can't believe it. She is fucking evil." He reminded himself of why he was in here.

"I know, but she's gone now. I don't have to worry anymore"

He took a breath, closing his eyes for a moment. You shot him a quizzical glance.

"Oh, they've been giving me anger management sessions. Don't give me that look Y/N"

You were smiling at his words, it was kinda funny.

"Anger management? Okay Hulk" You joked. He burst into laughter unexpectedly, causing you to laugh with him.

"CALM DOWN OVER THERE!" The guard warned. You shot the guard a dirty look before smiling at Onceler.

"I'm sorry" You said out of nowhere. As of now, you were completely regretting getting a divorce.

"Why are you sorry?"

"For divorcing you, I wasn't thinking straight."

"You had a good reason to Y/N, I wasn't myself back then."

You thought back to how he acted, how awful he was to you. You sighed deeply.

"I want to get remarried"

On the flip side~ Strictly Professional Sequel~ Onceler x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum