~CHPTR 20 can you remember the rain~

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Things were looking good. You had started therapy a couple years back. It was working out great. Pippa was 13 now, where did the time go? She was going through that phase, safe to say she become a bit distant. It was all part of growing up, you figured.

Oliver had gotten hitched, you were happy for him. You, had found solace in yourself. Finding time for yourself where you could. You had come to terms with the Onceler situation. If it didn't work out, so be it.

Business kept you extremely busy though, especially recently. You were now the most successful businesswoman in the country. The riches came in overwhelming amounts, you didn't know what to do with it. You shared a portion of it to various charities for animals, homeless and others.

You felt good about everything, apart from one thing. You craved companionship, someone to love. But that space could only be filled by one man.
You set off for work, dropping Pippa off on the way. She usually took the bus, but you insisted today.

You arrived at work, saying hello to everyone you passed. You first went to see Sam in his office.

"Hey Sam!" He turned around in his chair, smiling as he saw you.

"Hey Y/N! Do you want me to do the interview?" He asked. Today, you were interviewing someone to be your assistant, since Sam no longer filled that role.

"Nah, I want to meet them myself"

"Fair enough. They should be here in a few minutes"

"Better get moving then! See ya later Sam" You waved as you walked to your office. Pictures of your awards and achievements hung on the walls, pride filled you up.

You sat down at your desk, taking a moment to yourself to think over your life. Over the years, you had developed an It is what it is attitude. You couldn't change what happened, that's just how it was. But you could change the future, and that's what you had done.

While you thought of the positives of your current life, you were interrupted by a call on the extension phone, you answered.

"Miss L/N, the interviewee is here."

"Send them in"

Shortly after, a man around your age walked into the room, he looked nervous. He was quite tall, blonde hair and brown eyes. You stood up to welcome him.

"Welcome, please sit" You motioned to the seat infront of yours, he sat down hesitantly. You decided the best way to approach this was to make him feel more comfortable.

"So, tell me about yourself" You said calmly.

"Well, I have previously worked as a secretary and have experience in business." His confidence seemed forced.

"No no. I want to know about you. I've read your application, I want to know who you are"

"Oh. Uhm. I moved to Greenville recently, from Thneedville. Oh! Uhm, I mean Fernville" What the fuck was Thneedville? You were curiousity spiked now.


"No, Fernville" You had heard him loud and clear, he said Thneedville.

"You said Thneedville. What is that?"

"Oh, it's nothing really. Anyway, I have a few hobbies. Music, art ,reading-"

"That's great. Moving on. Why do you think you'd be fitted for this position?" You weren't really bothered who filled the position. What did assistants really do? Get you coffee? He went on to explain extensively why he'd fit in here, you were getting good vibes off of him.

On the flip side~ Strictly Professional Sequel~ Onceler x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin