~CHPTR 12 flashing lights~

115 2 4

Your eyes shot open, you felt like shit. Immediately, pain flooded through your body, you noticed a cast on your arm. You took in your surroundings, hospital.

Oliver was sat next to you sleeping. You tried to sit up, but your ears rung immediately. You groaned in pain, waking up Oliver unintentionally.

"Y/N? You're awake!" He pressed the assistance button immediately, concern evident on his face.

"What happened?" You asked quietly.

"Uhm, well you-" He was cut off by doctors rushing in to check you over.

"Ma'am, do you know where you are?" The doctor asked, flashing a light in your eyes.

"A hospital, jeez I'm not stupid" You sighed, the doctor chuckled.

"Where's Pip?" You asked, worrying.

"Sam's house, she's good" Oliver smiled.

"Wait, how long have I been asleep?" You asked, now you were worried.

"Just over a week, you were in a bad accident." Images flooded your mind, the crash.

"Some psycho drove into, my mom-" You gasped, remembering what had happened.

"Ma'am take a breath, we will explain everything" You started to panic, your breathing quickened.

"Ma'am calm down." The doctor urged. Oliver grabbed your hand, trying to calm you.

"Can someone just tell me what happened please?" You asked, calming down slightly.

"Your sister. She was the driver. Your mother pushed you out of the way just in time. She, didn't make it." Oliver sighed, holding your hand tightly.

You stared at him, trying to process what he just said. Izzy, drove into your mom. Your mom's dead. Dead.

"Now ma'am, your sister, Isobel L/N-"

"She better be in prison." You said. Two police officers walked into the room, catching your attention.

"Miss L/N, we need to ask you a few questions." One officers said.

"She's in prison right? Right?" You looked to Oliver, who just sat in silence.

"Ma'am, your sister. She is what we call a fugitive. She fled the scene before we could get there. She is currently wanted under County law." You stared at the officer, working through what he just told you.

"Wanted? As in she's on the run?" The officer nodded, taking a seat next to you. Oliver was asked to leave the room as they would be questioning you.

"So, does your sister have anywhere she could go to hide out?" The officer started, pulling out a notebook.


Onceler waited for you, excited to show you how he had gotten better. He was clean shaven, Bill even gave him a hair cut. He looked like his old self again.

Onceler waited all week for your visit, but you never came. No phone call, nothing. Doubt started to crawl into his mind.

'She doesn't love you. You're worthless. You have nothing, you are nothing. She's forgotten about you.' Oncelers subconscious told him. Was this all for nothing?


"Thankyou for your time ma'am. You and your daughter will be placed under police protection until we find her."

"What does that mean?"

"A police officer will be nearby at all times, one outside your door, one in the parking lot outside."

"Can I still work?" You asked, a doctor walked in as you said this.

"Unfortunately not ma'am, you're on bedrest until you're given the all clear." She said. You sighed deeply, this was a lot to process all at once.

"Your friend Oliver said he would stay with you until you're all better, is that okay with you?" The doctor asked. You thought for a second, you didn't really have anyone else to look after you.

"Uh yeah, that's fine" The doctor nodded, giving you a letter to sign to send you home.

Oliver wheeled you out the hospital, helping you into his car. You couldn't process it all. Your mother was dead, your sister on the loose? What the fuck. Additional to this, you couldn't leave the house until she was found. This was a complete clusterfuck.

You looked in the car mirror, noticing a police car trailing behind you. So much for peace and quiet. Your head still hurt, as well as your arm. Your whole body hurt actually. It was weird, the painkillers they gave you didn't numb the pain, just the feeling. Maybe they were antidepressants, who knows.

You glanced at Oliver, who was focusing on the road. He noticed you looking at you, he smiled briefly.

"I know this is a lot, but you can get through it. I know you can" He smiled, you couldn't smile back though. You felt numb on the inside, like you were trapped inside a hollow painful shell. This sucked.

DRAMAAA! Poor Y/N cannot catch a break :(

On the flip side~ Strictly Professional Sequel~ Onceler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now