~CHPTR 10 harness your hopes~

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Today Oliver was going to see Onceler, you hoped it would go well. Throughout the week, you had been thinking of how to help Onceler. You had brainstormed a few ideas: love letter, phone call, pictures of Pippa growing up. You couldn't think of anything suitable enough.

"Hey, why don't you just come with me? I'll be the mediator" Oliver suggested. You just didn't know if you could handle seeing Onceler like that again. It was kinda scary, like the ghost of himself.

"I- uh. I don't know if that's a good idea."

"It will be fine Y/N, trust me" He said.

"I guess, if it goes wrong I can just leave" You would just have to muster up the courage.


"You ready?" Oliver asked.

"No, but I can't give up now" You walked through with Oliver, hoping it would be fine.

On the way, you had asked Oliver to drop you off or turn around over 10 times. You were so nervous.

You sat down, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Oliver gave you a 'it will be fine' look, you nodded, facing forward.

Onceler walked in, he looked worse than before. He had bruises all over his face, as well as unkempt hair and dull eyes. You took a deep breath, holding back the tears.

"Hello Onceler" Oliver said, Onceler sat down slowly. He looked lifeless, like someone had taken his soul and replaced it with a zombie.

"Onceler? How are you?" You asked, hoping for a response. He just stared at the table, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I know you don't want to see me, but I can't give up on you. I just can't" He looked up, staring at you with those dull eyes.

"I gave up on myself a while back. You should try it, it's quite freeing" He murmured.

"I hate seeing you like this Once" You said desperately. Oliver looked at you sorrowfully.

"Then don't, why are you even here?" He stared at you, no emotion on his face.

"I need you. Pippa needs you. She needs to know her dad's okay."

"Don't use her to make me feel something. You took her from me" You opened your mouth to talk but Oliver spoke first.

"Onceler, she might not know you but if she did, she would love you so much. You're not alone" Onceler looked back down at his hands.

"Can I go now?" He looked at you. You noticed something in those dull eyes. As if he was trying to tell you something. It might've just been in your head, but a slightly brighter blue shimmered in his eyes. Hope.

"Onceler, you need to listen to me. I know you're still there. The kind ,smart, passionate man that I love. You need to break past this, for me and Pip. We need you." You said, putting your hand on his.

"Please" You looked into his eyes, begging him without words. You just stared into his eyes, he stared into yours.

"TIME!" A guard shouted. Onceler looked back down, standing up and out of the chair. He walked away, turning his head before he left the room. Hopefully that would work.


Onceler laid in his bed, staring into space. He had found a way to lock himself away from his emotions, since they only caused trouble. He thought it would be best for everyone if he just became a recluse, seperated from humanity. He was numb, a shell of a man.

What you said to him though, you needed him. It had lit a small spark in his mind. A small spark that could bring him back to reality. He weighed out the options in his head.

"I could get hurt again. No one can hurt me if I can't feel. But I feel something, purpose. Purpose."

He repeated the word in his head over and over. If he had purpose, he had a reason to live. A need. He could fill that need. You needed him. Pippa needed him.

"Purpose" Onceler said outloud.

"What you on about Lers?" Bill said from the bunk above him.

"I have purpose" Onceler said, smiling briefly to himself.

"Err, Lers. You didn't take that pill Ronnie was giving out did ya?" Bill was convinced Onceler was on drugs or had gone crazy.

"No no. Y/N needs me. She loves me. I have purpose, Billy boy." Onceler laughed, getting out of his bed.

"Lers, keep it down. Guards will throw ya in solitary again" He warned, but Onceler was on a rampage now.

"Wow! See a need fill a need! She needs me!" Onceler waved his arms around laughing hysterically.

"Lers, chill the fuck out" Bill jumped down from the bunk. Oncelers eyes were lit up.

"Woaa, kid. Your eyes are like bright" He watched Onceler as he danced around the cell.

"My face feels warm. Wow!" Bill gave up on trying to calm him down, shrugging and getting back in bed. What the fuck had happened?


"That should do it." Lorax opened his eyes, laying on the grass beneath him. He didn't do much at all, just gave him a little spark. The rest of it was all you.

"Hang in there Beanpole" Lorax sighed, walking over to the sanctuary.


On the flip side~ Strictly Professional Sequel~ Onceler x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt